NiWO4-induced partial oxidation of MXene for photo-electrochemical detection of prostate-specific antigenShow others and affiliations
2021 (English)In: Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, ISSN 0925-4005, E-ISSN 1873-3077, Vol. 328, article id 129074Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]
MXene-based hybrid composites are gaining substantial attention due to their impressive chemical and electronic characteristics. Herein, an in-situ engineered heterojunction is constructed using partially-oxidised Ti3C2Tx sheets and photo-active NiWO4 nanoparticles (NPs). The NiWO4 NPs were used to induce partial surface oxidation of Ti3C2Tx, resulting in the formation of a Ti3C2Tx-TiO2/NiWO4 hybrid composite (MX-NiWO4). The electrocatalytic and photo-electrochemical (PEC) characteristics of MX-NiWO4 were studied in reference to the reduced graphene oxide-NiWO4 (rGO-NiWO4) and H2O2-treated Ti3C2Tx (MX-H2O2) hybrids. The MX-NiWO4, based on its in-situ driven configuration, constructed an ideal interfacial arrangement for the electrocatalytic mechanism-based PEC immuno-sensing of prostate-specific antigens (PSA). The developed PEC biosensor was capable of detecting PSA, over a wide detection range of 1.2 fg.mL(-1) to 0.18 mg.mL(-1), with a detection limit of 0.15 fg.mL(-1). The synergic integration of Ti3C2Tx with photo-active NiWO4 offers a superior signal response and practical applicability when used for the quantification of PSA from human saliva samples, anticipating the hybrids promising future in clinical detection.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA , 2021. Vol. 328, article id 129074
Keywords [en]
Partially-oxidised MXenes; Prostate-specific antigen; Photo-electrochemical immune-sensors; Biosensors; MXenes
National Category
Analytical Chemistry
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-172592DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2020.129074ISI: 000600962000003OAI:, id: diva2:1521670
Funding Agencies|National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) [51572011]