This chapter offers critical and original insights into the mistreatment of asylum seekers who arrived (or attempted to arrive) by boat after 19 July 2013, peo-ple who the Australian authorities forcibly sent offshore to regional processing centres on Nauru and Manus Island. Importantly, this chapter reveals the lived experience of asylum seekers and refugees exposed and subjected to the “car-ceral-border archipelago” (which encompasses Australia’s immigration deten-tion centres on the mainland and on Christmas Island, Papua New Guinea (PNG) [Manus Island detention centre has closed with remaining refugees held in Port Moresby], Nauru, and the Australian-funded facilities in Indonesia). At the time of writing some asylum seekers and refugees remain in Nauru and Papua New Guinea, some people have been transferred to Australia on medi-cal grounds,1 and others have been resettled in third countries including the United States, Canada, and Europe.