Understanding deviance in a world of standards
2020 (English)Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Abstract [en]
Standards have become widespread regulatory tools that are set to promote global trade, innovation, efficiency, and quality. They contribute significantly to the creation of safe, reliable, and high quality services and technologies to ensure human health, environmental protection, or information security. Yet intentional deviations from standards by organizations are often reported in many sectors, which can either contribute to or challenge the measures of safety and quality they are designed to safeguard.Why then, despite all potential consequences, do organizations choose to deviate from standards in one way or another? This book uses structuration theory - covering aspects of both structure and agency - to explore the organizational conditions and contradictions under which different types of deviance occur. It provides empirical explanations for deviance in organizations that go beyond an understanding of individual misbehaviour where mainly a single person is held responsible. Case studies of software-developing organizations illustrate insightful generalizations on standards as a mechanism of sensemaking, resource allocation, and sanctioning, and provide ground to re-think corporate responsibility when deviating from standards in the 'audit society'.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. , p. 320
Keywords [en]
deviance, compliance, software, standards, structuration theory, case studies
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-163698Libris ID: gsqb02p6dnqsjdbqISBN: 9780198833888 (print)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:liu-163698DiVA, id: diva2:1394211
German Research Foundation (DFG), FR 2892/3-1
Table of Contents
1: Introduction to Deviance in a World of Standards, Andrea Fried and Besma Glaa
Part I: Framing Organizational Deviance from Standards
2: A Second Order Observation of Organizational Deviance, Andrea Fried and Arvind Singhal
3: Structurationist Framework to Explore Organizational Deviance from Standards, Andrea Fried and Peter Walgenbach
4: Investigating Organizational Deviance from Standards In-Depth, Sarah Langer, Ronny Gey, and Diana Karadzhova-Beyer Part II:
Exploring Organizational Deviance From Standards In The Field, Sarah Langer and Andrea Fried
5: Attentive Deviance from Standards at CraneSolutions, Ronny Gey, Sarah Langer, and Andrea Fried
6: Over-Conformity with Standards at MedTech, Ronny Gey, Sarah Langer, and Andrea Fried
7: Non-Regulated Deviance From Standards at MetroEngineers, Sarah Langer, Ronny Gey, Diana Karadzhova-Beyer, and Andrea Fried
Part III: Explaining Organizational Deviance From Standards
8: Typology of Organizational Deviance from Standards, Andrea Fried and Sarah Langer
9: Monitoring of Standard Enactment for Exploration and Exploitation, Sarah Langer and Andrea Fried
10: Understanding Deviance from Standards: Implications for Corporate Responsibility and Criminal Law, Andrea Fried
2020-02-182020-02-182021-10-05Bibliographically approved