Science Identity among Swedish secondary students Short Abstract – Paper 5 This paper presents Swedish data from a larger project, Relevance of Science Education – Second (ROSES). It is an international project which aims to explore students’ interest in, and motivation to learn, science and technology. The factor analyses show a group of students that believe it is important to learn about sustainability and that they can influence what happens. This also indicate some agency where students are willing to act as well as willing to sacrifice. Group of students show signs of science capital, a feeling of science being for them (Archer et al., 2010, 2015). The results will be further investigated and connected with theoretical developments. Especially variations between schools have been identified as an aspect of science capital which will be deepened in continued work.
The symposium for the project Relevance of Science Education – Second was held at the conference IOSTE 2022. It was arranged by the project leaders from Sweden: Magnus Oskarsson, Mid Sweden University; Anders Jidesjö, Linköping University; Anna-Karin Westman, Mid Sweden University. The contributions in the seminar came from research groups in Sweden, Norway, Brazil, Spain/Colombia and Italy.