Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) has become a central element in educational policies. VPL has been at the Nordic agenda for the past 20–25 years and is well established. Validation encompasses formal, non-formal as well as informal learning, with an emphasis on non-formal and informal learning. The historical reasons for this development in the Nordic countries are the strong tradition of adult education, strong labour unions and the involvement of the social partners in development of education and lifelong learning initiatives. An interest in quality in validation formed the background for the development of a Nordic model for this - quality in validation. In this article a study of quality work in validation is presented, based on the Nordic quality model. The quality concept in the context of validation of prior learning as well as the Nordic model for quality are both introduced. Findings from the processes in three cases of validation work in vocational education institutions in Denmark, Finland and Sweden are discussed, and some conclusions are drawn.