The aim of the study is to present normative data of hearing aid rehabilitation for a Swedish population with regard to gender, age, return
clients/first time user and bilateral/unilateral hearing aid use.
Questionnaires with 19 items were sent by mail to clients 3-6 months after completed hearing aid rehabilitation. In addition to the seven IOI-HA
items there were five items concerning satisfaction with reception, information and participation and seven items concerning functionality with the
hearing aids.
Approximately 60 000 hearing aid users returned the questionnaire during the period 2011-2014 (response rate 52.5%). Differences were found
with regard to hearing aid experiences, gender and unilateral versus bilateral hearing aid fitting. Women compared to men and bilaterally fitted
compared to unilaterally fitted, reported significantly higher scores for all seven items in IOI-HA. The largest differences in mean score were found
for the item hearing aid use between experienced and first-time user where experienced users used the aids more. No correlation was found
between mean IOI-HA score and average hearing threshold level.
When evaluating hearing aid rehabilitation differences between groups need to be considered.
World Congress of Audiology 18-21 September 2016. Vancouver, Canada