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Closer to and further away – emergency-remote teacher education, orientations and student-bodies
Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education, Teaching and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1091-7678
Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education, Teaching and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2822-4789
2022 (English)In: Högre Utbildning, E-ISSN 2000-7558, Vol. 12, no 1, p. 66-78Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This paper contributes knowledge on the effects of materiality and space on teaching and equal access to teacher education. Through an intersectional analysis, with a specific focus on orientations, bodies and materiality, we show how student-bodies orientate closer to or further from various parts of teacher education as an effect of the materiality of emergency remote vs. on-campus education. We elaborate on three different student-body orientating processes that take place during teacher education. These are all related to the emergency remote education implemented as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. We call these processes ‘remote education as relief’, ‘the embodiedness of raising the hand on Zoom’ and ‘energy-draining pre-recorded lectures’. We show how the materiality of emergency-remote education orientates the participants situated within the bodily horizons of intersectional positions of being deaf, female, racialized as non-white and not having Swedish as a first language, both closer to and further away from various parts of their teacher education. The analysis is based on both individual and group interviews with twelve teacher students. The paper contributes insights to emergency-remote education, remote education and on-campus educating. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oslo, Norway: Cappelen Damm Akademisk AS * Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing , 2022. Vol. 12, no 1, p. 66-78
Keywords [en]
emergency remote education, teacher education, materiality, embodiment, intersectionality
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-185755DOI: 10.23865/hu.v12.3573OAI:, id: diva2:1667644
Available from: 2022-06-10 Created: 2022-06-10 Last updated: 2023-07-06Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Teacher Education Becoming Elsewhere: An Affirmative Critique of Student Experiences through Intersectional Corpomaterial Perspectives
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Teacher Education Becoming Elsewhere: An Affirmative Critique of Student Experiences through Intersectional Corpomaterial Perspectives
2023 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
Lärarutbildningens tillblivelse annorstädes : En affirmativ kritik av studenters erfarenheter genom intersektionella kroppsmateriella perspektiv
Abstract [en]

In this thesis, teacher education is examined with the aim to develop knowledge on teacher education and how it affects student teachers that are regularly marginalised in society by intersectional power structures. The aim is also to develop knowledge on how these student teachers affect teacher education. This is examined through reflexive interviews with student teachers, who either self-identified as having experiences of breaking norms related to an intersectional power dynamic, or had an interest in talking about such norms. The aims of the thesis are pursued through examining student teachers’ narrations of their experiences of how discomfort, comfort, exclusion, welcoming, and violations related to societal power structures in their teacher education programmes are produced. This is done by utilising an approach of affirmative critique, drawing on intersectional corpomaterial theoretical frameworks. The study shows how student teachers are becoming bodily archives of societal power dynamics; how they become angry through racialised and gendered assemblages; how they become students through materialities like notebooks; and how they, through the assemblages of emergency-remote education, become directed closer to or further away from their teacher programmes. Becoming a student teacher might also be connected to assemblages containing certain ideas of teachers as role models. Moreover, student teachers become carving-bodies, a concept created in the thesis to capture the complexities of how educational assemblages push participants to inform, educate, and speak up during their education. The concept furthermore captures how these processes lead to internal negotiations, energy loss, adjustments, and potentially fewer possibilities to engage with their education. The study shows how teacher education is becoming multiple through assemblages where student teachers’ bodily archives are active actors, and how the education, at the same time, is becoming less, for example when participants’ voices are drowned out. Teacher education is also becoming through student teachers’ longings and desires, in the sense of how their expressed dissatisfaction with teacher education might be affirmative in producing another kind of education. Another kind of education is also produced through student teachers becoming carving-bodies. Teacher education is, in this sense, becoming different through student teacher bodies, and in momentary junctures of particular elements connecting and coming together. Finally, the present thesis shows student-bodies’ potentiality to produce teacher education elsewhere and as elsewheres through for example anger and transformative care.   

Abstract [sv]

I denna avhandling undersöks lärarutbildningen med syfte att utveckla kunskap om hur lärarstudenter påverkas affektivt av lärarutbildningen och hur lärarutbildningen påverkas affektivt av lärarstudenter som vanligtvis marginaliseras i samhället av intersektionella maktrelationer. Detta undersöks genom reflexiva intervjuer med tolv lärarstudenter som vid tidpunkten för intervjuerna studerade vid svenska lärarutbildningar. Studenterna definierade sig själva som att de antingen hade erfarenheter av att bryta normer relaterade till en intersektionell maktdynamik, eller hade ett intresse av att prata om hur sådana normer tog sig uttryck på lärarutbildningen. För att svara på avhandlingens syften undersöks lärarstudenters berättelser om upplevelser av hur obekvämlighet, bekvämlighet, exkludering, välkomnande och kränkningar relaterade till samhälleliga maktstrukturer i deras lärarutbildningar produceras. Vidare görs detta genom användande av affirmativ kritik som ingång, med särskilt fokus på intersektionella kroppsmateriella teoretiska ramverk. Studien visar lärarstudenters tillblivelse som kroppsliga arkiv relaterade till samhälleliga maktstrukturer; hur ilska skapas genom rasifierade och könade assemblage; studenternas tillblivelse genom materialiteter som exempelvis anteckningsböcker; och hur de genom assemblage, innefattande akut fjärrundervisning, blir orienterade närmre eller längre bort från sina lärarutbildningar. Lärarstudenters tillblivelse kan också vara kopplad till assemblage som innefattar vissa idéer om lärare som förebilder. Vidare blir lärarstudenter till karvande-kroppar, ett begrepp som skapas i avhandlingen för att fånga komplexiteten i hur undervisnings-assemblage driver deltagarna till att informera, utbilda och ta ställning under sin utbildning. Begreppet fångar vidare hur dessa processer leder till interna förhandlingar, energiförlust, anpassningar och potentiellt färre möjligheter att engagera sig i sin utbildning. Avhandlingen visar även på lärarutbildningens tillblivelse som multipel, genom assemblage där lärarstudenters kroppsarkiv är aktiva aktörer och hur utbildningen samtidigt reduceras, till exempel när deltagarnas röster dränks. Lärarutbildningens tillblivelse sker även genom lärarstudenters längtan och önskningar, genom hur deras uttryckta missnöje med lärarutbildningen kan vara affirmativt i att producera en annan typ av utbildning. En annan typ av utbildning produceras också genom att lärarstudenter blir karvande-kroppar. Lärarutbildningen blir i denna mening till något annat, genom lärarstudenter och i tillfälliga sammankopplingar mellan särskilda element som förenas. Slutligen visar denna avhandling studentkroppars potential att producera lärarutbildningen annorstädes, genom till exempel ilska och transformerande omsorg.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2023. p. 197
Linköping Studies in Behavioural Science, ISSN 1654-2029 ; 254
Affect, Affirmative critique, Assemblage, Becoming, Corpomateriality, Higher education, Intersectionality, Rhizomatic mapping, Student teachers, Teacher education, Thematic analysis, Affekt, Affirmativ kritik, Assemblage, Högre utbildning, Intersektionalitet, Kroppsmaterialitet, Lärarstudenter, Lärarutbildning, Rhizomatisk Kartläggning, Tematisk analys, Tillblivelse
National Category
Pedagogical Work
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-196228 (URN)10.3384/9789180752763 (DOI)9789180752756 (ISBN)9789180752763 (ISBN)
Public defence
2023-09-15, I:101, Campus Valla, Linköping, 13:00 (English)
Available from: 2023-07-06 Created: 2023-07-06 Last updated: 2024-02-22Bibliographically approved

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Åkesson, EmiliaJust, EdytaEriksson (Barajas), Katarina

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