Europe is facing social and economic challenges due to its ageing population. There is currently a body of knowledge about active and healthy ageing, but research is glaringly neglectful of vulnerable sub-groups such as Sweden’s ageing migrants. Little is known about them, and there has been no real attempt to see if well-known disadvantages of young and middle-aged immigrants remain constant, decrease or accumulate during the life course into old age. Consequently, this study deals with changing compositions, patterns and later-life consequences of migrant life courses in Sweden and is interested in inter- and intra-cohort disparities as well as new risks and potentials. To contextualise life course changes among migrants in Sweden, they will be contrasted with trajectories of non-migrants in Sweden. In addition, a comparison between Sweden and other European societies is of significance. Based on extensive registry information on all people, ever living in Sweden between 19968 and 2011, we asses longitudinal data in a cohort-sequential perspective, applying combined sequence and cluster analysis to identify changes in life course patterns and outcomes, hierarchical multi-level modelling to identify the impact of social contexts, and projections to discuss future changes in life course outcomes. Results from the project find Swedish migrants as forerunners in overall relative declines in later-life economic positions, with increasing intra-cohort inequalities that may parallel with a greater degree of autonomy and self-government.