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Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Machine Design. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3512-6781
2018 (English)In: Proceedings of the 14th International CDIO Conference, Kanazawa Institute of Technology,Kanazawa, Japan, June 28 - July 2, 2018., 2018Conference paper, Poster (with or without abstract) (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Concerning profession degree programs, this contribution discusses aspects of curriculum design that arguably will become affected by the ongoing digital transformation of the society.For this purpose, a CDIO Enabling Platform (CEP) is exemplified with hardware representing a modular cargo bicycle under development. Paired with a corresponding scenario tailored to simultaneously support multiple courses with active learning modules, the platform simulates a multi-disciplinary engineering environment during a full semester. On a broader perspective, the way learning activities are organized using the CEP, a less rigid curricula structure is enabled. The paper argues that, for academic programs to stay relevant throughout the period of its execution of up to five years, inevitably a more flexible and adaptable curricula will become necessary as demands from the community rapidly transform under the influence of trends like IoT, AI and Industry 4.0.Furthermore, the CEP is being evaluated from the faculty perspective, represented by a team of program planners and course examiners, with the specific purpose of assessing its effects on a number of parameters, including motivation, engagement, and examination results.A key component in the concept of CEP is industry engagement during planning and execution of the curricula. The initial response from the industry is very positive according to results from an interview study during which the platform was introduced and evaluated by SMEs in Sweden. In addition, an in-depth interview with a representative of the industry reveals several interesting issues and potential uses of the CEP regarding the need for life-long learning and re-education due to obsolete core knowledge among the workforce.Following an in-depth discussion regarding the role of active learning modules of a curriculum, the conclusion is that a learning platform, such as the CEP, could be used to tackle future demands on engineering education institutions, driven by an accelerating pace of transformation within related technical domains.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
Integrative learning, Course Integration, Curriculum development, CDIO Enabling, Digitalization, Industry 4.0
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-152127OAI:, id: diva2:1256727
14th International CDIO Conference, Kanazawa Institute of Technology,Kanazawa, Japan, June 28 - July 2, 2018.
Available from: 2018-10-17 Created: 2018-10-17 Last updated: 2022-11-22
In thesis
1. On Knowledge Creation and Learning at the Intersection of Product Development and Engineering Education
Open this publication in new window or tab >>On Knowledge Creation and Learning at the Intersection of Product Development and Engineering Education
2021 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Today’s demands on higher engineering education given the rapid transformation of society are, to say the least, multifaceted. Rapidly increased complexity of technology as well as adaptation to sustainability requirements are causing major transformations and mergers of whole domains of technology that strongly impact current and future engineering workforces within these domains, in particular, the need for new competencies. To adapt to industry demands for engineering competence that fits new constellations of technology domains, providers of advanced engineering training – i.e., engineering faculties – need to inventory their toolbox for ways to support knowledge creation processes.  

Product development theory is a central part of many types of academic engineering programs. However, as the product development process itself is a process of knowledge creation, it also has strong relations to theories of learning. This thesis explores the idea that some of the tools of engineering that are also taught at engineering faculties and therefore are familiar to their members can beneficially be applied to the development and management of engineering curricula. This thesis explores the domains of product development theory, engineering education and learning analytics in search of overlapping approaches to knowledge creation.  

The outcome of this search, which are also the result of this thesis, is a set of proposed tools, measures, and approaches for the development, management, content, and arrangement of engineering curriculum. The main contributions focus on the use of physical artifacts and their contribution to engineering educational frameworks, such as the Conceiving – Designing – Implementing – Operating (CDIO) initiative. For this purpose, the thesis picks up on a previously developed concept of low-cost demonstrators for the establishment of a formalized learning and enabling platform that promotes implementation and execution of the CDIO framework. Furthermore, by adopting a similar approach to product development and learning theory, additional tools are identified and developed for curriculum adaptation, enhancement, and management. In particular, by examining the curriculum from previously unexplored perspectives followed by establishment of novel measurements, this thesis demonstrates how curriculum developers and program managers can increase their insights into the outcomes of their decisions. 

Abstract [sv]

Idag präglas de flesta teknikområden av snabbt ökande komplexitet, hög innovationsgrad, och därtill nya eller skärpta krav på miljömässig hållbarhet. Inte sällan leder ny teknik, eller nya sätt att använda befintlig teknik till att hela teknikområden slås samman, vilket snabbt skapar förändrade behov av kompetens hos de ingenjörer – både nuvarande och framtida – som ska driva utvecklingen vidare. Den här utvecklingen påverkar både krav och förväntningar på dagens ingenjörsutbildning, och för att öka förmågan att snabbt anpassa och tillgodose industrins behov behövs nya verktyg för att effektivt tillhandahålla utbildning av både nya och befintliga ingenjörer.  

Produktutvecklingsteori är en central del inom flera akademiska ingenjörsprogram, och eftersom produktutvecklingsprocessen i sig är att betrakta som en process för skapande av kunskap, finns här även starka kopplingar till teorier om lärande. Den här avhandlingen synliggör att vissa av de verktyg och metoder som ingenjörer använder för att utveckla produkter, också kan användas för att skapa, utveckla, administrera och förbättra de förutsättningar under vilka kunskap hos blivande ingenjörer skapas, det vill säga utbildningens organisation och genomförande. Avhandlingen söker överbrygga tre olika teoretiska områden - produktutveckling, teorier kring ingenjörsutbildning, och metoder för att analysera lärande - i syfte att söka efter överlappande metoder för att skapa ny kunskap.  

Inom ramen för avhandlingen presenteras en uppsättning metoder och verktyg för utveckling och administration av tekniska utbildningsprogram, dess innehåll och arrangemang. De viktigaste resultaten fokuserar på användningen av fysiska artefakter och deras bidrag till ramverk för ingenjörsutbildning, såsom CDIO. För detta ändamål bygger avhandlingen vidare på ett tidigare utvecklat koncept för så kallade lågkostnadsdemonstratorer, i syfte att skapa en formaliserad plattform för lärande vilken även främjar implementering och genomförande av CDIO-ramverket. Genom att använda ett liknande tillvägagångssätt, det vill säga att kombinera produktutvecklings-teori med teorier om lärande, identifierar och utvecklar avhandlingen ytterligare verktyg som kan användas för anpassning, förbättring och administration av ingenjörsprogram. Genom att undersöka ingenjörsutbildningar från tidigare outforskade perspektiv och därtill applicera nya typer av mätetal, visar avhandlingen även hur läroplansutvecklare och programansvariga kan erhålla fördjupad förståelse av effekterna av sina beslut.   

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2021. p. 80
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations, ISSN 0345-7524 ; 2121
Product Development, Engineering Education, Learning Analytics
National Category
Other Mechanical Engineering
urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-172681 (URN)10.3384/diss.diva-172681 (DOI)9789179297084 (ISBN)
Public defence
2021-02-10, ACAS, A-Building and Zoom, Linköping, 10:15 (Swedish)
Available from: 2021-01-18 Created: 2021-01-18 Last updated: 2024-01-19Bibliographically approved

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Hallberg, Peter

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