Introduction: The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has evolved over recent decades. Today, many previous limitations related to, for example, joint damage have become rare, and persons with RA can often continue to work and engage in different aspects of everyday life. Nonetheless, persons with RA still report restrictions in everyday life, as they can be negatively impacted by symptoms like pain, stiffness and fatigue. As these symptoms might be invisible to others, the significant others of persons with RA can find it difficult to comprehend the effect of the disease. As a consequence, both the person with RA and the significant other may be affected, despite today’s effective treatment.
As participation is a central concept within healthcare, it is also a prominent factor within rehabilitation and its goals. Despite access to contemporary treatment during the whole disease course, persons with RA still report participation restrictions. Since RA is a chronic disease, these remaining restrictions are of particular interest from a longitudinal perspective. However, support from the social environment, such as significant others, has the possibility to positively influence participation in everyday life. Therefore, it is essential to explore the influence of significant others and their support with the goal of enhanced participation in the everyday life of persons with RA, from a longitudinal perspective.
Aim: The general aim of this thesis is to explore participation in the everyday life of persons with RA over a decade, and in relation to this investigate the influence of significant others and their support.
Methods: This thesis consists of four studies that used different methodological approaches: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods.
Study I was a qualitative study where 59 persons with RA participated in semi-structured interviews approximately three years after diagnosis. Questions covered experiences in everyday life and participation. The material was analysed through content analysis.
In Study II, longitudinal data from 274 persons with RA were analysed regarding disease activity (assessed by DAS28), grip force (assessed by Grippit), pain intensity (VAS mm) and activity limitations (assessed by HAQ). The data were collected at inclusion, year one and year two after diagnosis. Data related to sickness absence were also obtained, as well as self-assessed perceptions of experienced support. Through regression analyses, associations between disease-related variables and sickness absence were investigated, with support as a moderator.
The data in Study III comprise semi-structured individual interviews with 16 persons with RA and their significant others, conducted approximately a decade after diagnosis. The interview guide was developed with Study I in mind and included similar topics, with the addition of support. This material was analysed using dyadic analysis, where a person with RA and the significant other comprised a dyad.
Finally, in Study IV, a convergent mixed methods approach was used. Longitudinal data regarding disease-related variables (same as Study II) were collected during the first decade after diagnosis and analysed through linear mixed models. The qualitative material consisted of individual interviews conducted three and ten years after diagnosis and analysed by directed content analysis. The quantitative and qualitative results were integrated in accordance with the chosen method.
Results: Significant others of persons with RA could encompass both facilitators and hinders to participation in the everyday life of persons with RA. Through the provision of support and helpful attitudes towards needed adaptations, they had a positive influence on participation in the everyday life of persons with RA. This was a continuous process since the persons with RA were still affected by the disease a decade after diagnosis, and adaptations by the significant others might also still be needed.
Experiences of RA were found to differ between men and women over the first decade after diagnosis. Moreover, through a mixed methods design, discrepancies were found between the persons’ own descriptions in interviews and the quantitative results. For instance, women expressed issues related to grip force and disease activity in the interviews, but these issues were not detected in the same way in the quantitative results. These discrepancies were additionally not seen in men; however, both men and women still showed signs of disability a decade after RA diagnosis. Nevertheless, over time, the persons with RA and their significant others had learned to live with the disease and there was a sense of togetherness in everyday life with RA. Namely, they approached the disease together as a unit.
Support was identified as a positive aspect that facilitated everyday life. It entailed both the support between the person with RA and the significant other, as well as the support from others outside of the dyad. Support could also come in different forms. For example, the person with RA could receive emotional support from a significant other, or healthcare professionals (HCPs) could provide informational support to either or both of the parties. In connection to the latter, a continuous need for knowledge was identified in both the persons with RA and the significant others. Support from significant others also proved to have an impact on work life specifically, as more perceived support was associated with an increased risk of sickness absence.
Conclusively, significant others and their support can influence participation in the everyday life of persons with RA, and this influence can be facilitated through positive attitudes and different types of support during the first decade after diagnosis.
Conclusions: Significant others are essential providers of support as facilitators for participation in the everyday life of persons with RA, including many years after diagnosis. However, they must also be attentive towards the further need for adaptations and possible emotional burden in the persons with RA. It is also important for significant others to find a balance between overprotecting and contributing to independence.
The significant others in their turn might need support in understanding the impact of the disease. In this case, HCPs should be providers of support to both persons with RA and their significant others and consult with both of them as a unit in the rehabilitation process. This also exemplifies the need for support from outside the dyads of persons with RA and their significant others.
Support is requested both at an early stage and throughout the disease course. Different types of support from significant others can therefore preferably be part of the rehabilitation process as a way to enhance participation in the everyday life of persons with RA.