We report the growth of dilute nitride GaNAs and GaInNAs core-multishell nanowires (NWs) using molecular beam epitaxy assisted by a plasma source. Using the self-catalyst vapor-liquid-solid growth mode, these NWs were grown on Si(111) and silicon on insulator substrates. The GaNAs and GaInNAs shells contain nitrogen up to 3%. Axial cross-sectional scanning transmission electron microscopy measurements and energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry confirm the formation of the core-multishell NW structure. We obtained high-quality GaNAs NWs with nitrogen compositions up to 2%. On the other hand, GaNAs containing 3% nitrogen, and GaInNAs NWs, show distorted structures; moreover, the optical emissions seem to be related to defects. Further optimisations of the growth conditions will improve these properties, promising future applications in nanoscale optoelectronics.
Funding Agencies|KAKENHI by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science [16H05970]; Swedish Energy Agency [P40119-1]