Displays are an effective way for humans to recognize information instantly and intuitively without linguistic barriers. Electrical sensors detect diverse human and environmental changes through variations in electrical signals; these data are delivered to a display connected to a sensor via a microprocessor, facilitating human/machine interface technologies. The development of an innovative one-integrated platform with optimized architectures, where a sensor and a display are converged, is essential for achieving efficient and rapid information management with low power consumption. These integrated stimuli-adaptive and human-interactive sensing displays (HISDs) electrically detect external stimuli and display an optical visualization simultaneously. Among numerous materials suitable for stimuli-adaptive displays and HISDs, self-assembled photonic crystals (PCs) of block copolymers (BCPs) are promising because of their structural colors (SCs) resulting from constructive interference of incident light. This review provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in stimuli-adaptive SC displays using self-assembled BCP PCs. The responses of BCP SC displays, operating in liquid cells and solid-type films, to various external stimuli are described. Furthermore, emerging HISDs based on BCP PCs are discussed wherein external stimuli are electrically detected and simultaneous visualization of stimuli-adaptive SCs occurs. A perspective on the development of next-generation stimuli-adaptive BCP SC displays and HISDs is also provided.
Funding Agencies|National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea as a Creative Materials Discovery Program - Ministry of Science and ICT [NRF-2018M3D1A105892622]; Pioneer Research Center Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea - Ministry of Science, ICT amp; Future Planning [NRF-2022M3C1A3081211]; National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) - Korean government (MEST) [2020R1A2B5B03002697]; Open Resource Research Program of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology [2E31551]; European Unions Horizon Europe research and innovation programme [101064482]; National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant by the Korean Government (Ministry of Science and ICT) [NRF-2021M3D1A2049846]