Incorporation of group III, IV and V elements in 3C–SiC(1 1 1) layers grown by the vapour–liquid–solid mechanismShow others and affiliations
2010 (English)In: Journal of Crystal Growth, ISSN 0022-0248, E-ISSN 1873-5002, Vol. 312, no 23, p. 3443-3450Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Resource type
Abstract [en]
We report on a comparative investigation of the incorporation of group III, IV and V impurities in 3C–SiC heteroepitaxial layers grown by the vapour–liquid–solid (VLS) mechanism on on-axis α-SiC substrates. To this end, various Si-based melts have been used with addition of Al, Ga, Ge and Sn species. Homoepitaxial α-SiC layers grown using Al-based melts were used for comparison purposed for Al incorporation. Nitrogen incorporation depth profile systematically displays an overshoot at the substrate/epilayer interface for all the layers. Ga and Al incorporations follow the same distribution shape as N whereas this is not the case for the isoelectronic impurities Ge and Sn. This suggests some interaction between Ga/Al and N coming from the high bonding energy between the group III and V elements, which does not exist with Ge and Sn. This is why both incorporate as a cluster. A model of incorporation is proposed taking into account metal-N and metal-C bonding energies together with the solid solubility of the corresponding nitrides.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2010. Vol. 312, no 23, p. 3443-3450
Keywords [en]
A1. Impurities, A1. Doping, A1. SIMS, A2. Growth from melt, A3. Liquid phase epitaxy, B2. Silicon carbide
National Category
Inorganic Chemistry
URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-128848DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.08.058OAI:, id: diva2:932651