We integrate insights from the social embeddedness perspective with research on immigrantentrepreneurship to theorize on how family resources influence exit from entrepreneurshipamong previously unemployed immigrant entrepreneurs. Results from a cohort study of immigrantentrepreneurs in Sweden reveal that family resources are important for immigrants to integrateeconomically into a country. We find that having family members in geographicalproximity increases immigrant entrepreneurs' likelihood of remaining in entrepreneurship.Further, family financial capital enhances immigrant entrepreneurs' likelihood of remainingin entrepreneurship as well as their likelihood of exiting to paid employment. Although oftenneglected in immigrant entrepreneurship studies, resources accruing from spousal relationshipswith natives influence entrepreneurs' exit behavior. We discuss contributions for research onentrepreneurial exit, entrepreneurs' social embeddedness, and immigrant entrepreneurship.
Funding agencies: Torsten and Ragnar Soderberg Foundation; Swedish Research Council [340-2013-5460]; Riksbankens jubileumsfond [M12-0301:1]; Swedish Wholesale and Retail Development Council