Push/pull marketing strategy concerns how an organization offering products (goods and or services) views the market. Organizations can be found just about anywhere on a scale from a pure push marketing strategy to a pure pull marketing strategy. A push marketing strategy focuses on what resources, competences and capacity the organization has, while a pull marketing strategy focuses on the needs of the market. Most organizations apply a mix of push and pull marketing strategy. Any adaptation of offerings to customer needs must reasonably fit the competences and capabilities within the firm or its network or such competences and capabilities, which within a reasonable time and at reasonable cost, can be obtained. An organization thus balances between what it reasonably can offer (push) and what the market demands (pull). For several types of organization, in particular within fast‐moving consumer goods, the increased data on customers have aided a shift toward a more pull‐oriented marketing strategy. The risk with applying a total pull marketing strategy is that the company may listen too much to too many types of customer resulting in too low a ratio between revenue and the production cost of the offerings to remain in the market.