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  • 1.
    Aartsen, Marja
    et al.
    Faculty of Social Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands .
    Béland, Daniel
    Johnson-Shoyama School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan, Canada .
    Edmondson, Ricca
    School of Political Science and Sociology, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
    Ginn, Jay
    Institute of Gerontology, Department of Social Science and Medicine, King’s College, London, United Kingdom .
    Komp, Kathrin
    Department of Sociology, Umea University, Sweden.
    Nilsson, Magnus
    Karlstads universitet, Avdelningen för sociala studier, Sweden.
    Perek-Bialas, Jolanta
    Warsaw School of Economics, Jagiellonian University, Poland .
    Sorensen, Penny
    Faculty of Social Sciences, East Anglia University, United Kingdom .
    Weicht, Bernard
    Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands .
    Ageing in the light of crises: Economic crisis, demographic change, and the search for meaning2012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Old age has many images, with the one of a crisis regaining momentum. While images of activity and opportunity gained ground during recent decades, this trend now seems to reverse. The current economic crisis drains the financial resources of older people, which increases old age poverty. Moreover, governments react to the double-pressure of economic crises and population ageing through budget cuts, which reduces support systems for older people. It, moreover, centers public discourses more strongly on social problems associated with old age. Both developments underline the needs associated with old age and draw our attention away from the potentials of old age. In other words, they bring discussions on old age back to the topic of crises. This working paper discusses how the economic crisis affects older people, how governments, labour markets, and families react to the double-pressure of population ageing and economic crisis, and how individuals perceive their old age. It concludes with reflections on the implications of growing crisis-centrism in discussions on old age. Such crisis-centrism can lead us to overlook social inequalities in old age and to neglect the subjective character of the perception of old age. The public image of old age might, thus, be stronger associated with the idea of crisis than what older people’s lived experience suggests.

  • 2.
    Abramsson, Marianne
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, NISAL - National Institute for the Study of Ageing and Later Life. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Plans and reasons for relocation among older people.2015Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 3.
    Ahlgren-Moritz, Charlotte
    et al.
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Alm, Anna-Karin
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Christersson, Cecilia
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Eikelboom Sällström, Anette
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Esbjörnsson, Mattias
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Jacobsson, Andreas
    Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle, Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Marell, Agneta
    Samverkan och innovation, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Persson, Jeanette
    Innovation och utveckling, Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Ramsten, Anna-Carin
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Rehme, Jakob
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Industrial Economics. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Reinhold, Mats
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Sjögren, Karin
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Sörensson, Victoria
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Värbrand, Peter
    Linköping University, Department of Science and Technology, Communications and Transport Systems. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [1]: Metoder och strategier2016Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Universitet och högskolor bidrar till samhällsutvecklingen genom att forskningsbaserad kunskap tillämpas av olika aktörer i samhället. För att möta dagens och morgondagens samhällsutmaningar utgör således kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och samhället en värdefull möjlighet. Att ha starka relationer med samhällets aktörer identifieras också som viktigt i utvecklingen av ett internationellt starkt lärosäte.

    Samverkan i högre utbildning främjar samhällets förändringsförmåga och stärker utbildningens kvalitet, men samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. Ett lärosäte i nära samverkan med aktörer i samhället är ett relevant lärosäte, det vill säga ett lärosäte som är till nytta för sin omvärld och för sina medarbetare och studenter.

    Ett grundläggande problem vad gäller möjligheterna att integrera samverkan i akademisk utbildning står att finna i statens fördelning av medel till lärosätena. De statliga medlen utgår nämligen i två separata anslag, ett vardera för de båda huvuduppdragen utbildning och forskning. Samverkan kan sägas ingå i bägge uppdragen. Till skillnad från forskningssamverkan finns det för utbildningssamverkan ingen särskild uppföljning och inte heller några ekonomiska incitament. Utvärdering av forskning och utbildning bör således breddas så att kvalitetsstärkande samverkansinslag också inkluderas i resursfördelningsprinciperna. Statens bristande strukturer för fördelning och uppföljning återspeglas i hur lärosätena fördelar resurser till och följer upp samverkan: lärare ges sällan resurser (i form av särskild tid) för att på ett pedagogiskt genomtänkt sätt kunna inkludera samverkansinslag i undervisningen; samverkan är sällan meriterande eller lönegrundande; och den utbildningssamverkan som bedrivs följs sällan upp – varken på institutions-, fakultets- eller lärosätesnivå. Samma sak kan sägas gälla på nationell nivå – det samverkande lärosätet erhåller inga extra anslag och det bestraffas ej heller för försummelse av detsamma. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen innebär att samverkan bör ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling mot de mål som finns angivna i kurs- och utbildningsplaner. Det betyder också att arbetet med samverkan bör inkluderas i processer för styrning, planering och uppföljning av utbildning och undervisning på såväl kurs- och programnivå som på institutions-, fakultets- och lärosätesnivå. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen är att sträva mot att externa aktörer ska bli en självklar del i den dagliga verksamheten – för studenter såväl som för medarbetare och för de organisationer man samverkar med. För att svenska lärosäten ska ges en realistisk möjlighet att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningsverksamheten krävs det framför allt följande:

    • att politiker och departement utformar ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena;
    • att lärosätesledningar tar tydlig ställning för samverkansfrågan i sina strategiska styrdokument och att samverkan införs i lärosätenas kvalitetssäkringssystem för utbildning, samt att lärosätena inför system för att styra och följa upp samverkan i utbildningen på lärosätesövergripande nivå;
    • att ledningen för fakulteter, institutioner eller motsvarande omsätter lärosätets strategiska åtaganden i handlingsplaner och lokala styrdokument samt utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningsprogram;
    • att lärare samt kurs- och programansvariga inför samverkan i utbildningens styrande dokument (t.ex. kurs- och utbildningsplaner) samt i den ordinarie undervisningsverksamheten.

    Dessutom bör lärosätena – både gemensamt men också vart och ett för sig – införa system och karriärvägar där medarbetares insatser i det vardagliga samverkansarbetet uppmärksammas och belönas.

    Mot bakgrund av detta kan man konstatera att det är angeläget att lärosätenas strategiska arbete avseende utveckling och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningen vidareutvecklas. Men, med vilka verktyg, var i verksamheten och på vilka sätt?

    I följande skrift samlas erfarenheter och goda exempel gjorda inom ramen för ett flerårigt lärosätesövergripande samarbetsprojekt, Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram, där utgångspunkten har varit att identifiera strategier och metoder för att integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram. Målet har varit att undersöka och beskriva hur samverkan kan vara ett medel som bidrar till att stärka utbildningens kvalitet och relevans, samt ge förslag på hur vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning kan se ut.

    Den centrala slutsatsen är att samverkan, när den är en integrerad del av utbildningen, bidrar till kvalitet och säkerställer att utbildningen blir till nytta för samhället. Det finns också andra vinster med att bedriva ett systematiskt samverkansarbete, till exempel att det leder till pedagogisk utveckling för undervisande personal, att det ökar förutsättningarna för ett utmaningsbaserat lärande med studenten i centrum, att det underlättar övergången från studier till arbetsliv, och att det möjliggör fördjupade relationer med den värld lärosätet finns i. Resan mot samverkanssäkrad utbildning är, med andra ord, mödan väl värd.

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    Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [1]: Metoder och strategier
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  • 4.
    Ahlgren-Moritz, Charlotte
    et al.
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Alm, Anna-Karin
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Christersson, Cecilia
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Eikelboom Sällström, Anette
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Esbjörnsson, Mattias
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Jacobsson, Andreas
    Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle, Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Marell, Agneta
    Samverkan och innovation, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Persson, Jeanette
    Innovation och utveckling, Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Ramsten, Anna-Carin
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Rehme, Jakob
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Industrial Economics. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Reinhold, Mats
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Sjögren, Karin
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Sörensson, Victoria
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Värbrand, Peter
    Linköping University, Department of Science and Technology, Communications and Transport Systems. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [2]: Möjligheter och utmaningar2016Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Universitet och högskolor bidrar till samhällsutvecklingen genom att forskningsbaserad kunskap tillämpas av olika aktörer i samhället. För att möta dagens och morgondagens samhällsutmaningar utgör således kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och samhället en värdefull möjlighet. Att ha starka relationer med samhällets aktörer identifieras också som viktigt i utvecklingen av ett internationellt starkt lärosäte.

    Samverkan i högre utbildning främjar samhällets förändringsförmåga och stärker utbildningens kvalitet, men samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. Ett lärosäte i nära samverkan med aktörer i samhället är ett relevant lärosäte, det vill säga ett lärosäte som är till nytta för sin omvärld och för sina medarbetare och studenter.

    Ett grundläggande problem vad gäller möjligheterna att integrera samverkan i akademisk utbildning står att finna i statens fördelning av medel till lärosätena. De statliga medlen utgår nämligen i två separata anslag, ett vardera för de båda huvuduppdragen utbildning och forskning. Samverkan kan sägas ingå i bägge uppdragen. Till skillnad från forskningssamverkan finns det för utbildningssamverkan ingen särskild uppföljning och inte heller några ekonomiska incitament. Utvärdering av forskning och utbildning bör således breddas så att kvalitetsstärkande samverkansinslag också inkluderas i resursfördelningsprinciperna. Statens bristande strukturer för fördelning och uppföljning återspeglas i hur lärosätena fördelar resurser till och följer upp samverkan: lärare ges sällan resurser (i form av särskild tid) för att på ett pedagogiskt genomtänkt sätt kunna inkludera samverkansinslag i undervisningen; samverkan är sällan meriterande eller lönegrundande; och den utbildningssamverkan som bedrivs följs sällan upp – varken på institutions-, fakultets- eller lärosätesnivå. Samma sak kan sägas gälla på nationell nivå – det samverkande lärosätet erhåller inga extra anslag och det bestraffas ej heller för försummelse av detsamma. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen innebär att samverkan bör ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling mot de mål som finns angivna i kurs- och utbildningsplaner. Det betyder också att arbetet med samverkan bör inkluderas i processer för styrning, planering och uppföljning av utbildning och undervisning på såväl kurs- och programnivå som på institutions-, fakultets- och lärosätesnivå. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen är att sträva mot att externa aktörer ska bli en självklar del i den dagliga verksamheten – för studenter såväl som för medarbetare och för de organisationer man samverkar med. För att svenska lärosäten ska ges en realistisk möjlighet att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningsverksamheten krävs det framför allt följande:

    • att politiker och departement utformar ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena;
    • att lärosätesledningar tar tydlig ställning för samverkansfrågan i sina strategiska styrdokument och att samverkan införs i lärosätenas kvalitetssäkringssystem för utbildning, samt att lärosätena inför system för att styra och följa upp samverkan i utbildningen på lärosätesövergripande nivå;
    • att ledningen för fakulteter, institutioner eller motsvarande omsätter lärosätets strategiska åtaganden i handlingsplaner och lokala styrdokument samt utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningsprogram;
    • att lärare samt kurs- och programansvariga inför samverkan i utbildningens styrande dokument (t.ex. kurs- och utbildningsplaner) samt i den ordinarie undervisningsverksamheten.

    Dessutom bör lärosätena – både gemensamt men också vart och ett för sig – införa system och karriärvägar där medarbetares insatser i det vardagliga samverkansarbetet uppmärksammas och belönas.

    Mot bakgrund av detta kan man konstatera att det är angeläget att lärosätenas strategiska arbete avseende utveckling och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningen vidareutvecklas. Men, med vilka verktyg, var i verksamheten och på vilka sätt?

    I följande skrift samlas erfarenheter och goda exempel gjorda inom ramen för ett flerårigt lärosätesövergripande samarbetsprojekt, Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram, där utgångspunkten har varit att identifiera strategier och metoder för att integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram. Målet har varit att undersöka och beskriva hur samverkan kan vara ett medel som bidrar till att stärka utbildningens kvalitet och relevans, samt ge förslag på hur vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning kan se ut.

    Den centrala slutsatsen är att samverkan, när den är en integrerad del av utbildningen, bidrar till kvalitet och säkerställer att utbildningen blir till nytta för samhället. Det finns också andra vinster med att bedriva ett systematiskt samverkansarbete, till exempel att det leder till pedagogisk utveckling för undervisande personal, att det ökar förutsättningarna för ett utmaningsbaserat lärande med studenten i centrum, att det underlättar övergången från studier till arbetsliv, och att det möjliggör fördjupade relationer med den värld lärosätet finns i. Resan mot samverkanssäkrad utbildning är, med andra ord, mödan väl värd.

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    Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [2]: Möjligheter och utmaningar
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  • 5.
    Alexander, Marc
    et al.
    Loughborough University, UK.
    Hofstetter, Emily
    Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Language, Culture and Interaction.
    Somewhere to turn to: Signposting in service provision2021In: Discourse & Communication, ISSN 1750-4813, E-ISSN 1750-4821, Vol. 15, no 2, p. 119-138Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article investigates how members of the public are guided or ‘signposted’ out of organisations that they have contacted to third-party agencies. Using conversation analysis, we examine the interactional practices professionals use to signpost callers to external organisations when their concerns do not fit within the remit of the present service. Drawing on a corpus of over 500 calls and meetings at five different institutions in the UK (including mediation services, local council organisations, a housing charity and a politician’s constituency office), we show how the practice of signposting is intertwined with the activities of rejecting the caller’s case for receiving service, while simultaneously offering a service – namely, a redirection to an ostensibly more appropriate service provider. We show how community problems can be treated as warranting assistance along a range of offer-ability (e.g. ‘I will do X for you’, ‘That’s the kind of thing we could do’, ‘Do you want their number?’), and how troubles-tellings without a specific request can be retroactively formulated into an actionable item for an institution. Our findings demonstrate practices for negotiating institutionality itself, through delimiting service remit, and through participants’ orientations to the relevance of service provision as an institutional goal.

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  • 6.
    Algborn, Elisabeth
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Elwin, Elin
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Roller under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning: Om roller som synliggörs i interaktion mellan lärar­student och handledare2014Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie handlar om lärarstudenters upplevelser av verksamhetsförlagd utbild­­ning och synliggör roller som uppkommer i interaktion mellan handledare och student under handledning. Studien genomförs med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med lärarstudenter och utgår från följande frågeställningar:

    • Hur upplever studenterna omedelbar interaktion med handledare under verksamhets­förlagd utbildning?
    • Vilka roller kan identifieras bland lärarstudenter och handledare under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning?

    Resultaten framhäver att studenterna, på grund av relationens asymmetri, ofta rättar sig efter handledarens agerande och förväntningar. Handledningen sker i de flesta fall på handledarens villkor. Enligt resultatet har handledarens synliga inställning till studenten och VFU betydelse för studentens agerande. Ett fungerande samspel med handledaren är viktigt för att studenterna ska uppfatta relationen som positiv, dock behöver inte en bra relation innebära en givande handledning. Sju olika rollkaraktärer hos handledarna och sju olika roll­karaktärer hos studenterna har identifierats och presenteras. Resultatet visar att studenten och handledaren påverkar varandra i relationen. Hand­ledaren påverkar dock studenten i högre grad, på grund av den bedömning som VFU innebär.

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    Roller under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning
  • 7.
    Anbäcken, Josef
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning.
    Gottfridsson, Johan
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning.
    Sanktionslös interaktion: En kvalitativ studie om ett anonymt beteende2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studiens avsikt har varit att undersöka bakomliggande aspekter av samtalsklimatet i onlinespel och även titta på positiva samt negativa aspekter av det sanktionslösa samtalet. Därpå har kulturen varit av intresse, bå de aktörens egen kultur men också onlinekulturen som sådan.Studiens forskningsmetod är av kvalitativ natur, med sju stycken kvalitativa intervjuer som empiri.Då forskarparet har en vid  förförståelse av ämnet har en  kombinerad induktiv och deduktiv ansats tagits. Det har under arbetets gång konstaterats att samtalsklimatet  skiljer sig vitalt under anonymitet och sanktionslöshet. Analysen har varit ett kombinerat micro- och  macroperspektiv där avsikten var att  få en bredare och djupare förståelse av problem området.

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  • 8.
    Andersson, Charlotte
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education and Sociology.
    Socialitet – vad är det?: En sociologisk forskningsöversikt2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie har genomförts utifrån iakttagelsen att det i forskningssammanhang inom samhällsvetenskaperna hänvisas till begreppet eller fenomenet socialitet utan att det egentligen redogörs för vad som åsyftas. För att ge ökad förståelse av socialitet har syftet för denna studie varit att belysa hur socialitet som begrepp eller fenomen beskrivs inom mikrosociologisk teoribildning och empirisk forskning. Studien är en forskningsöversikt där empirin genomgått deskriptivt kvalitativ innehållsanalys.


    Översikten presenterar beskrivningar av socialitet möjliga att kategoriseras under fyra olika teman varav ett av dessa är personlighetens socialitet och där socialiteten beskrivs som en emergent spiralformad dialektisk process genomsyrad av elementär och avancerad responsivitet. Studien visar även på att socialiteten kan vara genomkorsad av skillnad utifrån vitt skilda önskemål om form, miljö och mängd. Här diskuteras hur socialiteten idag ter sig utsatt för ökade spänningar där alla anses söka gemenskap för välbefinnande och där individen ställs som ansvarig för sina personliga framgångar, ledande till ett socialitetens dilemma.

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  • 9.
    Andersson, Daniel
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Technology and Social Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, CSPR.
    Ecologies of Integrated Modeling: Configuring Policy-Relevance in Swedish Climate Governance2023In: Frontiers in Climate, E-ISSN 2624-9553, Vol. 5, article id 1159860Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Due to the long timescales and deep uncertainties involved, comprehensive model-building has played a pivotal role in creating shared expectations about future trajectories for addressing climate change processes, mobilizing a network of knowledge-based experts who assist in defining common problems, identifying policy solutions, and assessing the policy outcomes. At the intersection between climate change science and climate governance, where wholly empirical methods are infeasible, numerical simulations have become the central practice for evaluating truth claims, and the key medium for the transport and translation of data, methods, and guiding principles among the actors involved. What makes integrated assessment unique as a comprehensive modeling-effort is that it is explicitly policy-oriented, justified by its policy-relevance. Although recognized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as invaluable to their review assessments, the role of integrated modeling in implementations of the Paris Agreement, such as in impact assessments of climate legislation on the national level, is far less known. Taking as its starting-point the boundary-work carried out in public administration, this paper examines how foresight knowledge produced with the help of model-based scenario analysis has been made relevant in Swedish climate policymaking, focusing on the processes by which key indicators for political action become institutionalized through the choice and use of model parameters. It concludes by arguing for an expanded understanding of policy-relevance, beyond institutional approaches and toward a process-based point of view, treating relevance as something in-the-making.

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  • 10.
    Andersson, Daniel
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Tema Environmental Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Future perfect climates: A phenomenological rejoinder to the performativity of climate change mitigation pathways2024In: Futures: The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, ISSN 0016-3287, E-ISSN 1873-6378, Vol. 160, article id 103397Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    From charting out climate change mitigation pathways to estimating price risks associated with the social cost of carbon, as environmentally concerned citizens of the twenty-first century, we live in a culture of foresight. Because of a growing integration of an ever-wider sample space of possible climate futures into the present, historical experience has become seemingly irrelevant for effectively predicting where our climate transitions are headed, in effect restricting our sense of futurity to its performativity in the present. What has been surprisingly absent as a theoretical and methodological approach among sociologists, however, are treatments of the performativity of the future as the expression of a historical praxis for prognosis, with its own mode of disclosure. By interrogating the temporal structure of anticipation that characterizes computer-based simulations of emissions scenarios, the paper illustrates how this praxis discloses the future in accordance with the grammatical tense of the future perfect. It then argues that this relationship between past and future is the cultural product of a historically particular set of prognostic techniques and technologies, namely, model-based scenario analysis. Against this background, the paper seeks to contribute to the rehabilitation of the relevance of historical experience by historicizing the social ontological status of the future that theories of performativity take as their starting point.

  • 11.
    Andersson, Fredrik W
    et al.
    Statistics Sweden, Sweden.
    Mutgan, Selcan
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Norgren, Axel
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Wennberg, Karl
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.
    Seeking opportunity or socio-economic status? Housing and school choice in Sweden2024In: Urban Studies, ISSN 0042-0980, E-ISSN 1360-063XArticle in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Residential choices and school choices are intimately connected in school systems where school admission relies on proximity rules. In countries with universal school choice systems, however, it remains an open question whether families’ residential mobility is tied to the choice of their children’s school, and with what consequences. Using administrative data on all children approaching primary-school age in Sweden, we study to what extent families’ financial and socio-economic background affects mobility between neighbourhoods and the characteristics of schools chosen by moving families. Our findings show that families do utilise the housing market as an instrument for school choice over the year preceding their firstborn child starting school. However, while families who move do ‘climb the social ladder’ by moving to neighbourhoods with more households of higher socio-economic status, their chosen schools do not appear to be of higher academic quality compared to those their children would otherwise have attended.

  • 12.
    Andréasson, Frida
    et al.
    Swedish Family Care Competence Centre (NKA), Sweden.
    Hanson, Elizabeth
    Eurocarers, Belgium.
    Lancioni, Cristina
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    Papa, Roberta
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    Barbabella, Francesco
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    Lamura, Giovanni
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    The INNOVAGE-Eurocarers platform and current ICT-based services for informal carers of older people in Sweden2015In: Irish Ageing Studies Review, ISSN 1649-9972, Vol. 6, no 1, p. 88-88Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Different support services for family carers are available in Sweden through information and communication technologies (ICTs) since late 1990s, like ACTION, My Joice, IPPI, ‘The Gap’, and Carer Sweden’s online ‘Carer’s Book’. The INNOVAGE-Eurocarers platform aimed to complement the offer of web services to carers through the provision of a new tailored package.

    Methods: The Swedish pilot test enrolled around 50 carers through contacts with professionals working with carers in different municipalities. They could access the following web-based services: information resources; individual support via e-mail and private messages; group support via social network and forum. Periodical writing activities were asked to active users in the forum, alternating expressive writing (EW) and time management (TM) writing tasks. Periodical reminders were sent in order to increase user involvement.

    Results: Users were predominantly older, female carers, of which two thirds were over 65 years old. The web platform was perceived as a flexible tool, potentially accessible at any time, which gave users the possibility to exploit their experience as carers with others in similar situations. This peer exchange seemed to improve self empowerment, sense of solidarity and mutual learning. However, usage of the web platform was limited due to the low level of digital skills of some carers.

    Conclusions: Although results confirmed usefulness and appropriateness of implemented web services, it is fundamental to address the issue of usability and accessibility in order to ensure a wider accessibility. An option might be to offer initial digital skill training and continuous technical support for computer novices.

  • 13.
    Andrén, Mats
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Zetterqvist Nelson, Karin
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Att lyssna på barn. Om lyssnandets teori och etik2022In: Barn, ISSN 0800-1669, E-ISSN 2535-5449, Vol. 40, no 3, p. 101-118Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In many societal contexts, the importance of listening to children is underscored, not seldom with reference to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and especially Article 12 on the right to be heard. But what does it mean to listen to children? A plethora of books on listening to children aimed at professionals and others who meet children in their daily lives are published on a regular basis. However, we miss a critical discussion of listening as such, and more specifically about (good) listening to children, in relation to a larger theoretical context. The aim of this article is to discuss listening in relation to monological and dialogical perspectives on communication, as well as in relation to different notions of children as same or different from adults. Ethical implications following in the wake of different theoretical perspectives on listening and listening to children are also discussed.

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  • 14.
    Andrén, Mats
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Zetterqvist Nelson, Karin
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Introduktion: Att lyssna på barn – nya infallsvinklar, nya perspektiv2022In: Barn, ISSN 0800-1669, E-ISSN 2535-5449, Vol. 40, no 3, p. 1-7Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • 15.
    Andrén, Mats
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Zetterqvist Nelson, Karin
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Listening to children: theories and ethics of listening2024Report (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In many societal contexts, the importance of listening to children is underscored, not seldom with reference to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and especially Article 12 on the right to be heard. But what does it mean to listen to children? A plethora of books on listening to children aimed at professionals and others who meet children in their daily lives are published on a regular basis. However, we miss a critical discussion of listening as such, and more specifically about (good) listening to children, framed within a larger theoretical context. The aim of this article is to discuss listening in relation to monological and dialogical perspectives on communication, as well as in relation to different notions of children as similar to or different from adults. Also discussed is how different theoretical perspectives on listening and listening to children tends to lead to different ethical conclusions regarded what constitutes good listening and listening to children.

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  • 16.
    Antelius, Eleonor
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, NISAL - National Institute for the Study of Ageing and Later Life. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Kiwi, Mahin
    Linköping University, NISAL - National Institute for the Study of Ageing and Later Life. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Etnokulturellt profilerad demensomsorg2016In: Att leva med demens / [ed] Ingrid Hellström, Lars-Christer Hydén, Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2016, 1, p. 143-154Chapter in book (Other academic)
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    Avdan, Nazli
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Language and Literature. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    ‘Collaborative Competition’: Stance-taking and Positioning in the European Parliament2017Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The European Parliament (EP) is the scene where certain issues concerning over 500 million ‘Europeans’ are publicly debated and where politically relevant groupings are discursively coconstructed. While the Members of the Parliament (MEPs) pursue their political agendas, intergroup boundaries are drawn, reinforced, and/or transgressed. Speakers constantly take stances on behalf of groupings in relation to some presupposed other groupings and argue what differentiates ‘Self’ from ‘Others’. This study examines patterns of language use by the MEPs as they engage in the contextually and historically situated dialogical processes of intergroup positioning and stance-taking. It further focuses on the strategic and competitive activities of grouping, grounding, and alignment in order to reveal the dynamic construction of intergroup boundaries.

    The study is based on a collection of Blue-card question-answer sequences from the plenary debates held at the EP in 2011, when the Sovereign Debt Crisis had been stabilized to some degree but still evoked plenty of controversy.

    Theoretically the study builds on Stance Theory (Du Bois, 2007), Positioning Theory (Davies & Harré, 1990), and several broadly social constructivist approaches to discourse analysis (Fairclough, 1995).

    The analysis shows that intergroup positioning in the EP emerges as what I call a ‘collaborative competition’ between contradictory ideologies and political agendas. The MEPs strategically manipulate their opponents' prior or projected utterances in order to set up positions for self, a grouping he or she stands for, and thereby its adversaries. All participants engage in the maintenance and negotiation of intergroup boundaries, even though the boundaries hardly ever coincide between the different speakers. They discursively fence off some imaginary territories, leaving their adversaries with vague positions.

    When asking Blue-card questions, the MEPs use a particular turn organization, which involves routine forms of interactional units, namely addressing, question framing and question forms, each of which is shown to contribute to stance-taking. A dynamic model of stance-taking is suggested, allowing for a fluid transformation of the stance object as well as the discursively constructed stance-takers.

    While Blue-card questions are meant to serve as a structured procedure for eliciting information from a speaker, the analysis demonstrates that the MEPs accomplish various divergent actions that serve intergroup positioning. The dissertation thus contributes to the understanding of the discursive games played in the EP as the MEPs strive to construct social realities that fit their political ends.

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  • 18.
    Bader, Felix
    et al.
    TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
    Keuschnigg, Marc
    Linköping University, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Bounded Solidarity in Cross-National Encounters: Individuals Share More with Others from Poor Countries but Trust Them Less2020In: Sociological Science, E-ISSN 2330-6696, Vol. 7, p. 415-432Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Globalization makes cross-national encounters increasingly common. Hesitant cooperationacross national, ethnic, and cultural boundaries, however, undercuts the microlevel stabilizers of global integration and, most importantly, the willingness to share with and place trust in members of other social groups. In a 109-country online experiment, we convey information on interaction partners’ nationalities to indicate membership in a broader in- or out-group, cultural distance, and perceived material neediness—or status differences more generally—to 1,674 participants in incentivized games of generosity (dictator game) and trust (trust game). We find consistent evidence for in-group favoritism and—against this benchmark—demonstrate that individuals across the globe share more with but place less trust in interaction partners from poor countries and that cultural distance moderates this status effect.

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  • 19. Bak Jørgensen, Martin
    et al.
    Schierup, Carl-UlrikLinköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility2023Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility spells out a plea for utopia in a crisis-ridden 21st century of unequal development, exclusionary citizenship, and forced migrations. The volume offers a collection of critical essays on human rights movements, sanctuary spaces, and the emplacement of antiracist conviviality in cities across North and South America, Europe, and Africa. Each intervention proceeds from the idea that cities may accommodate both a humanistic sensibility and a radical potential for social transformation. The figure of the 'migrant' is pivotal. It expounds the prospect of transversal solidarity to capture a plurality of commonalities and to abjure dichotomies between in-group and out-group, the national and the international, or society and institutions. 

  • 20.
    Bak Jørgensen, Martin
    et al.
    Ålborg University, Denmark.
    Schierup, Carl-UlrikLinköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility2022Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 21. Bak Jørgensen, Martin
    et al.
    Schierup, Carl-Ulrik
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility. Introduction2023In: Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility / [ed] Martin Bak Jørgensen & Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Chicago: Haymarket , 2023, p. 1-22Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 22.
    Balgi, Sourabh
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, The Division of Statistics and Machine Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Daoud, Adel
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Peña, Jose M.
    Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, The Division of Statistics and Machine Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Wodtke, Geoffrey
    Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.
    Zhou, Jesse
    Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.
    Deep Learning With DAGsManuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Social science theories often postulate causal relationships among a set of variables or events. Although directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) are increasingly used to represent these theories, their full potential has not yet been realized in practice. As non-parametric causal models, DAGs require no assumptions about the functional form of the hypothesized relationships. Nevertheless, to simplify the task of empirical evaluation, researchers tend to invoke such assumptions anyway, even though they are typically arbitrary and do not reflect any theoretical content or prior knowledge. Moreover, functional form assumptions can engender bias, whenever they fail to accurately capture the complexity of the causal system under investigation. In this article, we introduce causal-graphical normalizing flows (cGNFs), a novel approach to causal inference that leverages deep neural networks to empirically evaluate theories represented as DAGs. Unlike conventional approaches, cGNFs model the full joint distribution of the data according to a DAG supplied by the analyst, without relying on stringent assumptions about functional form. In this way, the method allows for flexible, semi-parametric estimation of any causal estimand that can be identified from the DAG, including total effects, conditional effects, direct and indirect effects, and path-specific effects. We illustrate the method with a reanalysis of Blau and Duncan’s (1967) model of status attainment and Zhou’s (2019) model of conditional versus controlled mobility. To facilitate adoption, we provide open-source software together with a series of online tutorials for implementing cGNFs. The article concludes with a discussion of current limitations and directions for future development.

  • 23.
    Balgi, Sourabh
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, The Division of Statistics and Machine Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Peña, Jose M.
    Linköping University, Department of Computer and Information Science, The Division of Statistics and Machine Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Daoud, Adel
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Counterfactually-Equivalent Structural Causal Modelling Using Causal Graphical Normalizing Flows2024In: 12th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models / [ed] Johan Kwisthout, Silja Renooij, JMLR-JOURNAL MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH , 2024, Vol. 246, p. 164-181Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Recent research has highlighted the properties that deep-learning inspired causal models such as Deep-Structural Causal Model (Deep-SCM), Causal Autoregressive Flow (CAREFL) and Causal-Graphical Normalizing Flow (c-GNF) should exhibit to guarantee observational and interventional distribution equivalence with the true underlying causal data generating process (DGP), making them suitable for estimating average causal effect (ACE) or conditional ACE (CACE). However, for accurate individual-level causal effect (ICE) estimation and personalized treatment/public-policy formulation, it is crucial to ensure counterfactual equivalence between these models and the DGP. Firstly, we demonstrate that c-GNFs provide counterfactual equivalence under certain monotonicity assumption of the DGP, enabling precise ICE estimation and personalized treatment/public-policy analysis. Secondly, using this counterfactual equivalence of c-GNFs, we perform a counterfactual analysis and personalized public-policy analysis of the impact of International Monetary Fund (IMF) programs on child poverty using large-scale real-world observational data. Our results indicate a reduction in child poverty due to the IMF program at different personalization granularities. Our study also performs sensitivity analyses to assess potential threats to the unconfoundedness assumption and estimates ACE bounds and the E-value. This illustrates the potential of c-GNFs for causal and counterfactual inference in fields such as social, natural, and medical sciences.

  • 24.
    Barbabella, Francesco
    et al.
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    Lancioni, Cristina
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    Andréasson, Frida
    Swedish Family Care Competence Centre (NKA), Sweden.
    Papa, Roberta
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    Poli, Arianna
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    Salzmann, Benjamin
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    Efthymiou, Areti
    Eurocarers, Belgium.
    Lamura, Giovanni
    National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy.
    How web-based services can support family carers of older people: New ways to promote social inclusion and quality of life2015In: Irish Ageing Studies Review, ISSN 1649-9972, Vol. 6, no 1, p. 87-87Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Family carers can be negatively influenced by their situation, in terms of stress, social isolation, economic constraints and other difficulties. Web-based services addressing carers’ needs represent an efficient support. The goal of the INNOVAGE work package 3(WP3) study was to develop and test a new multilingual web platform for supporting family carers of older people, to be implemented in 27 European countries.

    Methods: A review of good practices and a consultation with stakeholders were conducted for identifying most appropriate types of services to be developed and tested. The prototype of web platform included information resources and interactive services for both peer and professional support. A convenient, overall sample of around 130 family carers was enrolled in three countries (Italy, Germany and Sweden) and could access services for 12-17 weeks. Data were collected through questionnaires and focus groups concerning impact onquality of life, social support, self-perception of carer’s role, as well as usability, usefulness and appropriateness of services.

    Results: Active users were generally satisfied with support (information, advice, counselling) provided by moderators (social workers or psychologists) and peers. Usability and appropriateness were confirmed, although some refinements were suggested and users with low digital skills often needed technical support. A portion of the sample remained inactive even if stimulation strategies were adopted.

    Conclusions: The pilot study confirmed the INNOVAGE Eurocarers web platform is a useful tool for family carers. Some challenges still exist for implementation in relation to digital skills required and users’ preferences on services at country level.

  • 25.
    Barot, Shabane
    et al.
    Karolinska institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Bredström, AnnaLinköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.Mulinari, ShaiLunds universitet, Lund, Sverige.Shutzberg, ManiSödertörns högskola, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Genetik och ras2020Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Becevic, Zulmir
    et al.
    Univ Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Dahlstedt, Magnus
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Social Work. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    On the margins of citizenship: youth participation and youth exclusion in times of neoliberal urbanism2022In: Journal of Youth Studies, ISSN 1367-6261, E-ISSN 1469-9680, Vol. 25, no 3, p. 362-379Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Over the last few decades there has been growing interest in youth participation, at policy level and in research. Generally, this is attributed to growing public concern regarding the youth participatory deficit and youth dissatisfaction in European societies. In contemporary discourse young people are positioned as a problem associated with a lack of participation in economic, social and political processes, which in turn is seen as a threat to the very foundation of democracy. Taking into consideration the neoliberal transformation of Western European cities towards increasing socioeconomic and ethno-cultural segregation, the authors argue that there is a pressing need to analyse youth participation as it is shaped by structural order and unequal access to resources, which creates spatial, material and symbolic divisions between different categories of young people. By placing it within a framework of citizenship theory, the authors analyse the enigmatic concept of youth participation through the prism of social exclusion, arguing for an understanding of participation as embedded in the social landscape of unequal power relations and life opportunities which are essential characteristics of the neo-liberal city.

  • 27.
    Bergnehr, Disa
    et al.
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Wells, Michael B.
    Uppsala universitet, Sweden.
    Families and family policies in Sweden2014In: Handbook of Family Policies Across the Globe / [ed] Mihaela Robila, New York: Springer, 2014, p. 91-107Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Sweden is known as a social welfare state, whereby the people who reside in Sweden are entitled to certain public benefits at little or no cost to the individual. Over the past century, Sweden has reshaped its culture, growing from one of the poorest nations in Europe to a flourishing country that others emulate, especially with respect to their family policies. Sweden has developed several foundational family policies that have helped to encourage equality, while establishing a sense of individuality. Sweden has created similar rights for cohabiters/married couples, as well as for same-sex/opposite-sex couples. Parents receive a generous parental leave package, flexible employment choices, and there is a low gender wage gap, while children receive high-quality childcare, free health care, free dental care, free mental health services, and a substantial child welfare program. Swedish family policies encourage both parents to work and to help each other with household and childcare tasks. Despite the public benefits that Sweden provides for mothers, fathers, and children, there is still a need for further improvements regarding policies on domestic violence, poverty, and child welfare. Assessments of Sweden’s family policies are discussed.

  • 28.
    Bergnéhr, Disa
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Social influence and the timing of parenthood2009In: Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships, E-ISSN 1981-6472, Vol. 3, no 1, p. 61-83Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    There is a general trend of postponing entry into parenthood in Europe, Scandinavia being no exception. Previous research has suggested a range of reasons for this pattern to emerge, but comparatively little attention has been given the possible impact of the social network on the decision to try for a child. This paper explicates ways in which young Swedish adults in focus group discussions reason about the impact of friends and family in their reproductive decision-making. The analysis is based on a discourse analytical approach and inspired by social influence theory. The result of the focus group data indicates that the desire to maintain belonging and rootedness to friends as well as to kin is influential in procreative decision-making. Friends and family are recurrently referred to in the participants’ reasoning about when parenthood is preferably entered.

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    Bergnehr 2009a
  • 29.
    Bergnéhr, Disa
    et al.
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Bernhardt, Eva
    Sociologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, Sweden.
    The non-modern child? Ambivalence about parenthood among young adults2013In: The Social Meaning of Children and Fertility Change in Europe / [ed] Anne Lisa Ellingsaeter, An-Magritt Jensen & Merete Lie, London and New York: Routledge, 2013, 1, p. 102-119Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In the present study, we investigate the meanings that having a child connotes for youngadults in Sweden. In a rare research design, we draw on both survey data and focus groupinterviews, and thus we utilize the strengths of both quantitative and qualitative information.The child connotes dependence and stability and is likely to restrict the personal freedom ofits parents, while at the same time children are supposed to make life more meaningful. Thispotentially creates ambivalent feelings about having a child, and possibly also about the(potential) child itself. We investigate and discuss the ambivalence found in the data byasking the following questions: How do men and women answer survey questions about thepositive and negative implications having a child may have on their life? How do men andwomen in focus group interviews reason about the implications a child may have on their life?Both sorts of data provide evidence that young adults in Sweden are concerned aboutrestrictions in their personal freedom as an expected negative consequence of becomingparents. The child connotes dependence and responsibilities in a society where independenceand self-actualization are highly valued, and may thus be referred to as non-modern. Judgingfrom the analysis of the survey data, it seems that young men are more worried aboutrestricted personal freedom than are the young women, and this is the main reason behindtheir feeling more ambivalent. Post-secondary education increases the likelihood that therespondent is ambivalent. The overwhelming majority, of both men and women, in the dataexpect to make the transition to parenthood, at some point in their life, as this is regarded as anatural step to take and that the child adds meaning to life being a symbol of dependence,belonging and social relations – also valued aspects of life. However, they appear to strive topostpone the transition, so that they can enjoy the unrestricted freedom of single life for quitesome time. This ambivalence is likely to contribute to an increasing age of becoming a motheror a father, without necessarily leading to more (final) childlessness. The present studycontributes to the understanding of what notions and ideals young adults face, reproduce andact in relation to. It illuminates contemporary connotations of the child, and the ambivalencethat different meanings of the child may cause.

  • 30.
    Berner, Boel
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Technology and Social Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Strange blood: the rise and fall of lamb blood transfusion in 19th century medicine and beyond2020Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In the mid-1870s, the experimental therapy of lamb blood transfusion spread like an epidemic across Europe and the USA. Doctors tried it as a cure for tuberculosis, pellagra and anemia; proposed it as a means to reanimate seemingly dead soldiers on the battlefield. It was a contested therapy because it meant crossing boundaries and challenging taboos. Was the transfusion of lamb blood into desperately sick humans really defensible?

    The book takes the reader on a journey into hospital wards and lunatic asylums, physiological laboratories and 19th century wars. It presents a fascinating story of medical knowledge, ambitions and concerns – a story that provides lessons for current debates on the morality of medical experimentation and care.

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  • 31.
    Berner, Boel
    et al.
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Technology and Social Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Samuelsson, Tobias
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Effektivare vård på distans med multidisciplinära medicinska videokonferenser?2014In: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, ISSN 1400-9692, E-ISSN 2002-343X, Vol. 20, no 4, p. 23-37Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Användning av telemedicin förväntas möjliggöra access till expertråd oavsett var patienten eller läkaren befinner sig geografiskt. I artikeln analyseras, utifrån intervjuer med specialistläkare vid ett universitetssjukhus, hur en form av telemedicin, multidisciplinära videokonferenser mellan olika sjukhus, påverkar beslut och relationer i vården. Begrepp som ”artikuleringsarbete”, ”tyst integrering” och ”skript” används för att förstå beslutsfattandet på distans. Artikeln visar att effektivitet i vården kan tolkas på olika sätt, tar upp hur samarbete mellan specialområden uppfattas samt visar på ambivalenser vad gäller centralisering eller decentralisering av medicinsk kunskap mellan sjukhus med teknikens hjälp.

  • 32.
    Bielsten, Therése
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Division of Health, Activity and Care. Linköping University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
    Hellström, Ingrid
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Division of Health, Activity and Care. Linköping University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
    Den bortglömda kroppen2016In: Att leva med demens / [ed] Ingrid Hellström, Lars-Christer Hydén, Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2016, 1, p. 97-103Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 33.
    Bjurström, Erling
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department for Studies of Social Change and Culture, Department of Culture Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Fredriksson, Martin
    Linköping University, Department for Studies of Social Change and Culture, Department of Culture Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Möller, Per
    Linköping University, Department for Studies of Social Change and Culture, Department of Culture Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Den nya kulturekonomin: Kreativ ekonomi, kulturellt entreprenörskap och platsmarknadsföring i Norrköping2013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under de senaste decennierna har ”kulturen” alltmer beskrivits som en outnyttjad resurs för ekonomisk tillväxt och regional utveckling. Detta har också varit knutet till föreställningar om en omvandling av samhällsekonomin i stort och uppkomsten av en ny ekonomi, som har beskrivits som en upplevelse- eller kreativ ekonomi. Både utomlands och i Sverige finns det otaliga exempel på kultursatsningar som antingen kan betraktas som uttryck för eller implementeringar av dessa ekonomier. Överlag är dock deras genomslag oklart, inte minst om man ser till kultursektorn. Så är också fallet i Norrköping, som utgör fokus för den här studien av kulturellt och kreativt inriktade verksamheter och satsningar.

    Till viss del kan detta förklaras av att diskursen (talet, diskussionen eller samtalet) om upplevelse- och den kreativa ekonomin bidrar till att lösa upp etablerade föreställningar om och definitioner av kultur, liksom gränserna mellan olika samhälls- och ekonomiska sektorer. Med fokus på upplevelser och kreativitet överskrider dessa ekonomier gränserna mellan olika kulturella genrer, samhällssektorer, näringsgrenar och branscher. Detta återspeglar sig inte minst i anspråken på att vidga synen på kultursektorn genom att omdefiniera den till en kreativ sektor.

    Samtidigt är det långt ifrån klart vad som kan räknas till de ekonomier, samhällssektorer eller näringsgrenar som avgränsas med upplevelse- eller kreativitetsbegreppet. Denna oklarhet diskuteras i den första delen av boken (kapitel 1-3), där också olika teorier kring, förklaringsmodeller till och avgränsningar av upplevelse- och den kreativa ekonomin granskas. Likaså diskuteras de kulturpolitiska konsekvenserna av dessa ekonomiers intåg i kulturlandskapet, med tonvikt vid den kulturpolitik som förts i Norrköping.

    I den andra delen av boken (kapitel 4-8) ställs diskussionen i den första delen i relation till den kreativa ekonomins genomslag och mottagande i några kultur- och kreativt inriktade verksamheter i Norrköping. Vilket genomslag har denna ekonomi fått i staden? Hur förhåller sig de som verkar här inom en presumtiv kreativ sektor till föreställningarna om en kreativ eller upplevelsebaserad ekonomi? Hur ställer sig dem som själva verkar inom denna kreativa sektor till de föreställningar om ekonomisk tillväxt och regional utveckling som har ackompanjerat den tankemässiga etableringen av den? Ser de sig själva som del av eller företrädare för en sådan sektor? Bekräftar deras egna erfarenheter den bild som ofta målas upp av kultur, konst och kreativitet som nya drivkrafter för  ekonomisk tillväxt och regional utveckling? I bokens andra del tas frågeställningar som dessa som utgångspunkt för att ställa kvantitativa avgränsningar av den kreativa sektorn mot hur den framtonar för dem som är verksamma inom den.

    Denna del bygger på sex fallstudier av Norrköpings presumtiva kreativa ekonomi: Norrköpings symfoniorkester, Norrköpings visualiseringscenter, EWK-museet, Museet för glömska, reklambyrån Anfang och webbdesignfirman Angry Creative. Dessa har dessutom kompletterats med en granskning av och ställts i relation till stadens kulturpolitik. Härigenom har företrädare för etablerade kulturinstitutioner, nya kulturverksamheter, kreativt inriktade företag och den lokala kulturpolitiken fått ge sin syn på förutsättningarna för att bedriva kultur- och kreativt inriktade verksamheter i Norrköping.

    Skillnader ifråga om verksamhetsinriktning, storlek, etablering och finansieringsmöjligheter slog på detta sätt igenom i de synpunkter som redovisas och diskuteras i bokens andra del. Detsamma gäller de synpunkter på villkoren för kulturellt inriktade entreprenörskap som kom fram i studien, inte minst om man ser till de relativt nyetablerade verksamheter som ingick i den: Norrköpings visualiseringscenter, EWK-museet, Museet för glömska och Angry Creative. Likaså varierade kännedomen om, intresset för och synen på den kreativa ekonomin bland representanterna för de olika verksamheterna. Medan vissa gav uttryck åt att känna sig delaktiga i denna ekonomi, markerade andra snarare att de anpassat sig till den i form av ett slags kritisk delaktighet. I ett fall var detta även förenat med en kritisk syn på denna anpassning i sig och ett visst motstånd mot att godta de verklighetsbeskrivningar som ligger till grund för och de kulturpolitiska förväntningar som har knutits till den kreativa ekonomin. Samtidigt stod flera av representanterna för de verksamheter som ingick i studien relativt främmande för talet om en ny kreativ ekonomi och gav uttryck åt en tämligen likgiltig inställning till den.

    Den kritiska delaktigheten och motståndet var mest markant bland de verksamheter som kan räknas till kultursektorns och kulturpolitikens kärnområden, som i detta fall bland annat representerades av nyetablerade musei- och konstverksamheter. Områden som överlag dessutom räknas till ”den kreativa kärnan” i den kreativa ekonomin. Samtidigt återspeglade sig en mer utbredd skepsis gentemot den kreativa ekonomins tendens att vidga synen på kultur och bryta ner gränserna mellan olika kulturella delfält eller genrer, liksom mellan olika samhällssektorer, inklusive dess anspråk på att omvandla kultursektorn till en kreativ sektor. Likaså gav många, inte sällan med hänvisning till egna erfarenheter, uttryck åt en skepsis vad gäller den kommersiella potential som den kreativa ekonomin tillskriver kulturen. Utifrån vad som kom fram i studien tyder inte heller mycket på att den kreativa ekonomin har öppnat nya möjligheter för etablerade kulturinstitutioner eller kulturverksamheter som har haft svårt att få kostnader och intäkter att gå jämnt ut, vilket Norrköpings symfoniorkester, EWK-museet och Museet för glömska utgör exempel på. Å andra sidan är det tydligt att denna ekonomi, såväl tankemässigt som i praktiken, har spelat en betydelsefull roll för satsningar på nya kreativa verksamheter, vilket Norrköpings visualiseringscenter utgör ett mer storskaligt och Angry Creative ett mer småskaligt exempel på.

    Precis som man kan förvänta sig spelar enskilda entreprenörer – eller vad som i en del fall snarare kan betecknas som eldsjälar, eftersom de enligt egen utsago helt är i avsaknad av ekonomiska motiv – en betydelsefull roll för de nysatsningar på kultur- och kreativa verksamheter som ingick i studien. Ingen av dem var dock beredd att, i varje fall inte utan tveksamhet eller reservationer, beteckna sig själv som ”kulturentreprenör”. För dem som uppgav sig sakna ekonomiska motiv var det dock främst själva entreprenörrollen som de hade svårt att identifiera sig med, medan det var prefixet ”kultur” som framstod som problematiskt för dem som redovisade sådana motiv och uttryckligen betraktade sig som entreprenörer.

    Trots att de tveksamma inställningarna till själva beteckningen ”kulturentreprenör” bottnade i olika överväganden gav de på detta sätt uttryck åt en motvilja mot eller obenägenhet att förena vissa synsätt på kultur och ekonomi med varandra. Den roll som föreskrivs för kulturentreprenören, inte minst från politiskt håll, tycks i denna mening fungera som en brytpunkt för överväganden kring kulturens egenvärde och instrumentalisering i förhållande till ekonomiska motiv och drivkrafter. Samma tendens återspeglade sig i synen på kulturbegreppet, där flera av representanterna för de verksamheter som ingick i studien gav uttryck åt en motvilja mot eller oförståelse inför att vidga dess omfång eller omdefiniera gränserna mellan kultur och ekonomi på det sätt som den kreativa ekonomin gått i bräschen för.

    Som bidrag till förståelsen av en pågående förändring av relationen mellan kultur och ekonomi är den kreativa ekonomins status oklar. Som begrepp står den kreativa ekonomin växelvis för att beskriva en sådan förändring, en politiskt och ekonomiskt förankrad strategi för att åstadkomma den och en policy för att implementera den.

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    Den nya kulturekonomin: Kreativ ekonomi, kulturellt entreprenörskap och platsmarknadsföring i Norrköping
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  • 34.
    Bodman, Olivia
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education and Sociology.
    Lind, Elin
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education and Sociology.
    Att arbeta utifrån målsättning på HVB för ensamkommande ungdomar: En kvalitativ studie utifrån personalens och ledningens perspektiv2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka hur ledningen och personalen på två olika HVB (hem för vård och boende) för ensamkommande ungdomar i en mellanstor kommun i Mellansverige, uppfattar samt hanterar den målsättning som kommunen har bestämt att verksamheten ska bedrivas i enlighet med. 

    Studien har den ontologiska ståndpunkten konstruktionism och ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt med stöd av fenomenologi och symbolisk interaktionism. Sammanlagt genomfördes nio intervjuer med informanter som arbetar på två olika HVB. Resultatet visar att personalen och ledningen har olika uppfattningar angående målsättningen. Ledningen uppfattar målsättningen som det dokument som kommer från kommunen. Personalen har en diffus uppfattning av målsättningen. De uppfattar den som arbetsbeskrivningar, arbetsrutiner, regler, genomförande- och vårdplan. Målsättningen hanteras genom att ledningen implementerar målsättningens innehåll genom arbetsbeskrivningar, arbetsrutiner, regler, genomförande- och vårdplan. Personal hanterar målsättningen genom att de gör vad de blivit tillsagda av ledningen. 

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  • 35.
    Bohgard, Mats
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Karlsson, StigLuleå tekniska universitet.Lovén, EvaLinköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Project Innovations and Entrepreneurship. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.Mikaelsson, Lars-ÅkeMittuniversitetet.Mårtensson, LenaKungliga tekniska högskolan.Osvalder, Anna-LisaChalmers tekniska högskola.Rose, LindaKungliga Tekniska högskolan.Ulfvengren, PernillaKungliga Tekniska högskolan.
    Arbete och teknik på människans villkor2015Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    För att förstå samspelet mellan människor och mellan människor och teknik, krävs kunskaper inom flera olika områden. Boken inkluderar därför begrepp, kunskaper och metoder från bland annat psykologi, medicin, sociologi, fysik, kemi, ekonomi och juridik.

    Boken vänder sig främst till studerande inom arbetsvetenskap, ergonomi och liknande ämnesbenämningar på tekniska universitets- och högskoleutbildningar. Den passar också yrkesverksamma arbetsmiljöingenjörer, ergonomer och sjukgymnaster med flera.

  • 36.
    Bojanić, Sanja
    et al.
    Academy of Applied Arts, University of Rijeka, Croatia.
    Jonsson, Stefan
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Sauer, Birgit
    Political Science, University of Vienna, Austria.
    Challenging cultures of rejection2022In: Patterns of Prejudice, ISSN 0031-322X, E-ISSN 1461-7331, Vol. 56, no 4-5, p. 315-335Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this article, Bojanic, Jonsson, Neergaard and Sauer present a synthetic overview of the five country cases included in the special issue that analyse the emergence of cultures of rejection since 2015. In general, they discuss the conceptual framework of ‘Cultures of Rejection’, elaborated throughout the issue as a more encompassing approach that is sensitive to the values, norms and affects that underlie different or similar patterns of exclusion and rejection in different contexts. These cultures are located in the everyday lives of people. The article, therefore, first identifies contexts, objects of rejection­—often migrants and racialized Others, but also ‘the political’ or state institutions—narratives and components of cultures of rejection that we label reflexivity, affect, nostalgia and moralistic judgement. The contrasting reading of the five cases shows that people struggle for agency under precarious and insecure conditions, and fight against imagined enemies. As Bojanić, Jonsson, Neergaard and Sauer conclude, cultures of rejection mirror ongoing processes of neoliberal dispossession, authoritarization and depolitization that culminate in a wish for agency and resovereignization. Second, and based on this overview, trends in cultures of rejection are detected against different national contexts as well as against common trends of social and economic transformations and crises, such as, for instance, the COVID-19 pandemic. This results, finally, in a discussion of ways of challenging the cultures of rejection towards more democratic and solidaristic societies. One starting point might be the ‘re-embedding’ of the economy in society, that is, a more equal distribution of resources and future perspectives.

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  • 37.
    Bolt Rasmussen, Mikkel
    et al.
    University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
    Jonsson, Stefan
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Protestens billeder: Forord2023In: K & K: kultur og klasse : kritik og kulturanalyse, ISSN 0905-6998, E-ISSN 2246-2589, Vol. 51, no 134-135, p. 1-14Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Prefatory article that introduces the themes, topics and articles of this special issue on the images of protest.

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  • 38.
    Boman, John
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education and Sociology. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    George Herbert Mead2014In: Sociologins teoretiker / [ed] Lucas Gottzén, Ulrik Lögdlund, Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2014, p. 91-104Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 39.
    Boman, John
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education and Sociology. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Lögdlund, Ulrik
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education and Sociology. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Romskt samråd i Linköping: Delaktighet i praktiken2018Report (Other academic)
  • 40.
    Bomark, Niklas
    et al.
    Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden.
    Sebhatu, Abiel
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Arora-Jonsson, Stefan
    Wennberg, Karl
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Business Administration. Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Organisationsteoretiska perspektiv på skolsegregation2019In: Segregation: Mikromekanismer och makrodynamik / [ed] Peter Hedström, Makadam Förlag, 2019Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 41.
    Borg, Ida
    et al.
    Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Brandén, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Do high levels of home-ownership create unemployment?: Introducing the missing link between housing tenure and unemployment2018In: Housing Studies, ISSN 0267-3037, E-ISSN 1466-1810, Vol. 33, no 4, p. 501-524Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A large number of studies have demonstrated that the proportion of home-owners in a region tend to be positively associated with the unemployment levels in that region. In this paper, we introduce a missing piece of explaining this commonly found pattern. By analysing individual-level population register data on Sweden, we jointly examine the effects of micro- and macro-level home-ownership on individuals’ unemployment. The findings indicate that even though home-owners have a lower probability of being unemployed, there is a penalty for both renters and home-owners on unemployment in regions with high home-ownership rates. Differences in mobility patterns cannot explain this pattern. However, when labour market size is considered, the higher probability of unemployment in high home-owning regions is drastically reduced. This suggests that high home-ownership regions tend to coincide with small labour markets, affecting the job matching process negatively.

  • 42.
    Bouchard, Karen
    et al.
    Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
    Forsberg, Camilla
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education, Teaching and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Smith, David J
    Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
    Thornberg, Robert
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education, Teaching and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Showing friendship. fighting back, and getting even: resisting bullying victimisation within adolescent girls´friendships2018In: Journal of Youth Studies, ISSN 1367-6261, E-ISSN 1469-9680, Vol. 21, no 9, p. 1141-1158Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Research suggests that about a quarter of bullying incidences occur within friendships. Yet little attention is given to the underlying social processes and wider macro-system forces that shape friendship victimization experiences. Guided by constructivist grounded theory and Wade's work on resistance, this research explored the phenomenon of victimization within adolescent girls’ friendships. Canadian women reflecting on their school-based victimization experiences were interviewed for this study. Results suggest that participants resisted victimization in important ways but that their resistance strategies were negotiated within gender expectations and ambient discursive constructions of resistance and victimization. Our findings illuminate the ways that discourses concealing women's resistance and privileging overt responses to bullying run counter to gendered expectations for resistance, leaving women in a double bind. Consequently, we found that retaliatory relational aggression allowed girls to deny their victim status while complying with gendered expectations for resistance but led to their bullying experiences being normalized and overlooked.

  • 43.
    Brandén, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Demografiska Avdelning, Stockholms Universitet.
    Boendesituationen och risken att avlida avcovid-19 för äldre individer i Stockholm2020In: Svepet- Medlemstidning för Svensk Epidemiologisk Förening, no 4, p. 12-12Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Vi har undersökt hur äldre stockholmares risk att avlida av covid-19 mellan 12 mars och 7 maj 2020 var associerad med boendesituation och bostadsområde. Individer som bodde med någon iarbetsför ålder löpte högre risk att dö av covid-19 jämfört med äldre som endast bodde medandra äldre, och detsamma gällde individer som bodde på äldreboenden och individer boende itätt befolkade grannskap eller stadsdelar med utbredd smittspridning. 

  • 44.
    Brandén, Maria
    Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Gender, Gender Ideology, and Couples’ Migration Decisions2014In: Journal of family issues, ISSN 0192-513X, E-ISSN 1552-5481, Vol. 35, no 7, p. 950-971Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Couples generally move to accommodate men?s, rather than women?s, career opportunities. Using Swedish panel data including 1,039 married or cohabiting individuals, this study examines the importance of traditional gender ideology and behavior in explaining this pattern. Two dimensions of gender and migration are examined: (a) the willingness to move for a partner?s career and (b) the likelihood of couple migration for one?s own work or educational opportunities. Findings show that women are more willing to move for their partner?s career. Childless women are more likely to move with their partners to pursue their own work or education than childless men, whereas mothers are less likely to report this than fathers. Gender ideology and division of household responsibilities do not explain the gender differences in migration behavior. They are more important for individuals? willingness to move for their partners, with particularly pronounced gender differences among nonegalitarian respondents.

  • 45.
    Brandén, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Skolans etniska sammansättning och utbildningsresultat2019In: Segregation – Slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram / [ed] Peter Hedström, Stockholm: Makadam Förlag, 2019, p. 90-98Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Brandén, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Aradhya, Siddartha
    Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Kolk, Martin
    Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Härkönen, Juho
    Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, Italy.
    Drefahl, Sven
    Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Malmberg, Bo
    Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Rostila, Mikael
    Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Cederström, Agneta
    Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; Centre for Health Equity Studies, Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Andersson, Gunnar
    Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden; .
    Mussino, Eleonora
    Demography Unit, Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Residential context and COVID-19 mortality among adults aged 70 years and older in Stockholm: a population-based, observational study using individual-level data2020In: The Lancet Healthy Longevity, ISSN 2666-7568, Vol. 1, no 2, p. e80-88Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Older individuals are overrepresented among COVID-19 deaths,raising questions of how to best mitigate patterns of social contact as the pandemic progresses.Researchers have underlined the importance of living arrangements and household composition, such as care homes, crowded housing, and mixed-age households, as well as social contacts outside the household for understanding the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Living arrangements shape the contact that older adults have with individuals from within or outside the household. In addition, their risk of infection can be shaped by their broader neighbourhood environment. Residential clustering of infections has received considerable attention in previous studies. In attempting to understand the structural features responsible for differences in the spread of the virus across neighbourhoods, early hypotheses pointed to population density as an important contributor, but the evidence has been mixed. A major limitation of previous research on the associations between living arrangements, neighbourhood characteristics, and COVID-19 mortality has been the reliance on aggregated data, unadjusted for differences by age and other individual-level risk factors. Because how and where older people live is partly determined by their sociodemographic characteristics and health, drawing individual-level conclusions on the basis of aggregated data can lead to biased conclusions on the importance of living arrangements and neighbourhoods in COVID-19 mortality.

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  • 47.
    Brandén, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Stockholm Univ, Sweden.
    Bernhardt, Eva
    Stockholm Univ, Sweden.
    Does similarity in work-family related attitudes improve relationship quality? Evidence from Sweden2022In: Journal of Family Studies, ISSN 1322-9400, E-ISSN 1839-3543, Vol. 28, no 3, p. 822-840Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study examines how similarity in work-family related attitudes matter for relationship satisfaction and union dissolution among Swedish couples. It utilizes a data set from 2009 (the Young Adult Panel Study) containing information on 1055 opposite-sex couples (married or co-residential), and registered union dissolutions up to 2014. Results indicate that couples who have similar notions on the importance of being successful at work; on the importance of having children; or on the importance of having enough time for leisure activities are more likely to be satisfied with their partner relationship than couples who have dissimilar attitudes. However, there are no effects of similarity in attitudes regarding the importance of living in a good partner relationship or doing well economically on relationship satisfaction, and we do not find any impact of similarity in attitudes of any kind on actual breakups. We find no support for specialization theory, which would predict that dissimilarity in work orientation would increase relationship quality. The study concludes that having similar priorities regarding work, career, and family does seem to matter for relationship quality, at least when it comes to the partners satisfaction with the relationship.

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  • 48.
    Brandén, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Bygren, Magnus
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Hur påverkas skolsegregationen av möjligheten att välja skola2019In: Segregation – Slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram / [ed] Peter Hedström, Stockholm: Makadam Förlag, 2019, p. 49-58Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 49.
    Brandén, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Stockholm Univ, Sweden.
    Bygren, Magnus
    Stockholm Univ, Sweden; Inst Futures Studies, Sweden.
    The opportunity structure of segregation: School choice and school segregation in Sweden2022In: Acta Sociologica, ISSN 0001-6993, E-ISSN 1502-3869, Vol. 65, no 4, p. 420-438Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    It is a matter of debate whether free school choice should lead to higher or lower levels of school segregation. We investigate how school choice opportunities affect school segregation utilizing geocoded Swedish population register data with information on 13 cohorts of ninth graders. We find that local school choice opportunities strongly affect the sorting of students across schools based on the parents country of birth and level of education. An increase in the number of local schools leads to higher levels of local segregation net of stable area characteristics, and time-varying controls for population structure and local residential segregation. In particular, the local presence of private voucher schools pushes school segregation upwards. The segregating impact of school choice opportunities is notably stronger in native areas with high portions of highly educated parents, and in areas with low residential segregation. Our results point to the importance of embedding individual actors in relevant opportunity structures for understanding segregation processes.

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  • 50.
    Brandén, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Stockholm Univ, Sweden.
    Bygren, Magnus
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Stockholm Univ, Sweden; Inst Futures Studies, Sweden.
    Gaehler, Michael
    Inst Futures Studies, Sweden; Stockholm Univ, Sweden.
    Can the trailing spouse phenomenon be explained by employer recruitment choices?2018In: Population, Space and Place, ISSN 1544-8444, E-ISSN 1544-8452, Vol. 24, no 6, article id e2141Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    It is well known that couples tend to relocate for the sake of the mans career rather than the womans, also known as the trailing spouse phenomenon. The role of employer choices in this process is unknown however. If employers are hesitant to make job offers to women who live a long way from the workplace (e.g., because of work-family balance concerns or a perceived risk that they will not follow through on their applications, or stay hired if employed), this tendency might constitute an underlying mechanism behind the moving premium of partnered men. Ours is the first study to empirically test whether employers prefer geographically distant men over geographically distant women. We sent applications for 1,410 job openings in the Swedish labour market, randomly assigning gender and parental status to otherwise equivalent applications from cohabiting or married women and men and recorded employer callbacks to these. The results indicate that employers in general tend to disfavour job applicants who live a long way from the employers workplace. This tendency is stronger for women, both for mothers and for women with no children. Our estimated effects are imprecise but clearly suggest that employer recruitment choices contribute to the trailing spouse phenomenon by offering men a larger pool of geographically distant jobs. We call for more research on this hitherto ignored mechanism behind the trailing spouse phenomenon.

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