High-pressure metal hydride (MH) research evolved into a thriving field within condensed matter physics following the realization of metallic compounds showing phonon mediated near room-temperature superconductivity. However, severe limitations in determining the chemical formula of the reaction products, especially with regards to their hydrogen content, impedes a deep understanding of the synthesized phases and can lead to significantly erroneous conclusions. Here, we present a way to directly access the hydrogen content of MH solids synthesized at high pressures in (laser-heated) diamond anvil cells using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. We show that this method can be used to investigate MH compounds with a wide range of hydrogen content, from MHx with x = 0.15 (CuH0.15) to x ≲ 6.4 (H6±0.4S5).
Funding: Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advance Research (HPSTAR); National Science Foundation of China [42150101]; National Key Research and Development Program of China [2022YFA1402301]; Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) [LA-4916/1-1]; UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship [MR/V025724/1]; Swedish Research Council (VR) [2019-05600]