Coach burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion resulting from chronic stress and a prolonged sense of overwhelm. Burnout can result in negative consequences for the coach’s personal well-being, reduced satisfaction in the coaching role, and also impact the athletes they work with. High-performance coaching is complex and burnout symptoms are common. In high-performance environments, coaches can be exposed to several risk-factors known for burnout, including an elevated number of unpredictable stressors, a high workload, and significant organizational responsibility combined with work insecurity. In this chapter the story of a successful high-performance coach named Sarah is presented. Sarah’s journey in elite sport is described along with the psychosocial challenges she faces. Based on the case description of Sarah and current research, this chapter explains how burnout can be understood and expressed among coaches and provides examples of evidence-informed strategies for prevention and treatment. In the final part of the chapter, practical recommendations are presented to provide guidance for professionals working in sports environments (e.g., managers, coach developers, educators, sports psychologists) on how to approach and support a coach displaying burnout symptoms.