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Sundgren, Ingrid
Publications (8 of 8) Show all publications
Axelsson Bjerg, M., Ekstrand, E.-M., Sundgren, I., Shakeri Yekta, S., Moestedt, J. & Björn, A. (2024). Moderate thermal post-treatment of digestate to improve biomethane production from agricultural- and food waste. Bioresource Technology Reports, 27, Article ID 101887.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Moderate thermal post-treatment of digestate to improve biomethane production from agricultural- and food waste
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2024 (English)In: Bioresource Technology Reports, E-ISSN 2589-014X, Vol. 27, article id 101887Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of moderate thermal treatment (70 C for one hour) of digestate in combination with post-digestion targeting residual biomethane potentials from three full-scale biogas plants digesting food waste (FW), agricultural waste (AW) and a mixture of AW and manure (AWM). Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), biomethane production, and digestate quality were investigated. For the study six laboratory-scale continuously stirred tank biogas reactors working as post-digesters, with thermally-treated and non-treated digestate were used. DOC for thermally-treated digestates increased significantly (t-test, p < 0.05); FW-digestate (110–200 %), AW-digestate (24–92 %) and for AWM-digestate (4–73 %). Indexes for corresponding DOC quality showed lower apparent organic molecular weights and decreased aromaticity (with the exception of FW-digestate). Thermal treatment of digestate improved the biomethane production during post-digestion by 21–22 % (FW-digestate) and 9 % (AW-digestate). For AMW-digestate no clear positive effect was observed, most likely due to biogas plant operational process disturbances. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Biogas, Digestate, Thermal treatment, Post-treatment, Post-digestion, Agricultural waste, Food waste
National Category
Renewable Bioenergy Research
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-206134 (URN)10.1016/j.biteb.2024.101887 (DOI)001261070100001 ()
Swedish Energy Agency, 35624-2

Funding Agencies|Swedish Energy Agency [35624-2]

Available from: 2024-08-06 Created: 2024-08-06 Last updated: 2024-09-20Bibliographically approved
Pajala, G., Rudberg, D., Gålfalk, M., Melack, J. M., Macintyre, S., Karlsson, J., . . . Bastviken, D. (2023). Source data for ” Higher apparent gas transfer velocities for CO2 compared to CH4 in small lakes”. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Source data for ” Higher apparent gas transfer velocities for CO2 compared to CH4 in small lakes”
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2023 (English)Data set
Place, publisher, year
Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2023
carbon dioxide, methane, lake, gas transfer, greenhouse gas, piston velocity
National Category
Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-190160 (URN)10.48360/2f5f-2495 (DOI)
EU, Horizon 2020, 725546Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, 2016.0083Swedish Research Council, 2016-04829Swedish Research Council Formas, 2018-01794

2023-04-06 Version 2.0 published. Minor changes in the structure of the data file. There were no changes in the data.

2023-03-23 The title was changed from

Source data for “The effects of water column dissolved oxygen concentrations on lake methane emissions: Results from a whole-lake oxygenation experiment” to "Source data for ”Higher apparent gas transfer velocities for CO2 compared to CH4 in small lakes”"

2022-11-30 Version 1.0 published.

Available from: 2022-11-24 Created: 2022-11-24 Last updated: 2025-02-07Bibliographically approved
Schenk, J., Sieczko, A. K., Rudberg, D., Pajala, G., Sawakuchi, H. O., Gålfalk, M., . . . Bastviken, D. (2022). Evaluating Empirical Models of Lake Methane Emission and Surface Water Concentration across Hemiboreal to Subarctic Regions. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Evaluating Empirical Models of Lake Methane Emission and Surface Water Concentration across Hemiboreal to Subarctic Regions
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2022 (English)Data set, Aggregated data
Place, publisher, year
Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2022
National Category
Environmental Sciences
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-184624 (URN)10.48360/962r-3z54 (DOI)
Available from: 2022-04-28 Created: 2022-04-28 Last updated: 2022-05-30
Bastviken, D., Wilk, J., Nguyen, T. D., Gålfalk, M., Karlson, M., Schmid Neset, T.-S., . . . Sundgren, I. (2022). Measuring greenhouse gas fluxes: what methods do we have versus what methods do we need?. In: : . Paper presented at EGU22, the 24th EGU General Assembly, held 23-27 May, 2022 in Vienna, Austria and Online..
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Measuring greenhouse gas fluxes: what methods do we have versus what methods do we need?
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2022 (English)Conference paper, Poster (with or without abstract) (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Appropriate methods to measure greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes are critical for our ability to detect fluxes, understand regulation, make adequate priorities for climate change mitigation efforts, and verify that these efforts are effective. Ideally, we need reliable, accessible, and affordable measurements at relevant scales. We surveyed present GHG flux measurement methods, identified from an analysis of >11000 scientific publications and a questionnaire to sector professionals and analysed method pros and cons versus needs for novel methodology. While existing methods are well-suited for addressing certain questions, this presentation presents fundamental limitations relative to GHG flux measurement needs for verifiable and transparent action to mitigate many types of emissions. Cost and non-academic accessibility are key aspects, along with fundamental measurement performance. These method limitations contribute to the difficulties in verifying GHG mitigation efforts for transparency and accountability under the Paris agreement. Resolving this mismatch between method capacity and societal needs is urgently needed for effective climate mitigation. This type of methodological mismatch is common but seems to get high priority in other knowledge domains. The obvious need to prioritize development of accurate diagnosis methods for effective treatments in healthcare is one example. This presentation provides guidance regarding the need to prioritize the development of novel GHG flux measurement methods.

National Category
Other Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-189635 (URN)10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6468 (DOI)
EGU22, the 24th EGU General Assembly, held 23-27 May, 2022 in Vienna, Austria and Online.
Available from: 2022-10-31 Created: 2022-10-31 Last updated: 2023-03-07Bibliographically approved
Pajala, G., Sawakuchi, H. O., Rudberg, D., Schenk, J., Sieczko, A. K., Seekell, D., . . . Bastviken, D. (2022). Source data for “The effects of water column dissolved oxygen concentrations on lake methane emissions: Results from a whole-lake oxygenation experiment”. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Source data for “The effects of water column dissolved oxygen concentrations on lake methane emissions: Results from a whole-lake oxygenation experiment”
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2022 (English)Data set, Aggregated data
Place, publisher, year
Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2022
National Category
Environmental Sciences
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-187633 (URN)10.48360/ce6v-gb22 (DOI)


2022-08-22  Version 1.0 published 

2022-09-09  Version 1.1 of the dataset with minor revisions published. Version 1.0 hidden.

2023-04-17  Version 1.2 of the dataset with minor revisions published. Version 1.1 was hidden, and had been downloadet 20 times in total.

2023-09-25  Version 2.0 of the dataset with minor revisions published. Version 1.2 was hidden, and had been downloadet 11 times in total.

Available from: 2022-08-17 Created: 2022-08-17 Last updated: 2023-09-25
Nordell, E., Waern, S., Shakeri Yekta, S., Sundgren, I., Björn (Fredriksson), A. & Moestedt, J. (2018). Thermal post-treatment of digestate in order to increase biogas production and achieve a pasteurization effect. In: : . Paper presented at Biogas Science 2018 – International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Thermal post-treatment of digestate in order to increase biogas production and achieve a pasteurization effect
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2018 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
National Category
Renewable Bioenergy Research Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-182327 (URN)
Biogas Science 2018 – International Conference on Anaerobic Digestion
Swedish Energy Agency, 35624-2
Available from: 2022-01-16 Created: 2022-01-16 Last updated: 2022-01-21Bibliographically approved
Natchimuthu, S., Sundgren, I., Gålfalk, M., Klemedtsson, L., Crill, P., Danielsson, Å. & Bastviken, D. (2016). Spatio-temporal variability of lake CH4 fluxes and its influence on annual whole lake emission estimates. Limnology and Oceanography, 61, S13-S26
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Spatio-temporal variability of lake CH4 fluxes and its influence on annual whole lake emission estimates
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2016 (English)In: Limnology and Oceanography, ISSN 0024-3590, E-ISSN 1939-5590, Vol. 61, p. S13-S26Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Lakes are major sources of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere that contribute significantly to the global budget. Recent studies have shown that diffusive fluxes, ebullition and surface water CH4 concentrations can differ significantly within lakes—spatially and temporally. CH4 fluxes may be affected at longer scales in response to seasons, temperature, lake mixing events, short term weather events like pressure variations, shifting winds and diel cycles. Frequent measurements of fluxes in the same system and integrated assessments of the impacts of the spatio-temporal variability are rare. Thereby, large scale assessments frequently lack information on this variability which can potentially lead to biased estimates. In this study, we analysed the variability of CH4 fluxes and surface water CH4 concentrations across open water areas of lakes in a small catchment in southwest Sweden over two annual cycles. Significant patterns in CH4 concentrations, diffusive fluxes, ebullition and total fluxes were observed in space (between and within lakes) and in time (over diel cycles to years). Differences observed among the lakes can be associated with lake characteristics. The spatial variability within lakes was linked to depth or distance to stream inlets. Temporal variability was observed at diel to seasonal scales and was influenced by weather events. The fluxes increased exponentially with temperature in all three lakes, with stronger temperature dependence with decreasing depth. By comparing subsets of our data with estimates using all data we show that considering the spatio-temporal variability in CH4 fluxes is critical when making whole lake or annual budgets.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
National Category
Climate Science Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-126776 (URN)10.1002/lno.10222 (DOI)000388560900002 ()

Funding agencies: Swedish Research Council FORMAS [2009-872, 2009-1692]; Swedish Research Council VR [325-2012-48, 621-2011-3575]; Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (Svensk Karnbranslehantering AB)

Available from: 2016-04-05 Created: 2016-04-05 Last updated: 2025-02-01Bibliographically approved
Bastviken, D., Sundgren, I., Natchimuthu, S., Reyier, H. & Gålfalk, M. (2015). Technical Note: Cost-efficient approaches to measure carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and concentrations in terrestrial and aquatic environments using mini loggers. Biogeosciences, 12(12), 3849-3859
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Technical Note: Cost-efficient approaches to measure carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and concentrations in terrestrial and aquatic environments using mini loggers
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2015 (English)In: Biogeosciences, ISSN 1726-4170, E-ISSN 1726-4189, Vol. 12, no 12, p. 3849-3859Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Fluxes of CO2 are important for our understanding of the global carbon cycle and greenhouse gas balances. Several significant CO2 fluxes in nature may still be unknown as illustrated by recent findings of high CO2 emissions from aquatic environments, previously not recognized in global carbon balances. Therefore, it is important to develop convenient and affordable ways to measure CO2 in many types of environments. At present, direct measurements of CO2 fluxes from soil or water, or CO2 concentrations in surface water, are typically labor intensive or require costly equipment. We here present an approach with measurement units based on small inexpensive CO2 loggers, originally made for indoor air quality monitoring, that were tested and adapted for field use. Measurements of soil-atmosphere and lake-atmosphere fluxes, as well as of spatiotemporal dynamics of water CO2 concentrations (expressed as the equivalent partial pressure, pCO(2aq)) in lakes and a stream network are provided as examples. Results from all these examples indicate that this approach can provide a cost- and labor-efficient alternative for direct measurements and monitoring of CO2 flux and pCO(2aq) in terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
European Geosciences Union (EGU) / Copernicus Publications, 2015
National Category
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-120295 (URN)10.5194/bg-12-3849-2015 (DOI)000357119000013 ()

Funding Agencies|Linkoping University; Swedish Research Council VR

Available from: 2015-07-24 Created: 2015-07-24 Last updated: 2018-10-05

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