The Web of Things (WoT) is a new paradigm resulting from the integration of the Web with the Internet of Things. With the emergence of WoT comes the need for benchmarking tools to aid in performance evaluation studies that can be used to guide actual deployments of WoT infrastructure. In this paper we introduce WoTbench, a Web benchmarking framework designed to facilitate pre-deployment performance evaluation studies of WoT setups. WoTbench enables workload emulation on a controlled test environment by taking advantage of Linux container technology. It supports the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), a RESTful application layer protocol that aims to replace HTTP for resource constrained devices. WoTbench consists of a scalable Gateway Emulator (GE) and a group of CoAP device application emulators. We describe components of WoTbench in detail and how WoTbench can be used to answer capacity planning questions.
Funding Agencies|Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of CanadaNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada