Internet of Things (IoT) devices need pervasive and secure connections to transfer the aggregated data to the central servers located in remote clouds where the collected data further processed and stored. However, most low-power IoT devices cannot transmit the collected the data directly to such servers due the limited transmission power and range. Thus, third-party devices such as smart mobile phones are used as a relay to establish the communication link between IoT devices and the cloud server. This paper demonstrates a mobile-based relay assistance solution for secure end-to-end connectivity between low-power IoT sensors and cloud servers by using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. The prototype implementation verifies the technical readiness of the proposed solution.
Funding Agencies|Infotech Doctoral Program of UniOGS [318927]; 6Genesis Flagship [318927]; Academy of Finland; TEKES, Finland; Center for Industrial Information Technology (CENIIT)