Despite attempts by the scientific community to persuade us that the planet is in the midst of an ecological crisis, there exists a significant degree of resistance to the necessary changes that might allow us to address the environmental challenges that we face. Much of this resistance is compounded by our exposure to discourses, both societal and corporate, which actively encourage environmentally damaging behaviour. There has therefore never been a greater need for an education system that develops the concept of critital language awareness regarding our relationship with the non-human natural world. There is a need for future second language teachers to be equipped with the skills of critical language analysis in order to empower their learners to resist environmentally destructive discourses. This paper both details the first iteration of an education design research project carried out as a form of practitioner research for the development and implementation of pro-environmental critical language awareness within an English teacher degree programme, and advances an approach for the establishment of ecolinguistic languge awarness within language teacher education.