This article presents the results of modeling the mechanical behavior of Zr-Nb and Ti-Nb alloys in a range of strain rates from 0.001 to 1000 1/s and temperature range 297-1273 K. A modification of constitutive equations describing the mechanical response of fine-grained and coarse-grained Zr-1Nb and Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloys in a wide temperature range is proposed. It was shown that the phase transition between the hexagonal closed packed and body-centered cubic crystal structure at elevated temperatures leads to a sharp change in strain rate sensitivity of the yield strength of Zr-Nb and Ti-Nb alloys. The proposed modifications of constitutive equations make it possible to describe the strain hardening and the strain rate sensitivity of the plastic flow stress over a wide temperature range in the coarse-crystalline and ultrafine-grained Zr-Nb and Ti-Nb alloys. The results can be used for engineering analysis of structural elements of technical systems and design of manufacturing technologies for biomedical products.
Funding Agencies|Russian Science Foundation (RSF)Russian Science Foundation (RSF) [18-71-00117]