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In search of artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in teacher education: A scoping review
Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0664-3640
Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.ORCID iD: 0009-0005-6337-9470
Stockholm Univ, Sweden.
Stockholm Univ, Sweden.
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2024 (English)In: COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION OPEN, ISSN 2666-5573, Vol. 6, article id 100169Article, review/survey (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Artificial intelligence (AI) literacy has recently emerged on the educational agenda raising expectations on teachers' and teacher educators' professional knowledge. This scoping review examines how the scientific literature conceptualises AI literacy in relation to teachers' different forms of professional knowledge relevant for Teacher Education (TE). The search strategy included papers and proceedings from 2000 to 2023 related to AI literacy and TE as well as the intersection of AI and teaching. Thirty-four papers were included in the analysis. The Aristotelian concepts episteme (theoretical-scientific knowledge), techne (practical-productive knowledge), and phronesis (professional judgement) were used as a lens to capture implicit and explicit dimensions of teachers' professional knowledge. Results indicate that AI literacy is a globally emerging research topic in education but almost absent in the context of TE. The literature covers many different topics and draws on different methodological approaches. Computer science and exploratory teaching approaches influence the type of epistemic, practical, and ethical knowledge. Currently, teachers' professional knowledge is not broadly addressed or captured in the research. Questions of ethics are predominantly addressed as a matter of understanding technical configurations of data-driven AI technologies. Teachers' practical knowledge tends to translate into the adoption of digital resources for teaching about AI or the integration of AI EdTech into teaching. By identifying several research gaps, particularly concerning teachers' practical and ethical knowledge, this paper adds to a more comprehensive understanding of AI literacy in teaching and can contribute to a more wellinformed AI literacy education in TE as well as laying the ground for future research related to teachers' professional knowledge.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ELSEVIER , 2024. Vol. 6, article id 100169
Keywords [en]
AI education; Professional development; Teacher training; Aristoteles; AI readiness; Pre -service teachers
National Category
Pedagogical Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-203734DOI: 10.1016/j.caeo.2024.100169ISI: 001224342800001OAI:, id: diva2:1861175
Available from: 2024-05-27 Created: 2024-05-27 Last updated: 2024-12-16
In thesis
1. BEYOND F(AI)TH: The introduction and materialisation of artificial intelligence in schools
Open this publication in new window or tab >>BEYOND F(AI)TH: The introduction and materialisation of artificial intelligence in schools
2024 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
BEYOND F(AI)TH : Hur artificiell intelligens introduceras och materialiseras i skolan
Abstract [en]

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) in education has been underway for over half a century. It is only in the past decade that commercial AI-based technologies have been introduced into classrooms, with the promise of improving and transforming teachers’ work. This compilation thesis aims to generate an improved understanding of the implications of AI for the teaching profession. It does so by exploring the ways in which AI is being introduced in school settings, how AI comes into being—how it is materialised—and what this materialisation implies. Actor-Network Theory is applied as a methodological approach and analytical lens to explore the enactments between humans and three different AI technologies, where technology plays an active role.

The thesis comprises five papers. Paper I is a literature review examining teachers' professional knowledge related to AI. Papers II-V are based on three fieldwork studies conducted in Swedish primary and secondary schools between 2020-2023. AI is introduced and materialised on the one hand as an emergent yet implicitly defined form of professional knowledge that teachers are expected to acquire and integrate into their practice. On the other hand, AI comes into being as different data-driven technologies in the making, strongly underpinned by ideas of automating and augmenting teachers’ work. The findings also show how teachers adapted to the technology and compensated for its shortcomings in different ways, even when the technology acted to undermine their professional expertise.

Taken together, the thesis proposes that AI, as related to the teaching profession, is far from a settled affair. AI has still to deliver on its claimed promises. In this context, teachers’ ethical judgement (phronesis) can play an important role in the future making of AI, a making that moves beyond f(ai)th.

Abstract [sv]

Utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens (AI) inom utbildning har pågått i minst ett halvt sekel. Det är först under det senaste decenniet som kommersiella AI-baserade teknologier har introducerats i klassrum, med löften om att förbättra och förändra lärares arbete. Denna avhandling syftar till att generera en ökad förståelse om hur AI-baserade utbildningsteknologier påverkar läraryrket. Här studeras hur AI introduceras i skolmiljöer, hur AI görs ‒ materialiseras ‒ och de konsekvenser som följer. Aktör-Nätverksteori (ANT) används som en metodologisk utgångspunkt och som ett analytiskt raster för att undersöka vad som uppstår i interaktionerna mellan människor och tre olika AI-teknologier och där tekniken får en aktiv roll.

Avhandlingen inkluderar fem artiklar. Artikel I är en litteraturöversikt om lärares professionella kunskap relaterad till AI. Artikel II-V bygger på tre fältarbeten i svenska grund- och gymnasieskolor genomförda mellan 2020 och 2023.

AI introduceras och materialiseras som en framväxande, men implicit definierad form av kunskap som lärare förväntas förvärva och integrera i sin praktik och som olika typer av datadrivna teknologier. Dessa teknologier är i ständig förändring och genomsyras av idéer om att automatisera och förstärka lärarens arbete. Resultaten visar hur lärare anpassade sig till teknologin och kompenserade för dess tillkortakommanden på olika sätt, även i de fall då den underminerade lärares professionella kunnande. Samtidigt som studierna pekar på att teknologierna ännu inte lever upp till löftena, är AI:s roll i relation till läraryrket långt ifrån är bestämd. I det avseendet kan lärarnas etiska omdöme (phronesis) spela en viktig roll i framtida utveckling av AI i framtiden, en utveckling som går bortom AI-tron - f(ai)th.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2024. p. 127
Linköping Studies in Pedagogic Practices, ISSN 1653-0101 ; 45Linköping studies in education and social sciences, ISSN 2004-2787, E-ISSN 2004-2795 ; 22
AI in K-12, AI literacy, Learning Analytics, Data-driven schooling, Actor-Network Theory, Multi-sited Ethnography, Teaching Profession, Science and Technology Studies, AI och skola, AI-litteracitet, Lärandeanalys, Datadriven skolförbättring, Aktör-nätverksteori, Multi-situerad etnografi, Lärarprofession, Teknik och vetenskapsstudier
National Category
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-210497 (URN)10.3384/9789180759052 (DOI)9789180759045 (ISBN)9789180759052 (ISBN)
Public defence
2025-01-31, K4, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping, Norrköping, 13:15 (English)
Available from: 2024-12-16 Created: 2024-12-16 Last updated: 2024-12-17Bibliographically approved

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Sperling, KatarinaStenberg, Carl-JohanHeintz, FredrikStenliden, Linnéa

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Sperling, KatarinaStenberg, Carl-JohanHeintz, FredrikStenliden, Linnéa
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