In this work we present our results for applying specially designed time-dependent flow visualization methods to a simulation of a centrifugal pump. The simulation has been performed on a high-resolution grid (Figure 1) for 80 time steps using three turbulence methods (SAS, DES, SST [1]) with special focus on the analysis of the so called rotational stall phenomenon. This causes large areas of recirculation and significantly affects the efficiency and life time of the device. We provide a comparative visual analysis using common local vortex detectors as λ2 and the Q criterion, and recent local methods as Sujudi & Haimes [2], and cores of swirling particle motion [3]. Local methods are shown to be insufficient to represent the functional impact and structural importance of the relevant features over time. To efficiently visualize stall cells we applied a set of global and time-dependent measures to convey size, spatial structure and temporal evolution of important transport effects and large-scale turbulent flow structures. Our analysis provides qualitative statements about the application of Lagrangian methods as FTLE [4], integral pressure, arc length of path lines and texture advection (Figure 1) revealing recirculation zones and blocked channels