This letter considers the physical layer security of a pilot-based massive multiple-input multiple-output (MaMIMO) system in presence of a multi-antenna jammer. We propose a new jamming detection method that makes use of a generalized likelihood ratio tes
We develop a new algorithm for activity detection for grant-free multiple access in distributed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). The algorithm is a distributed version of the approximate message passing (AMP) based on a soft combination of likelihood ratios computed independently at multiple access points. The underpinning theoretical basis of our algorithm is a new observation that we made about the state evolution in the AMP. Specifically, with a minimum mean-square error denoiser, the state maintains a block-diagonal structure whenever the covariance matrices of the signals have such a structure. We show by numerical examples that the algorithm outperforms competing schemes from the literature.
A cell-free Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is considered, where the access points (APs) are linked to a central processing unit (CPU) via the limited-capacity fronthaul links. It is assumed that only the quantized version of the weighted signals are available at the CPU. The achievable rate of a limited fronthaul cell-free massive MIMO with local minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection is studied. We study the assumption of uncorrelated quantization distortion, which is commonly used in literature. We show that this assumption will not affect the validity of the insights obtained in our work. To investigate this, we compare the uplink per-user rate with different system parameters for two different scenarios; 1) the exact uplink per-user rate and 2) the uplink per-user rate while ignoring the correlation between the inputs of the quantizers. Finally, we present the conditions which imply that the quantization distortions across APs can be assumed to be uncorrelated.
Many real-world scenarios for massive machine-type communication involve sensors monitoring a physical phenomenon. As a consequence, the activity pattern of these sensors will be correlated. In this letter, we study how the correlation of user activities can be exploited to improve detection performance in grant-free random access systems where the users transmit pilot-hopping sequences and the detection is performed based on the received energy. We show that we can expect considerable performance gains by adding regularizers, which take the activity correlation into account, to the non-negative least squares, which has been shown to work well for independent user activity.
A realistic performance assessment of any wireless technology requires the use of a channel model that reflects its main characteristics. The independent and identically distributed Rayleigh fading channel model has been (and still is) the basis of most theoretical research on multiple antenna technologies in scattering environments. This letter shows that such a model is not physically appearing when using a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) with rectangular geometry and provides an alternative physically feasible Rayleigh fading model that can be used as a baseline when evaluating RIS-aided communications. The model is used to revisit the basic RIS properties, e.g., the rank of spatial correlation matrices and channel hardening.
The rate and energy efficiency of wireless channels can be improved by deploying software-controlled metasurfaces to reflect signals from the source to the destination, especially when the direct path is weak. While previous works mainly optimized the reflections, this letter compares the new technology with classic decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. The main observation is that very high rates and/or large metasurfaces are needed to outperform DF relaying, both in terms of minimizing the total transmit power and maximizing the energy efficiency, which also includes the dissipation in the transceiver hardware.
We consider the problem of minimizing the packet drop probability (PDP) under an average transmit power constraint for Chase combining (CC)-based hybrid-automatic repeat request (HARQ) schemes in correlated Rayleigh fading channels. We propose a method to find a solution to the non-convex optimization problem using an exact expression of the outage probability. However, the complexity of this method is high. Therefore, we propose an alternative approach in which we use an asymptotically equivalent expression for the outage probability and reformulate it as a geometric programming problem (GPP), which can be efficiently solved using convex optimization algorithms.
This letter investigates the achievable rate region in massive multiple-input-multiple-output systems with two users, with a focus on the i.i.d. Rayleigh fading and line-of-sight (LoS) scenarios. If the rate region is convex, spatial multiplexing is preferable to orthogonal scheduling, while the opposite is true for non-convex regions. We prove that the uplink and downlink rate regions with i.i.d. Rayleigh fading are convex, while the convexity in LoS depends on parameters such as angular user separation, number of antennas, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
The emerging concept of Over-the-Air (OtA) computation has shown great potential for achieving resource-efficient data aggregation across large wireless networks. However, current research in this area has been limited to the standard many-to-one topology, where multiple nodes transmit data to a single receiver. In this letter, we address the problem of applying OtA computation to scenarios with multiple receivers, and propose a novel communication design that exploits joint precoding and decoding over multiple time slots. To determine the optimal precoding and decoding vectors, we formulate an optimization problem that aims to minimize the mean squared error of the desired computations while satisfying the unbiasedness condition and power constraints. Our proposed multi-slot design is shown to be effective in saving communication resources (e.g., time slots) and achieving smaller estimation errors compared to the baseline approach of separating different receivers over time.
This letter proposes anti-jamming strategies based on pilot retransmission for a single user uplink massive MIMO under jamming attack. A jammer is assumed to attack the system both in the training and data transmission phases. We first derive an achievable rate which enables us to analyze the effect of jamming attacks on the system performance. Counter-attack strategies are then proposed to mitigate this effect under two different scenarios: random and deterministic jamming attacks. Numerical results illustrate our analysis and benefit of the proposed schemes.
A computational algorithm is presented for the Bayesian Cramer-Rao lower bound (BCRB) in filtering applications with measurement noise from mixture distributions with jump Markov switching structure. Such mixture distributions are common for radio propagation in mixed line- and non-line-of-sight environments. The newly derived BCRB is tighter than earlier more general bounds proposed in literature, and thus gives a more realistic bound on actual estimation performance. The resulting BCRB can be used to compute a lower bound on root mean square error of position estimates in a large class of radio localization applications. We illustrate this on an archetypical tracking application using a nearly constant velocity model and time of arrival observations.
We propose a novel minimum mean square error estimator that estimates the channel power gain of the link from the secondary transmitter to the primary receiver (PRx). It lowers the root mean square error compared to several other estimators used in the underlay cognitive radio literature that first estimate the channel amplitude. We then analyze its system impact for two types of interference constraints. To this end, for the optimal binary transmit power control policy, we derive closed-form expressions for the average interference and the probability that the interference at the PRx violates a peak interference constraint with the proposed estimator. We show that the proposed estimator performs closer to the perfect channel state information scenario compared to the other estimators.
Non-linearities in radio-frequency transceiver hardware, particularly in power amplifiers, cause distortion in-band and out-of-band. Contrary to claims made in recent literature, in a multiple-antenna system this distortion is correlated across the antennas in the array. A significant implication of this fact is that out-of-band emissions caused by non-linearities are beamformed, in some cases into the same direction as the useful signal.
We present a reciprocity calibration method for dual-antenna repeaters in wireless networks. The method uses bi-directional measurements between two network nodes, A and B, where for each bi-directional measurement, the repeaters are configured in different states. The nodes A and B could be two access points in a distributed MIMO system, or they could be a base station and a mobile user terminal, for example. From the calibration measurements, the differences between the repeaters' forward and reverse gains are estimated. The repeaters are then (re-)configured to compensate for these differences such that the repeaters appear, transparently to the network, as reciprocal components of the propagation environment, enabling reciprocity-based beamforming in the network.
We consider the slow-fading two-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel. We want to understand which rate points can be achieved, allowing a non-zero outage probability. We do so by defining four different outage rate regions. The definitions differ on whether the rates are declared in outage jointly or individually and whether the transmitters have instantaneous or statistical channel state information (CSI). The focus is on the instantaneous CSI case with individual outage, where we propose a stochastic mapping from the rate point and the channel realization to the beamforming vectors. A major contribution is that we prove that the stochastic component of this mapping is independent of the actual channel realization.
Wireless-based activity sensing has gained significant attention due to its wide range of applications. We investigate radio-based multi-class classification of human activities using massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel measurements in line-of-sight and non line-of-sight scenarios. We propose a tensor decomposition-based algorithm to extract features by exploiting the complex correlation characteristics across time, frequency, and space from channel tensors formed from the measurements, followed by a neural network that learns the relationship between the input features and output target labels. Through evaluations of real measurement data, it is demonstrated that the classification accuracy using a massive MIMO array achieves significantly better results compared to the state-of-the-art even for a smaller experimental data set.
The operation of an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) under predictable receiver mobility is investigated. We develop a continuous time system model for multipath channels and discuss the optimal IRS configuration with respect to received power, Doppler spread, and delay spread. It is shown that the received power can be maximized without adding Doppler spread to the system. In a numerical case study, we show that an IRS having the size of just two large billboards can improve the link budget of ground to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite links by up to 6dB. It also adds a second, almost equivalently strong, communication path that improves the link reliability.
The joint design of spatial channel assignment and power allocation in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems capable of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer is studied. Assuming availability of channel state information at both communications ends, we maximize the harvested energy at the multi-antenna receiver, while satisfying a minimum information rate requirement for the MIMO link. We first derive the globally optimal eigenchannel assignment and power allocation design, and then present a practically motivated tight closed-form approximation for the optimal design parameters. Selected numerical results verify the validity of the optimal solution and provide useful insights on the proposed designs as well as the Pareto-optimal rate-energy tradeoff.
We consider downlink precoding in a frequency-selective multi-user Massive MIMO system with highly efficient but non-linear power amplifiers at the base station (BS). A low-complexity precoding algorithm is proposed, which generates constant-envelope (CE) signals at each BS antenna. To achieve a desired per-user information rate, the extra total transmit power required under the per-antenna CE constraint when compared to the commonly used less stringent total average transmit power constraint, is small.
We consider a status update system consisting of two independent sources and one server in which packets of each source are generated according to the Poisson process and packets are served according to an exponentially distributed service time. We derive the moment generating function (MGF) of the age of information (AoI) for each source in the system by using the stochastic hybrid systems (SHS) under two existing source-aware packet management policies which we term self-preemptive and non-preemptive policies. In the both policies, the system (i.e., the waiting queue and the server) can contain at most two packets, one packet of each source; when the server is busy and a new packet arrives, the possible packet of the same source in the waiting queue is replaced by the fresh packet. The main difference between the policies is that in the self-preemptive policy, the packet under service is replaced upon the arrival of a new packet from the same source, whereas in the non-preemptive policy, this new arriving packet is blocked and cleared. We use the derived MGF to find the first and second moments of the AoI and show the importance of higher moments.
Freshness of status update packets is essential for enabling a wide range of applications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Accordingly, we consider a WSN where sensors communicate status updates to a destination by contending for the channel access based on a carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) method. We analyze the worst case average age of information (AoI) and average peak AoI from the view of one sensor in a system where all the other sensors have a saturated queue. Numerical results illustrate the importance of optimizing the contention window size and the packet arrival rate to maximize the information freshness.
We consider the uplink of massive multicell multiple-input multiple-output systems, where the base stations (BSs), equipped with massive arrays, serve simultaneously several terminals in the same frequency band. We assume that the BS estimates the channel from uplink training, and then uses the maximum ratio combining technique to detect the signals transmitted from all terminals in its own cell. We propose an optimal resource allocation scheme which jointly selects the training duration,training signal power, and data signal power in order to maximize the sum spectral efficiency, for a given total energy budget spent in a coherence interval. Numerical results verify the benets of the optimal resource allocation scheme. Furthermore, we show that more training signal power should be used at low signal-to-noise ratio(SNRs), and vice versa at high SNRs. Interestingly, for the entire SNR regime, the optimal training duration is equal to the number of terminals.
We consider uplink transmission of a massive multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) system in the presence of a smart jammer. The jammer aims to degrade the sum spectral efficiency of the legitimate system by attacking both the training and data transmission phases. First, we derive a closed-form expression for the sum spectral efficiency by taking into account the presence of a smart jammer. Then, we determine how a jammer with a given energy budget should attack the training and data transmission phases to induce the maximum loss to the sum spectral efficiency. Numerical results illustrate the impact of optimal jamming specifically in the large limit of the number of base station (BS) antennas.
A single carrier transmission scheme is presentedfor the frequency selective multi-user (MU) multiple-input singleoutput(MISO) Gaussian Broadcast Channel (GBC) with a basestation (BS) having M antennas and K single antenna users.The proposed transmission scheme has low complexity andfor M ≫ K it is shown to achieve near optimal sum-rateperformance at low transmit power to receiver noise power ratio.Additionally, the proposed transmission scheme results in anequalization-free receiver and does not require any MU resourceallocation and associated control signaling overhead. Also, thesum-rate achieved by the proposed transmission scheme is shownto be independent of the channel power delay profile (PDP). Interms of power efficiency, the proposed transmission scheme alsoexhibits an O(M) array power gain. Simulations are used toconfirm analytical observations.
Deep learning (DL), despite its enormous success in many computer vision and language processing applications, is exceedingly vulnerable to adversarial attacks. We consider the use of DL for radio signal (modulation) classification tasks, and present practical methods for the crafting of white-box and universal black-box adversarial attacks in that application. We show that these attacks can considerably reduce the classification performance, with extremely small perturbations of the input. In particular, these attacks are significantly more powerful than classical jamming attacks, which raises significant security and robustness concerns in the use of DL-based algorithms for the wireless physical layer.
Deep learning (DL) architectures have been successfully used in many applications including wireless systems. However, they have been shown to be susceptible to adversarial attacks. We analyze DL-based models for a regression problem in the context of downlink power allocation in massive multiple-input-multiple-output systems and propose universal adversarial perturbation (UAP)-crafting methods as white-box and black-box attacks. We benchmark the UAP performance of white-box and black-box attacks for the considered application and show that the adversarial success rate can achieve up to 60% and 40%, respectively. The proposed UAP-based attacks make a more practical and realistic approach as compared to classical white-box attacks.
Out-of-system (OoS) interference is a potential limitation for distributed networks that operate in unlicensed spectrum or in a spectrum sharing scenario. The OoS interference differs from the in-system interference in that OoS signals and their associated channels (or even their statistics) are completely unknown. In this letter, we propose a novel distributed algorithm that can mitigate OoS interference in the uplink and suppress the signal transmission in the OoS direction in the downlink. To estimate the OoS interference, each access point (AP), upon receiving an estimate of OoS interference from a previous AP, computes a better estimate of OoS interference by rotate-and-average using Procrustes method and forwards the estimates to the next AP. This process continues until the central processing unit (CPU) receives the final estimate. Our method has comparable performance to that of a fully centralized interference rejection combining algorithm and has much lower fronthaul load requirements.
This letter investigates an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted data collection strategy where the UAV trajectory is optimally designed to collect status update from several Internet of Things (IoT) nodes, so as to minimize the average Age of Information (AoI). We consider a practical three-dimensional (3D) urban environment, and design the UAV's trajectory by considering the data collection, flight, and energy constraints. Motivated by the critical safety requirements for the UAV, i.e., the energy constraint during the data collection, we exploit the twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient (TD3) approach by enforcing the safety constraint throughout the training, and propose a Safe-TD3 based trajectory design for average AoI minimization. By evaluating the long-term safety constraint via the integrated cost network, we illustrate the superiority of the proposed Safe-TD3 based trajectory design algorithm over the benchmarks in reducing the safety constraint violations during the training process while achieving a lower average AoI.
Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) can enhance wireless power transfer efficiency in communication networks by steering electromagnetic waves from a transmitter (TX) toward zero-energy devices (ZEDs) for charging their batteries. In this letter, we use the Lyapunov optimization framework to develop an algorithm that dynamically adjusts the TX power and RIS phase configuration based on the data queue lengths at the ZEDs. This approach aims to maintain queue stability while minimizing the average TX power. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method provides stability and reduces the average TX power, whereas the queue-agnostic benchmark fails to achieve that even with much higher TX power.
The prospects of using a reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) to aid wireless communication systems have recently received much attention. Among the different use cases, the most popular one is where each element of the RIS scatters the incoming signal with a controllable phase-shift, without increasing its power. In prior literature, this setup has been analyzed by neglecting the electromagnetic interference, consisting of the inevitable incoming waves from external sources. In this letter, we provide a physically meaningful model for the electromagnetic interference that can be used as a baseline when evaluating RIS-aided communications. The model is used to show that electromagnetic interference has a non-negligible impact on communication performance, especially when the size of the RIS grows large. When the direct link is present (though with a relatively weak gain), the RIS can even reduce the communication performance. Importantly, it turns out that the SNR grows quadratically with the number of RIS elements only when the spatial correlation matrix of the electromagnetic interference is asymptotically orthogonal to that of the effective channel (including RIS phase-shifts) towards the intended receiver. Otherwise, the SNR only increases linearly.
The flexibility and reconfigurability at the radio frequency (RF) front-end offered by the fluid antenna system (FAS) make this technology promising for providing remarkable diversity gains in networks with small and constrained devices. Toward this direction, this letter compares the outage probability (OP) performance of non-diversity and diversity FAS receivers undergoing spatially correlated Nakagami- ${m}$ fading channels. Although the system properties of FAS incur in complex analysis, we derive a simple yet accurate closed-form approximation by relying on a novel asymptotic matching method for the OP of a maximum-gain combining-FAS (MGC-FAS). The approximation is performed in two stages, the approximation of the cumulative density function (CDF) of each MGC-FAS branch, and then the approximation of the end-to-end CDF of the MGC-FAS scheme. With these results, closed-form expressions for the OP and the asymptotic OP are derived. Finally, numerical results validate our approximation of the MGC-FAS scheme and demonstrate its accuracy under different diversity FAS scenarios.
By recognizing the tremendous flexibility of the emerging fluid antenna system (FAS), which allows dynamic reconfigurability of the location of the antenna within a given space, this letter investigates the performance of a single-antenna FAS over spatially correlated Nakagami- ${m}$ fading channels. Specifically, simple and highly accurate closed-form approximations for the cumulative density function of the FAS channel and the outage probability of the proposed system are obtained by employing a novel asymptotic matching method, which is an improved version of the well-known moment matching. With this method, the outage probability can be computed simply without incurring complex multi-fold integrals, thus requiring negligible computational effort. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed approximations is validated, and it is shown that the FAS can meet or even exceed the performance attained by the conventional maximal ratio combining (MRC) technique.
This letter considers the development of transmission strategies for the downlink of massive multiple-input multiple-output networks, with the objective of minimizing the completion time of the transmission. Specifically, we introduce a session-based scheme that splits time into sessions and allocates different rates in different sessions for the different users. In each session, one user is selected to complete its transmission and will not join subsequent sessions, which results in successively lower levels of interference when moving from one session to the next. An algorithm is developed to assign users and allocate transmit power that minimizes the completion time. Numerical results show that our proposed session-based scheme significantly outperforms conventional non-session-based schemes.
We introduce the concept of frequency-mixing intelligent reflecting surface (FMx-IRS), where the elements of the surface continuously change the phases of the incident signals. In this way, the FMx-IRS acts as a frequency mixer and makes the propagation environment nonlinear, thereby introducing new frequencies. We study the basic features of the proposed concept and demonstrate its advantages that stem from the novel type of control over the wireless propagation. The channel decoupling feature and the correlation between reflected channels are elaborated for the architecture, and are validated by the simulations.
In this letter, we consider optimal hybrid beamforming design to minimize the transmission power under individual signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) constraints in a multiuser massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system. This results in a challenging non-convex optimization problem. We consider two cases. In the case where the number of users is smaller than or equal to that of radio frequency (RF) chains, we propose a low-complexity method to obtain a globally optimal solution and show that it achieves the same transmission power as an optimal fully-digital beamformer. In the case where the number of users is larger than that of RF chains, we propose a low-complexity globally convergent alternating algorithm to obtain a stationary point.
We consider a multipair massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) two-way relaying system, where multiple pairs of single-antenna devices exchange data with the help of a relay employing a large number of antennas N. The relay consists of low-cost components that suffer from hardware impairments. A large-scale approximation of the spectral efficiency with maximum ratio processing is derived in closed form, and the approximation is tight as N -amp;gt; infinity. It is revealed that for a fixed hardware quality, the impact of the hardware impairments vanishes asymptotically when N grows large. Moreover, the impact of the impairments may even vanish when the hardware quality is gradually decreased with N, if a scaling law is satisfied. Finally, numerical results validate that multipair massive MIMO two-way relaying systems are robust to hardware impairments at the relay.
Intelligent reflecting surfaces can improve the communication between a source and a destination. The surface contains metamaterial that is configured to "reflect" the incident wave from the source towards the destination. Two incompatible pathloss models have been used in prior work. In this letter, we derive the far-field pathloss using physical optics techniques and explain why the surface consists of many elements that individually act as diffuse scatterers but can jointly beamform the signal in a desired direction with a certain beamwidth. We disprove one of the previously conjectured pathloss models.