Densifying cities continuously call for new construction, renovation and demolition projects, each generating vast amounts of heavy goods vehicle (HGV) transports. However, how construction transportation affects the urban traffic network remains largely unexplored. This study addresses spatiotemporal network impacts from construction transport, by leveraging traditional traffic and transport simulation. To this end, a framework is presented including (i) a simulation model to compute traffic effects caused by varying off-site construction site transport demands, and (ii) conceptual applications of the simulation model showing construction logistic planning strategies to mitigate congestion disturbances. Simulations are conducted in MATSim using detailed secondary datasets describing site-specific transport arrivals from a case of six projects in Norrköping, Sweden. Subsequently, increasing transport demands were assessed on various time-window arrival scenarios against the baseline schedule, which can be used as decision support in urban planning. Results highlight how rigorous construction transport planning avoiding peak-traffic hours can significantly alleviate traffic congestion. This study also emphasizes the need to combine all simultaneous construction projects’ demands when evaluating disturbances on city-level, alongside the impact on individual links and microenvironments. This study adds knowledge by visualizing the traffic impact during urban transformation.