A realistic performance assessment of any wireless technology requires the use of a channel model that reflects its main characteristics. The independent and identically distributed Rayleigh fading channel model has been (and still is) the basis of most theoretical research on multiple antenna technologies in scattering environments. This letter shows that such a model is not physically appearing when using a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) with rectangular geometry and provides an alternative physically feasible Rayleigh fading model that can be used as a baseline when evaluating RIS-aided communications. The model is used to revisit the basic RIS properties, e.g., the rank of spatial correlation matrices and channel hardening.
Funding Agencies|ELLIIT; Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program; University of Pisa Research Project CONCEPT [PRA 2018-2019]; Italian Ministry of Education and ResearchMinistry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR)