Crowdfunding has, during the 2010s, grown rapidly to become a meaningful alternative financing solution for small and medium-sized businesses, which has also made it possible for individuals (non-professional investors) to invest in these types of companies, by subscribing for shares. Investments in smaller sized businesses are, however, associated with greater risk. Such investments could work as a complement to more traditional investments on the stock market, but investments in small companies differ from publicly traded companies. The securities markets are subject to rigorous regulation, in order to ensure strong investor protection, as well as maintaining a high level of trust in the market. Therefore, extensive demands on the companies are in place regarding their distribution of ad hoc information. All occurring events and circumstances that might have an impact on the shares’ value, shall, subject to some exceptions, immediately be made public to the market. This will ensure that both existing and potential shareholders are given a fair access to information regarding the company, to have the possibility to make sound investment decisions.
Any corresponding investor protection scheme is not implemented for investments in non-publicly traded companies. Investors have access to very few legal tools for obtaining other information than what is given during, and in connection to, the shareholders’ meeting. There are however, a handful of such possibilities, but they are practically complicated to use.
This raises the question whether there is a balance at all between an interest of protecting investors on the one hand, and an interest of facilitating for entrepreneurs on the other hand. Today’s regulation is hardly appropriate, and changes are needed, in order to solve the imbalance. Investors should be given a wider right to enforce issuing of information from non-publicly traded companies that have raised capital through crowdfunding, or for other reasons have a diverse group of investors. However, similar urgency for such information, as is demanded on the stock market, is hardly necessary, as it would be far too burdensome for the companies. Therefore, quarterly information distribution is suggested, complemented with immediate information for essential occurring events and circumstances. Such regulation, would ensure investors a better position and keep them informed regarding the business’ operation, while the actions required for ensuring compliance would not be disproportionately burdensome for the company or its executives.