For over three decades researchers have been studying the BDI modelof agency. Many robust multiagent systems have been developed, and a numberof BDI logics have been studied. Following this intensive development phase, theimportance of integrating BDI models with inconsistency handling and revisiontheory have been emphasized. There is also a demand for a tighter connectionbetween BDI-based implementations and BDI logics. In this paper, we addressthese postulates by introducing a novel, paraconsistent logical BDI model close toimplementation, with building blocks that can be represented as SQL/rule-baseddatabases. Importantly, tractability is achieved by reasoning as querying. Thisstands in a sharp contrast to the high complexity of BDI logics. We also extendbelief shadowing, a shallow and lightweight alternative to deep and computation-ally demanding belief revision, to encompass agents’ motivational attitudes.