Service recovery research has traditionally beenfirm-centric, focusing primarilyon the time and effort expended byfirms in addressing service failures. The subsequentshift to a customer-centric orientation addressed the customer’s role in recovery situations,and the recent dyadic orientation has explored the effectiveness of their joint efforts.However, earlier conceptualizations failed to take adequate account of the complexity ofservice recovery encounters in which multiple actors collaborate and integrate resources.This study explores how multiactor collaborations influence the customer’s experience ofservice recovery by adopting a multiactor orientation and by applying service-dominantlogic. After reviewing the customer experience literature, a collaborative recovery expe-rience framework is developed that emphasizes the joint efforts of multiple actors andcustomers to achieve a favorable recovery experience. In a contextualization, the usefulnessof the new framework to explain customer experiences in collaborative service processes isshown. Finally, further research avenues are proposed.