In this paper we explore digital participation and inclusion in eHealth in a marginalized neighborhood, a suburb, in Sweden and present a survey method where face-to-face interviews in different languages are used. We also use statistics from a regional eHealth application, including data on doctor’s visits, as a point of departure for our presentation and analysis of our data on digital participation, usage, and experiences of, and attitudes to digital technologies and services. Furthermore, we address the United Nations’ call for disaggregated data on sustainable development and wide inclusion, which correlate to welfare policies at national, regional, and municipal levels and eHealth. We contribute by using a method to explore digital participation, eHealth literacy and attitudes among disadvantaged populations in among hard to survey groups by highlighting differences extracted from disaggregated data on age, ethno-national identification, mother tongue, occupation, and sex. We compare our results with a national survey on internet use, and data from a digital health app used by public sector.