This article presents a data-driven safe reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm for discrete-time nonlinear systems. A data-driven safety certifier is designed to intervene with the actions of the RL agent to ensure both safety and stability of its actions. This is in sharp contrast to existing model-based safety certifiers that can result in convergence to an undesired equilibrium point or conservative interventions that jeopardize the performance of the RL agent. To this end, the proposed method directly learns a robust safety certifier while completely bypassing the identification of the system model. The nonlinear system is modeled using linear parameter varying (LPV) systems with polytopic disturbances. To prevent the requirement for learning an explicit model of the LPV system, data-based $\lambda$ -contractivity conditions are first provided for the closed-loop system to enforce robust invariance of a prespecified polyhedral safe set and the systems asymptotic stability. These conditions are then leveraged to directly learn a robust data-based gain-scheduling controller by solving a convex program. A significant advantage of the proposed direct safe learning over model-based certifiers is that it completely resolves conflicts between safety and stability requirements while assuring convergence to the desired equilibrium point. Data-based safety certification conditions are then provided using Minkowski functions. They are then used to seemingly integrate the learned backup safe gain-scheduling controller with the RL controller. Finally, we provide a simulation example to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Funding Agencies|Excellence Centerat Linkoeping-Lund in Information Technology (ELLIIT); ZENITH