Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are often the most critical components in, e.g., electronics for telecommunications applications, i.e., they tend to determine the overall system performance. Hence, it is imp01tant to determine their performance limitations and develop improved realizations. In this work we focus on a particular type of potentially high-performance analog-to- digital conversion technique, where two or more ADCs are operated in parallel together with asymmetric hybrid filter banks (HBFs), closely related to the conventional time-interleaved ADCs (TI ADCs) technique. The main drawback of the latter, the limited dynamic range due to static channel mismatch errors, is mitigated by the use of asymmetric filter bank ADC systems, where either the filter banks attenuate the aliasing, resulting from mismatch e1rnrs, or mitigate the errors by filter bank based-error correction.
This work contains four main contributions. First, a thorough analysis of HFB ADCs is given that is essential for understanding and designing HFBs. The frequency response of uniform band, maximally decimated HFBs and HFBs with rational interpolation factors are derived. The quantization noise in multirate HFB ADCs which is fundamental to the ADC performance is also investigated.