This research on e-services represents a move away from a techno-centric view of e-service to seeing them as embedded in social interaction. The consequences of this focus shift are de-scribed in relation to how to conduct such research. The research approach of a large research endeavour, ranging over several years, is described. The research is characterised as practice research with the purpose of creating abstract knowledge aiming for both the practice field (general practice) and for researcher communities (as an addition to scientific body of knowledge). The knowledge result from this practice research has been given the form of a practical theory of e-services, with the intention to be useful for both practitioners and re-searchers. A practical theory is aimed to be useful in investigating and managing some phe-nomenon. The e-service research has also applied the epistemological strategy of multi-grounding. Multi-grounding means a combination of empirical, theoretical and internal grounding. The research principles of practice research, practical theory and multi-grounding are described. How these principles are applied in the e-services research is elaborated. Expe-riences from the use of this research approach are accounted for.