Urbanization raises questions about how to feed the world’s cities in a sustainable way. Urban agriculture(UA) is often identified as remedy to unsustainability and poverty in fast growing cities, but also as a means to improve quality of life, local democracy and integration. The practice of Urban agriculture (UA) is a popular phenomenon in cities all over the world; The reasons why people engage in this activity differs, some do it for fun while others make clear political statements. The aim of this paper is to investigate the meanings of the practice-based nature of UA as an idea and political expression in Swedish cities. UA understood in the terms of a political practice, shapes a utopian imaginary which explores alternative socio-environmental arrangements for both the physical space and different identities. Through UA, the gardener disseminates new ideals and values about local citizenship and sustainability with regards to ecological impacts, social effects and economic values. Urban gardeners are both grounded in local communities and at the same time connected to a global transition movement. UA is as such an apolitical practice, however, UA often hide conflicts of power concerning land use and an insufficient dialog [IÅ1] between the municipalities and its citizens in relation to city development[IÅ2] . Using discourse analysis, the paper uncovers the meanings behind UA in Sweden through interviews with central figures in the UA movement, a seminar on Urban Agriculture on “Nordiska trädgårdar” and an analysis of different texts on social media.