Den livsupplysande texten: En läsning av N.F.S. Grundtvigs pedagogiska skrifter
1998 (Swedish)Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)Alternative title
The text that enlightens life : Reading N.F.S. Grundtvig's pedagogical writings (English)
Abstract [en]
N F S Grundtvig, 1783-1872, was the founder of the folkhögskola, ("Folk High School", Residential colleges of general, liberal education for adolescents and adults), but he also was a pastor, a poet, and a historian. The dissertation presents an overview of Grundtvig's pedagogical thoughts, including his ideas of both the folkhögskola and a Nordic University. The dissertation's main purpose is to clarify the meaning of the concept of livsupplysning (Life enlightenment).
Grundtvig's point of departure is his view that life is embedded in the spoken word of dialogues, songs, folk tales, folk songs and proverbs. What, then, constitutes a Text that Enlightens Life? What are its characteristics? What is its nature? How is it composed? On the basis of deconstructive reading, some of Grundtvig's central pedagogical texts are interpreted. The dissertation demonstrates what characterizes a Text that Enlightens Life, and how Grundtvig uses different rhetoric patterns to express what is meant by Life Enlightenment.
The reading brings forward the two strategies of Reversal and Dislocation. The Reversal clarifies the three fundamental opposites Life and Death, Light and Darkness, Truth and Lie. The Dislocation strategy indicates the need to create maximal växelverkan (interaction, interchange). The outcome is a text built upon ambiguity and pluralism. These are also fundamental in Grundtvig's pedagogy, striving to engender a deep understanding of the meaning of Life Enlightenment.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 1998. , p. 368
Linköping Studies in Education and Psychology, ISSN 1102-7517 ; 56
Keywords [en]
N F S Grundtvig, Life enlightenment, Spiritual force, Interaction, Pedagogical text, Deconstructive reading, Rhetoric, Folk High School, University
National Category
Pedagogy Learning
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-143152Local ID: LiU-STU--56--SEISBN: 9172032812 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:1159272
Public defence
1998-01-30, Eklundska salen, Campus Valla, Linköping, 10:00 (Swedish)
2017-11-222017-11-222017-12-07Bibliographically approved