This work reports the fabrication of Nb/Pb structures with an application as photocathode devices. The use of relatively low energy densities for the ablation of Nb with ultrashort pulses favors the reduction of droplets during the growth of the film. However, the use of laser fluences in this ablation regime results in a consequent reduction in the average deposition rate. On the other hand, despite the low deposition rate, the films present a superior adherence to the substrate and an excellent coverage of the irregular substrate surface, avoiding the appearance of voids or discontinuities on the film surface. Moreover, the low energy densities used for the ablation favor the growth of nanocrystalline films with a similar crystalline structure to the bulk material. Therefore, the use of low ablation energy densities with ultrashort pulses for the deposition of the Nb thin films allows the growth of very adherent and nanocrystalline films with adequate properties for the fabrication of Nb/Pb structures to be included in superconducting radiofrequency cavities. (C) 2016 American Vacuum Society.
Funding Agencies|Integrative Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures LASERLAB [002028]; Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN); Italian Ministry of Research in the framework of FIRB [RBFR12NK5K]; Swedish Government Strategic Research Area in Materials Science on Functional Materials at Linkoping University [2009-00971]