Real-time monitoring of lipid droplets growth via the fusion with fluorescent dye-labeled adiposomesShow others and affiliations
2020 (English)In: Dyes and pigments, ISSN 0143-7208, E-ISSN 1873-3743, Vol. 182, article id 108653Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]
Investigating lipid droplets (LDs) behaviours is essential to deeply understand the physiology of LDs, such as their growths, movements, fusion/division, and autophagy. Among these behaviours, the growth of LDs is one of the most difficult to track due to the very subtle morphology evolution in a short time window. The major obstacle is that conventional LDs-specific dyes with low photostability cannot indicate the LDs size change. To address this issue, we synthesize a hydrophobic and photostable fluorescent dye (TPA-AD) and load it into the neutral lipid micelles (as artificial adiposomes). The highly hydrophobic TPA-AD enables the specific accumulation into intracellular LDs and the ready loading artificial adiposomes. When the intracellular LDs take TPA-AD-labeled adiposomes, by fusion, the sizes of LDs gradually grow, and LDs are simultaneously lighted up by the fluorescence of TPA-AD. Importantly, the high photostability of TPA-AD ensures the enhanced fluorescence signals. The finding here will further strengthen the understanding of LDs dynamics and fat metabolism.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ELSEVIER SCI LTD , 2020. Vol. 182, article id 108653
Keywords [en]
Hydrophobic fluorescent dye; Lipid droplets growth; Adiposomes
National Category
Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-169953DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2020.108653ISI: 000564528900002OAI:, id: diva2:1471128
Funding Agencies|National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) [21775001, 21705001, 21974001]; Natural Science Foundation of Anhui ProvinceNatural Science Foundation of Anhui Province [1808085MB32]; STINT Joint ChinaSweden Mobility Project Program [CH2017-7243]