This paper is concerned with the extraction of the surface topology of tensor fields on 2D triangulated manifoldsembedded in 3D. In scientific visualization topology is a meaningful instrument to get a hold on the structure of agiven dataset. Due to the discontinuity of tensor fields on a piecewise planar domain, standard topology extractionmethods result in an incomplete topological skeleton. In particular with regard to the high computational costs ofthe extraction this is not satisfactory. This paper provides a method for topology extraction of tensor fields thatleads to complete results. The core idea is to include the locations of discontinuity into the topological analysis.For this purpose the model of continuous transition bridges is introduced, which allows to capture the entiretopology on the discontinuous field. The proposed method is applied to piecewise linear three-dimensional tensorfields defined on the vertices of the triangulation and for piecewise constant two or three-dimensional tensor fieldsgiven per triangle, e.g. rate of strain tensors of piecewise linear flow fields.