This is the fifth of a series of reports from the research program Youth Culture in Sweden, FUS. In the first article, Johan Fornäs discusses how concepts such as sphere, space, field and institution may be used in order to understand processes of power and resistance. Specific attention is given to thinkers such as Habermas, Foucalt, Bourdieu and Willis, but Fornäs also discusses more recent feminist theory as well as theories of ethnicity and identity. In the second article, Magdalena Czaplicka analyses young people’s trajectories through the educational system and into the labour market. She focuses on how the choices and opportunities given to youth are structured by factors such as class and gender. Anders Löfgren applies the concepts of life project and arena on identity formation. Through the use of ideas from social theory and cultural geography, he argues that life projects in late modernity, although still grounded in local environments, are becoming more and more globalised. Mats Lieberg discusses the importance of public spaces for young people’s entrances into adulthood. He also analyses how young people make use of public spaces in their everyday life practices. Bo Reimer discusses the role of the mass media for young people in everyday life. He focuses on how the electronic media have changed social behaviour, and on how young people act – and react – in an environment saturated by the mass media. Ulf Boëthius discusses youth, popular culture and media through the use of the concept of moral panics. In an historical overview, he shows how the concept may be applied to a number of heated debates and conflicts centrered around youth and popular culture that have taken place during the latest century. He also discusses whether such panics still are possible in late modernity. Finally, Thomas Ziehe analyses the effects of modernization and rationalization in the spheres of education and science. He specifically focuses on the self-reflexivity which he argues cannot be avoided anywhere in late modernity.