Research replication only works if there is confidence built into the results.
Today's powerful, robust SAT solvers have become primary tools for solving hard computational problems.
Interaction between Information technology and business process has initiated the development of Language action perspective (LAP). The general Idea is to get a business model of how people, through conversion, coordinate their work. Action Workflows and DEMO are general business modeling methods based on Language - action perspective (LAP), can be used for modeling coordination within one organization (intraorganizational coordination). Each phase of action workflow loop consists of communicative action workflow loop consists of communicative actions and not only information transfer. The passage of a business transaction continuously changes the business relation between the business parties, interactions create obligations, authorizations, fulfillment's of obligations and business interAction and Transaction (BAT) model helps to direct attention to these issues.
Ensuring the success of big graph processing for the next decade and beyond.
BY COMBINING VISUALIZATION techniques with interactive multi-touch tables and intuitive user interfaces, visitors to museums and science centers can conduct self-guided tours of large volumetric image data. In an interactive learning experience, visitors become the explorers of otherwise invisible interiors of unique artifacts and subjects. Here, we take as our starting point the state of the art in scanning technologies, then discuss the latest research on high-quality interactive volume rendering and how it can be tailored to meet the specific demands