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  • 1.
    Albinsson, Anders
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Samuelsson, Joakim
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education, Teaching and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Förskolebarn använder mätning i legoleken2016In: Venue, ISSN 2001-788XArticle in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    I legoleken använder förskolebarn mätning på många olika sätt. De växlar mellan olika mätredskap och måttenheter, beroende på kontext och önskat mätresultat. Genom mätningar löser barnen problem i legoleken. Mätresultatet kommuniceras genom att visa, förklara och argumentera med matematiska begrepp.

  • 2.
    Axell, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Barnlitteratur och bokpraktiker i fritidshem2019In: Fritidshemmets möjligheter: Att arbeta fritidspedagogiskt / [ed] Helene Elvstrand, Maria Simonsson och Lina Söderman Lago, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2019, p. 185-214Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 3.
    Bjuremark, Anna
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Centre for Teaching and Learning. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Studies in Adult, Popular and Higher Education. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Construction of co-supervsion in Swedish PhD-projects2009In: The second bi-annual international conference on “Postgraduate Supervison: Research and Practice”, 27 – 30th April 2009, South Africa, 2009Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of htis study is:

    • examples of role-taking indiscourse strategies of cosupervision
    • the formations processes andtechniques that are used
    • the interplay betweenoperating discourses andconditions of dominance
  • 4.
    Björk-Willen, Polly
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Pramling, Niklas
    Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande, Göteborgs universitet, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Språkundervisning i förskolan: Teoretiska principer och empiriska exempel2018In: Barn, ISSN 0800-1669, E-ISSN 2535-5449, Vol. 36, no 3-4, p. 39-57Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The notion of teaching is theoretically conceptualized in a manner relevant to the context of preschool. This concept is grounded in evolutionary and a pedagogical-psychological theory, with reference to Barnett, Rommetveit, Tomasello, and Vygotsky. The basis of teaching is found in people’s tendencies to make known to others what they themselves have seen/realized. Institutions such as preschool and school are understood as societal means for maintaining accumulated experience with the growing generation, something that puts teaching to the foreground. Empirical examples of language teaching in contemporary preschool are given and analyzed. Some important features of the concept of teaching as here theorized and exemplified are responsivity, language practices, the tension between intersub- jectivity and alterity, the variation of children’s experience, play and playfulness. The importance of basing theoretical accounts of teaching as a preschool activity on empirical research is emphasized.

  • 5.
    Cekaite, Asta
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Guided Play Supporting Immigrant Childrens Participation and Bilingual Development in Preschools2023In: International Journal of Early Childhood, ISSN 0020-7187, E-ISSN 1878-4658, Vol. 55, p. 403-420Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In recent decades, refugee immigration has had significant impact on educational contexts in Sweden, with preschools the primary arenas for young childrens language learning experiences. The present study examines second language and literacy training practices for immigrant children (aged 1-5) in preschools in Sweden. The empirical data consist of video recordings of teacher-guided play activities. These were designed to create rich linguistic and cultural environments facilitating active and democratic participation by the children. Guided play activities were developed in close collaboration between teachers and researchers during action-based interventions that were aimed at constructing child-oriented participatory language learning practices in ethnically and linguistically diverse ECEC settings. The childrens first languages were Tigrinya, Arabic dialects, Somalian, Kurdish dialects, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. The participatory learning potential of guided play was collaboratively analyzed and assessed, and new and revised activities were implemented, based on the goals of inclusivity and childrens active engagement in play and language learning. The analysis shows that teachers use of multimodal semiotic means, such as questions, texts and cultural artifacts (stories, material story-related objects, play spaces) were important strategies for the preparation of appealing play environments and activities that contributed to childrens curiosity and participation. These resources served as affordances for guided play, allowing the simultaneous scaffolding of childrens play competencies and their language learning. Au cours des dernieres decennies, limmigration de refugies a eu un impact significatif dans le domaine de leducation en Suede, en commencant par les ecoles maternelles qui sont les premiers lieux dapprentissage de la langue pour les jeunes enfants. Cette etude examine les pratiques dalphabetisation et dapprentissage du suedois deuxieme langue, qui sont utilisees dans les ecoles maternelles en Suede pour les enfants immigrants ages de 1 a 5 ans. Les donnees empiriques rassemblees consistent en des enregistrements video dactivites ludiques guidees par un enseignant. Ces activites ont ete concues pour creer des environnements linguistiques et culturels riches facilitant la participation active et democratique des enfants. Elles ont ete developpees dans le cadre dune etroite collaboration entre enseignants et chercheurs au cours dinterventions concretes visant a elaborer des pratiques participatives dapprentissage de la langue prenant en compte la perspective de lenfant dans le contexte dune petite enfance ethniquement et linguistiquement diversifiee. Les langues maternelles des enfants etaient le tigrinya, differents dialectes arabes, le somali, differents dialectes kurdes, le russe, lespagnol et le suedois. Le potentiel dapprentissage participatif de chaque jeu guide a ete analyse et evalue collectivement et de nouvelles activites revisees ont ete mises en place, sur la base des objectifs dinclusivite et dengagement actif des enfants dans le jeu et dans lapprentissage de la langue. Lanalyse montre que lutilisation par les enseignants de moyens semiotiques multimodaux, tels que des questions, des textes et des artefacts culturels (histoires, objets concrets lies a lhistoire, espaces de jeu) constituaient des strategies importantes pour preparer un environnement de jeu et des activites susceptibles dattirer les enfants et de stimuler leur participation et leur curiosite. Ces ressources ont servi daffordances a la realisation de jeux guides, permettant aux enfants de combiner competences ludiques et apprentissage de la langue. En las ultimas decadas, la inmigracion de refugiados ha tenido un impacto significativo en los contextos educativos de Suecia, y los centros de ensenanza preescolar han sido los principales escenarios para las experiencias de aprendizaje de idiomas de los ninos de corta edad. El presente estudio investiga las practicas de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua y de alfabetizacion en ninos inmigrantes (de 1 a 5 anos) en centros de ensenanza preescolar de Suecia. Los datos empiricos consisten en grabaciones de video de actividades ludicas guiadas por el maestro. Estas se disenaron para crear entornos linguisticos y culturales ricos que facilitaran la participacion activa y democratica de los ninos. Las actividades ludicas guiadas se elaboraron en estrecha colaboracion entre maestros e investigadores durante intervenciones basadas en la accion que tenian como objetivo construir practicas participativas de aprendizaje de idiomas orientadas a los ninos en entornos de educacion infantil etnica y linguisticamente diversos. Las lenguas maternas de los ninos eran el tigrina, dialectos arabes, el somali, dialectos kurdos, el ruso, el espanol y el sueco. El potencial de aprendizaje participativo del juego guiado se analizo y evaluo de manera colaborativa, y se llevaron a cabo actividades nuevas y revisadas, basadas en los objetivos de inclusividad y participacion activa de los ninos en el juego y el aprendizaje de idiomas. El analisis muestra que el uso por parte de los maestros de medios semioticos multimodales, tales como preguntas, textos y artefactos culturales (historias, objetos materiales relacionados con las historias, espacios ludicos) fueron estrategias importantes para la preparacion de entornos ludicos atractivos y actividades que contribuyeron a la curiosidad y la participacion de los ninos. Estos recursos sirvieron como formas de abordaje o << affordances >> (nota del traductor: << affordance >> es un neologismo utilizado para definir la << capacidad de un objeto de sugerir su propia utilizacion >>) para el juego guiado, lo que permite el andamiaje simultaneo de las competencias ludicas de los ninos y su aprendizaje del lenguaje.

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  • 6.
    Elvstrand, Helene
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Söderman Lago, LinaLinköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.Simonsson, MariaLinköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Fritidshemmets möjligheter: Att arbeta fritidspedagogiskt2019Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Varje dag, före och efter skolan och på lov, går nästan en halv miljon svenska elever i fritidshem. På fritids träffar elever kompisar, får leka och pröva spännande aktiviteter. Att fritidshem är väl fungerande är avgörande för de många barn som tillbringar stora delar av sin dag där. Fritidshemmets uppdrag har under de senaste åren delvis förskjutits, t.ex. har undervisning fått en allt mer framskjuten plats. I Fritidshemmets möjligheter – att arbeta fritidspedagogiskt presenterar författarna en rad viktiga områden om hur fritidshemmet kan bidra till barns allsidiga utveckling och lärande.

    I boken lyfts kärnfrågor som fritidshemmets sociala uppdrag, lek, föräldrasamverkan, fritidshemsutveckling. Här tas även ­nyare innehåll om fritidspedagogiskt arbete upp, som t.ex. hur man kan arbeta med språk, matematik, naturvetenskap och teknik.

    Fritidshemmets möjligheter – att arbeta fritidspedagogiskt ger en god grund för att skapa ett inspirerande innehåll för de många barn som tillbringar stora delar av sin tid på fritidshemmet. Boken vänder sig till studerande på lärarutbildningar och redan yrkesverksamma.

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  • 7.
    Halldén, Gunilla
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Dahl, Eva-Lena
    Institutionen för idehistoria och vetenskapsteori, Göteborgs universitet.
    Lindgren, Anne- Li
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Asplund Carlsson, Maj
    Inst. för pedagogik och didaktik, Göteborgs universitet.
    Johansson, Jan-Erik
    Avd. for laererutdanning, Højskolen i Oslo.
    Johansson, Eva
    Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Göteborgs universitet.
    Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid
    Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Göteborgs universitet.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Lidholt, Birgitta
    Skolverket, Stockholm.
    Persson, Sven
    Institutionen för pedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola.
    Omsorgsbegreppet i förskolan: Olika infallsvinklar på ett begrepp och dess relation till en verksamhet. Rapport från nätverk för barnomsorgsforskning, Göteborg 20-21 novemberg 20002001Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Denna rapport innehåller texter som presenterats vid en konferens arrangerad inom ramen för Nätverk för barnomsorgsforskningi . Syftet med konferensen var att lyfta upp begreppet omsorg, diskutera dess innebörd, rädda det från retorisk förflackning och samtidigt via dess koppling till verksamheter belysa ett vidare sammanhang. När bamforskning diskuteras har jag på senare tid funnit det väsentligt att peka på att den har en kapacitet att kasta ljus över centrala samhällsfrågor. Forskning om barn bör inte bara vara en forskning om en viss grupp i samhället. Den nyare bamdomsforskningen söker tillämpa ett bamperspektiv. Detta innebär att fenomen studeras såsom de framstår från barnens perspektiv och att inverkan av olika sociala reformer, politiska förändringar och produktion av varor på barns liv belyses. Det handlar alltså både om att söka efter barnens perspektiv och att söka efter konsekvenserna för barnen av olika samhälleliga förändringar. Nya fålt som t.ex. barndomshistoria, barndomssociologi och barndomsantropologi har uppstått och begreppet generation har införts för att markera vikten av att anlägga ett generationsperspektiv på frågor som vanligtvis grupperats på annat sätt.

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    Omsorgsbegreppet i förskolan. Olika infallsvinklar på ett begrepp och dess relation till en verksamhet : Rapport från nätverk för barnomsorgsforskning, Göteborg 20-21 novemberg 2000
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  • 8.
    Hallström, Jonas
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Jansson, Magnus
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Gyberg, Per
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Tema Environmental Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, CSPR.
    Teknik i fritidshem – mellan omsorg och utbildning2018In: Teknikdidaktisk forskning för lärare: Bidrag från en forskningsmiljö / [ed] Karin Stolpe, Gunnar Höst & Jonas Hallström, Norrköping: NATDID, Nationellt centrum för naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik , 2018, p. 41-50Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En stor andel svenska barn mellan sex och nio år gamla går efter skolan till ”fritids”. Fritidshem kännetecknas av både utbildning och omsorg, och därmed av både formella och informella aktiviteter. På senare år har verksamheten blivit mer och mer influerad av skolan och numera finns ett eget kapitel för fritidshem i den nationella läroplanen för grundskolan. Fritidshemmen genomgår därför en förändring som kommer att medföra att mer formella aktiviteter införs, exempelvis inom teknik, samtidigt som praktiskt taget ingen forskning har gjorts på detta. Syftet med det här kapitlet är att presentera några resultat från en pågående forskningsstudie om teknikens roll i aktiviteter på fritidshem. Observationerna fokuserade på de dagliga aktiviteterna på fritidshemmen där teknik hade en central roll. Vi använder begreppet gränsobjekt för att analysera teknik i aktiviteterna. Resultaten visar att det är en speciell sorts teknikundervisning som uppstår i fritidshem, på gränsen mellan den informella och formella verksamheten: från det informella lekrelaterade byggandet med Lego och träklotsar till den mer formella datorundervisningen. I dessa aktiviteter finns ett tydligt fritidsinslag, framför allt i form av ett fritt val av teknik och vad man vill lära sig. Det faktum att barn kan välja fritt pekar inte bara på att teknik i fritidshem är ett gränsobjekt med en stor tolkningsflexibilitet, utan också att teknikundervisning i fritidshem skulle kunna vara en lustfylld och effektiv väg till teknisk allmänbildning.

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    Teknik i fritidshem – mellan omsorg och utbildning
  • 9.
    Jansson, Magnus
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Gyberg, Per
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Tema Environmental Change. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Hallström, Jonas
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Technology Education and Informal Learning: Technology in the Swedish Leisure-Time Centre as Boundary Object2016In: PATT-32 Proceedings: Technology Education for 21st Century Skills / [ed] M. J. de Vries, A. Bekker-Holtland, & G. van Dijk, Utrecht: University of Applied Sciences , 2016, p. 226-233Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A majority of Swedish children between six and nine years old attend afterschool activities in a leisure-time centre, fritidshem, until their parents finish work for the day. Leisure-time centres are characterised by “educare” activities, that is, both educational and carerelated activities and thus both formal and informal learning settings. The centres are part of the Swedish educational system and activities should be related to the national curriculum for the compulsory school. The centres are right now in an interesting transition which will lead to the introduction of more formal learning activities, for instance, in technology, at the same time as virtually no research has been carried out on technology activities in the centres. The aim of this paper is therefore to study the role of technology in activities in leisure-time centres. The results are drawn from field work conducted in three Swedish leisure-time centres. The observations focused upon the daily activities in the leisure centres, specifically activities where technology play a central part. The data collection was completed with interviews with teachers. We use the concept of boundary object to analyse the technological activities. The findings indicate that there is a special technology education that emerges in the context of the leisuretime center – leisure-time technology education – at the intersection between informal and formal technology learning, which ranges from the informal play-related construction of Lego and wooden blocks to the more formal computer instruction. The amorphousness of leisure-time technology – the fact that children can choose what they want it to be and what to learn –points to it being a boundary object with a very open interpretative flexibility.

  • 10.
    Karlsson, Ingrid
    et al.
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Teaching and Learning in School, Teacher Education and other Educational Settings.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science.
    Gender sensitive pedagogy in Sweden. Preschool pedagogue's perspective2009In: NFPF,2009, Norge: Norge , 2009Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

     This paper addresses the in Sweden quite new phenomena "gender sensitive pedagogy" which can mainly be found in preschool. The study leans on feminist theory, specifically theory of the construction of gender in educational settings, power relations often maintained in school settings and sociological theory of childhood. Pedagogues in preschool and advisory "gender pedagogues" have been interviewed of their opinions on gender sensitive pedagogy, what it might be, what problems it would solve and how to learn to create this "gender sensitive pedagogy". This study is a part of a three-step research project of gender sensitive pedagogy in Sweden. The first study was directed towards in Sweden very popular and very much used books concerning how to work with this kind of pedagogy, the second was aiming to find preschool workgroups views on the matter and the last one studied "advisory gender pedagogues" that are teachers or preschool teachers that have got an additional training to help preschool and schools to work for equality and to apply gender sensitive pedagogy in their work. We have conducted focus group interviews. Four were carried out with preschool work groups and two with advisory teams. Three cities in mid Sweden have been the locations for the studies. The findings show that the pedagogues regard gender sensitive pedagogy as something that affect all levels of the preschool institutions for example organisation, interaction, activities and offers to the children. A lot of reflection and training for the preschool themes are required, aiming to construct "know how" in relation to -gender sensitive pedagogy-. Parents should also be involved in the upbringing of equal and gender sensitive new citizens according to the pedagogues-.

  • 11.
    Karlsson, Ingrid
    et al.
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Teaching and Learning in School, Teacher Education and other Educational Settings.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Hälsa - utbildning - välfärdsinstitutioner (HUV) .
    Genderwatch: still watching2008In: Gender and Education, ISSN 0954-0253, E-ISSN 1360-0516, Vol. 20, no 4 2008, p. 409-411Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]


  • 12.
    Karlsson, Ingrid
    et al.
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Teaching and Learning in School, Teacher Education and other Educational Settings.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Hälsa - utbildning - välfärdsinstitutioner (HUV) .
    Preschool Work Teams' View of Ways of Working with Gender - Parents' Involvement2008In: Early Childhood Education Journal, ISSN 1082-3301, E-ISSN 1573-1707Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]


  • 13.
    Lindström, Cecilia
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Pramling, Niklas
    Göteborgs Universitet.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Professionell högläsning i förskolan: förskollärares resonemang om en samtida didaktisering.2024In: Nordisk Barnehageforskning, E-ISSN 1890-9167, Vol. 21, no 3, p. 143-164Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In the curriculum for Swedish preschool, working for promoting language development in children through reading aloud has been specified and the teaching task of preschool has been clarified. Theoretically based on a sociocultural perspective, a premise of this study is that the professional knowledge base of the preschool teacher profession is in a process of remediation, where reading aloud as a part of the professional work of preschool teachers is renegotiated in light of a partly new mission statement for the profession. The purpose is to contribute new knowledge on this remediation process and what it implies for contemporary preschool. The empirical data consist of four focus-group conversations. The results show how the preschool teachers remediate professional reading aloud through contrasting and renegotiating the meanings of, the conditions for, and participation in this practice. The preschool teachers’ reasoning implies their collective development of a wider repertoire where older practices co-exist with new ones, and with some shifting in terms of figure and background. Implications of the remediation for preschool teachers and children as participants in read alouds are discussed. 

  • 14.
    Maria, Simonsson
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Elvstrand, Helene
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Kristina, Hellberg
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Samverkan mellan hem och fritidshemska gynna skolresultaten2015In: Venue, ISSN 2001-788X, no 1, p. 1-5Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I de nyligen publicerade Skolverkets allmänna råd om fritidshem betonas ett ökat samarbete mellan fritidshem och hemmet. Det innebär ökad delaktighet men också styrning och kontroll av såväl barn som kontakten med föräldrar/vårdnadshavare. På så sätt ska fritidshemmet komplettera skolans verksamhet och ge bättre skolresultat.

  • 15.
    Markström, Ann-Marie
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Society, Diversity, Identity. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Constructions of girls in preschool parent-teacher conference.2011In: International Journal of Early Childhood, ISSN 0020-7187, E-ISSN 1878-4658, Vol. 43, no 1, p. 23-41Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article investigates the discursive constructions of preschool girls and points to how girls are positioned, assessed and constructed by adults in parent–teacher conferences in Swedish preschools. Using transcripts of audio-taped episodes from parent–teacher conferences, the analysis reveals that gender is an important aspect of the adults’ talk and indicates that a practice like parent–teacher conferences contributes to and distributes conventional and traditional gender roles in the existing preschool context. The girls are positioned as ordinary preschool girls who do what preschool girls should normally do and as disputed “girlish girls” associated with behaviour and characterisations embedded in a historically feminine discourse. Additionally, there are also counter discourses that both challenge and encourage different femininities, including one that draws on masculinity and is regarded as empowering. These contradictions not only show the complexity of the pedagogical practice but also of gender issues in the early years

  • 16.
    Markström, Ann-Marie
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education, Teaching and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Introduction to preschool: strategies for managing the gap between home and preschool2017In: Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, ISSN 2002-0317, p. 1-10Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The overall aim of this article is to investigate Swedish preschool teachers’ perceptions of the interaction between home and institution in relation to children’s introduction to preschool. The focus of this article is on their talk about how they manage the gap between home and preschool in the introduction process. A discourse analysis is carried out, based on focus group interviews with seven preschool teacher teams that have started to use a more parent-active approach during the introduction of children to preschool. The results show that a parent-active introduction positions and governs parents to take a more self-regulative role in preschool from the beginning. The construction of the parent-active introduction discourse/practice produces new subject positions for the parents (and teachers) and creates expectations of intensified parental involvement in this institutional practice. Furthermore, the results indicate that the parents’ active introduction also changes the teachers’ own role and their attitudes toward the parents. The boundary work between the home and preschool seems to consist of negotiations and of the construction of an intermediate domain between home and preschool that draws on discourses of responsibility, performativity and efficiency.

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  • 17.
    Markström, Ann-Marie
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education, Teaching and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Utvecklingssamtal: Kommunikation mellan hem och förskola2018 (ed. 2)Book (Other academic)
  • 18.
    Markström, Ann-Marie
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Education, Teaching and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Utvecklingssamtal: Kommunikation mellan hem och skola.2013 (ed. 1)Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Hur genomförs utvecklingssamtal i förskolan, vad handlar de om och vilka funktioner har dessa samtal? Den här boken handlar om relationen mellan hem och förskola med fokus på utvecklingssamtal och vad som kännetecknar desamma.

    Boken bygger på forskning om samtal och utvecklingssamtal och hur de kan gå till i praktiken. I boken behandlas vad som kännetecknar kommunikation i det specifika institutionella samtalssammanhang som förskolans utvecklingssamtal utgör. Författarna bidrar med förståelsen av hur utvecklingssamtal kan utgöra ett professionellt kommunikativt verktyg för verksamma lärare i förskolan, men också hur denna typ av samtal kan förstås som en bedömnings- och granskningspraktik. I boken argumenterar författarna för vikten av att reflektera över frågor om vilka normer och värderingar som förmedlas och förhandlas om barn, barndom, föräldraskap men också om de professionella i dessa samtal.

    Utvecklingssamtal – kommunikation mellan hem och förskola vänder sig till studenter och verksamma inom förskola och skola, men även till andra yrkesgrupper som använder samtal som en del i sin yrkesutövning i möten med barn och familj, t.ex. socionomer, psykologer och sjuksköterskor.

  • 19.
    Markström, Ann-Marie
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Society, Diversity, Identity. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Simonsson, MariaLinköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.Söderlind, IngridLinköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Society, Diversity, Identity. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.Änggård, EvaInstitutionen för didaktik och pedagogiskt arbete, Stockholms universitet.
    Barn, barndom och föräldraskap2009Collection (editor) (Other academic)
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  • 20.
    Markström, Ann-Marie
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Society, Diversity, Identity. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Söderlind, Ingrid
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Society, Diversity, Identity. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Änggård, Eva
    Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogiskt arbete, Stockholms universitet.
    Barn, barndom och föräldraskap. Inledning2009In: Barn, barndom och föräldraskap, Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 2009, 1, p. 9-13Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 21.
    Pramling, Niklas
    et al.
    University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science.
    Lindström, Cecilia
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Professional read-aloud in preschool: Preschool teachers’ reasoning about a contemporary didactisation2023In: 31st EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Children’s Curiosity: Children’s Curiosity, Agency and Participation: Challenges for Professional Action and Development, 2023, p. 260-260Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose is to contribute with new knowledge on how preschool teachers remediate professional read-alouds in preschool. In the curriculum for the Swedish preschool, working for promoting language development for children through reading aloud has been specified and the teaching task of preschool has been clarified (Skolverket, 2018). Previous studies (Damber, 2015; Simonsson, 2004) show that reading aloud rarely has a didactic function in preschools. The study is theoretically based upon the sociocultural perspective (Vygotsky, 1978). From the theoretical premise that teachers’ professional knowing are in a process of remediation, in this study we therefore analyze how they remediate this practice. The empirical data in this qualitative study consist of four focusgroup conversations with preschool teachers. A consent form and information sheet was provided to all participants, who were given the opportunity to withdraw from the study at any time. The ethical approval was granted by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority. The results show how the preschool teachers remediate professional reading aloud through contrasting and renegotiating the meanings of, the conditions for, and participation in this practice. The preschool teachers’ reasoning implies their collective development of a wider repertoire where older practices co-exist with new ones, and with some shifting in terms of figure and background. The implications of the findings are discussed along with a theoretical reflection on how remediation, as still rare in research, offers a conceptual tool for analyzing practices in-the-making, i.e. processes of change as they take place through dynamic negotiation, not yet established as tradition.

  • 22.
    Simonsson, Kjell
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Solid Mechanics. Linköping University, The Institute of Technology.
    Renner, Johan
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. Linköping University, Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV). Linköping University, The Institute of Technology.
    Hallberg, Peter
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Machine Design. Linköping University, The Institute of Technology.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, The Institute of Technology.
    Kamratutvärdering i kurser med stort datorlaborativt inslag2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    De mångfacetterade krav som idag ställs på yrkesverksamma högskole- och civilingenjörer handlar inte enbart om rena ämnesmässiga kunskaper och förmågor, utan även om t.ex. erfarenhet och förmåga att delta i och leda projekt samt (kopplat till detta) kommunikativ skicklighet (såväl muntlig som skriftlig). En annan uppgift som yrkesverksamma ingenjörer måste kunna bemästra i sin profession är att (individuellt, eller som medlemmar i olika typer av styrgrupper) bedöma och utvärdera andras ingenjörsmässiga arbete, en oerhört central uppgift i ett projekt- och kvalitetssäkringsperspektiv.

    Det övergripande syftet med arbetet har varit att studera hur kamratbedömning kan implementeras i redan existerande kurser, för att på så sätt ge de studerande möjlighet att träna på att ge och ta emot kritisk bedömning, att förbättra de studerandes lärande via ett större aktivt engagemang under kursen samt att se om potential finns att effektivisera undervisningen m.a.p. lärarinsatsen, genom att lyfta över en del av enklare rutinkontroller till de studerande själva.

    Kamratbedömning har implementerats i två sinsemellan likartade kurser inom beräkningsmekanik vid högskole- resp. civilingenjörsprogrammen i Maskinteknik, LiTH (600 studenter ingick i studien). Mer specifikt har till två enklare inledande laborationsuppgifter inkluderats ett moment av kamratbedömning. Utvärderingen av det genomförda arbetet har skett via en kvalitativ studie, där de studerandes perspektiv/synpunkter inhämtats i samband med skriftlig redovisning av inlämningsuppgifter. Utöver detta har den kursansvarige gjort observationer av hur kamratutvärderingsarbetet fortskridit under laborationstid.

    Resultatet visar att de studerande har uppskattat granskningen av såväl det egna som kamraternas arbeten, och att de sett det som ett led i lärandeprocessen. Även professionsperspektivet har lyfts fram där de studerande betonar vikten av moment och uppgifter i utbildningen som har en direkt relevans i det kommande yrkeslivet. Den kursansvariges bedömning är vidare att andelen ”viktiga” och ”relevanta” frågor ökat, vilket ger indikationer på att kamratbedömning kan vara en såväl pedagogiskt som effektivitetsmässigt gynnsam metodik. De studerande har dock upplevt logistiken/administrationen kring kamratvärderingen som i vissa avseenden besvärlig.

    Sammanfattningsvis är det vår slutsats att kamratbedömning har en stor potential att berika utbildningar m.a.p. förmåga till kritisk granskning, djupinlärning och effektivisering, men att verksamheten inte bara skall implementeras kursvis (med risk för suboptimering och ineffektivitet), utan att den bör inlemmas i ett större perspektiv, med progression genom utbildningen som riktmärke.

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  • 23.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies.
    Barndom och kulturella artefakter. Platsen som skapas runt bilderboken2007In: Den moderna barndomen och barns vardagsliv / [ed] Halldén, Gunilla, Stockholm: Carlssons , 2007, 1, p. 119-139Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna bok behandlas frågor om vad förskolans uppdrag innebär och hur synen på omsorg och bilden av barnet har förändrats, samt hur barndomsforskningen förhåller sig till frågor om barns kompetens och barns beroende. Förskolan diskuteras som en plats för barn, men där också barnen skapar egna platser. Ann-Marie Markström, Maria Simonsson och Eva Änggård har i sina avhandlingar studerat hur barn använder sig av förskolan och de bidrar med varsitt kapitel i boken.

  • 24.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Bilder av barnet. Exemplet Pija Lindenbaums protagonist Lill-Zlatan2009In: Barn, barndom och föräldraskap, Stokholm: Carlsons bokförlag , 2009, 1, p. 155-173Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Barn, barndom och föräldraskap handlar om några av samhällets viktigaste angelägenheter – barnet och föräldrarna. Detta är områden som vi alla har erfarenheter av och som har betydelse på alla plan i samhället. Frågor som rör barn, barndom och föräldraskap är ständigt närvarande i samhällsdebatt och politik liksom i människors vardag. De är idag också betydelsefulla kunskapsområden och forskning pågår inom en rad olika discipliner. I denna bok medverkar 21 forskare från skilda forskningstraditioner. Utifrån olika perspektiv skriver de om en rad olika frågor: Hur gränserna för vad som är ett barn har dragits historiskt; betydelsen av barns insatser och arbete; barns ställning som medborgare; hur människor, verkliga och fiktiva, förhandlar positioner i de vardagsliv som levs i familjen, förskolan och skolan; synen på föräldraskap och hur föräldrar ser på uppfostran och barns behov. Boken innehåller också texter som diskuterar teoretiska redskap för att utveckla forskning kring barn, barndom, föräldraskap och familj. barn, barndom och föräldraskap är angelägen läsning för alla som av olika skäl intresserar sig för barns villkor och plats i samhället.

    Bokens redaktörer är Ann-Marie Markström, Linköpings universitet; Maria Simonsson, Linköpings universitet; Ingrid Söderlind, Institutet för Framtidsstudier i Stockholm och Linköpings universitet och Eva Änggård, Stockholms universitet.

  • 25.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Department of Child Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Bilderboken i förskolan: En utgångspunkt för samspel2004Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The main purpose of the study is to investigate how children use picture books in the everyday practices in the Swedish pre-school. More specifically, I want to study the use of picture books based on the child's interaction with the book. How does the dialogic process between the child and the picture book proceed? How is the peer group used in book practices? What draws children to certain books - as favorites of the individual or of the group? How do they use the pictures in the books? What do they do when on their own with books and how does this usage differ from teacher-initiated activities with the books?

    By focusing on the 3- to 5-year-old children's book interactions, the study contributes to our understanding of how children use picture books for their identity work. A basic assumption is to see children as social agentswho influence and are influenced by the world they live in.

    The empirical data comprises over 35 hours video recorded interactions. Episodes of child initiated book practices were transcribed in detail, and the theory of subject positioning was applied for its analysis.

    The study shows that children in their picture book activities, in the every day peer-group interactions, use the books as a contact surface between them. In addition they use the book arenas for negotiations of subjectpositions, where they position themselves or are positioned as powerful or powerless persons. Children employ a rich repertoire of strategies (verbal and nonverbal) for excluding and including themselves and others in ongoing book activities.

    The empirical material show clearly that the pictures constitute an 'idea box' for children, from which they can take inspiration or use as tools in activities such as play, fantasy, and conversation. We can see that preschool children also produce and negotiate the meaning of the pictures. In some cases, the children use all of the pictures while in others they use only isolated pictures that are pulled out of their context and "take on a life of their own." The children use the pictures in several different ways: as a play arena for their games and activities; as props for play in progress; as markers of positions in their play; and as pictures for creating stories.

    Children actively use picture books in their day-to-day lives at the educational institution. Through this use, children create meaning for the cultural content of the books by testing subject positions that the pictures offer. In their use of picture books, it becomes apparent that children are competent to use and discover books on their own and sometimes need to share the experience with other children and with adults. Through the use of picture books, the children acquire experience of books and use them to create meaning; that is, they create a sort of children's cultural competence for themselves.

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    Bilderboken i förskolan: En utgångspunkt för samspel
  • 26.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies.
    Bilderboken som kommunikativ praktik i förskolan2000In: Barnboken, ISSN 0347-772X, E-ISSN 2000-4389, Vol. 23, no 2, p. 35-35Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 27.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies.
    Bilderboken som utgångspunkt för lek på förskolan2002In: Lek och Lärande.: konferensrapport från Nätverk för barnomsorgsforskning Göteborg den 15-16 november 2001 / [ed] Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet , 2002, p. 27-59Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 28.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Hälsa - utbildning - välfärdsinstitutioner (HUV) .
    Bilderböcker i barns lek2007In: Familjedaghem : ges ut av Familjedaghemmens förlag, Vol. 27, no 2007:4, p. 28-30Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]


  • 29.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies.
    Bokbruk som vila, omsorg och umgänge2004In: Locus, ISSN 1100-3197, Vol. 4, p. 16-26Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 30.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Changing Subject Positions of the Parents During the Introduction to the Swedish Preschool2018In: Sixteenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, 2018, Vol. 1, p. 153-153Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In Sweden the preschool is regarded as “the child´s first school” and a part of the educational system. Most children aged 1-5 attend preschool, where daycare and education are combined. The preschool is the start of the “lifelong learning” and the importance of an early start in this institution is underpinned by the government. Collaboration and communication between teachers and parents have during the last decades become increasingly highlighted in the Swedish preschool context. The aim of this study is to highlight how the preschool teachers’ view the interaction with parents in relation to children’s introduction to preschool, with focus on their talk about the parents’ position in the introduction process. The results are drawn from focus group interviews which have been conducted with seven preschool teams in Swedish preschools. Data was analyzed in the positioning theory tradition. The results show that the parents’ involvement is important for the teachers in order to create a professional relationship with the parents and to give them support in their parental role. Furthermore, the parents’ involvement during the introduction period is central for creating a complete picture of the child, and that it may be seen as an evaluation and co-operation practice for the parents and the preschool. New parents’ subject positions emerge: the parents are active actors and team members in the introduction process.

  • 31.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies.
    De professionella barnboksintroduktörerna2004Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 32.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Elsa Beskows färgpalett: Exemplet Tant Grön, Tant Brun och Tant Gredelin2023In: Bilder för barn och bilder av barn / [ed] Maria Simonsson och Johanna Andersson, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2023, p. 37-50Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 33.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Förskolan: en inkluderande arena för alla barn2016In: Specialpedagogik: -i,om,för och med praktiken / [ed] Anna-Lena Eriksson Gustavsson, Karin Forslund Frykedal, Marcus Samuelsson, Stockholm: Liber , 2016, 1, p. 36-50Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 34.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Föräldraidentiteter som skapas och formas under inskolningen i förskolan2018In: Venue, ISSN 2001-788X, no 7, p. 7p. 1-6Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Förskolestarten börjar med inskolning. Den här tiden är en omvälvande period inte bara för barnet utan för hela familjen. Vårdnadshavarna måste lära sig att bli trygga förskoleföräldrar, att  hjälpa sitt barn under inskolningen, att bidra med kunskaper om barnet och att hjälpa pedagogerna att tolka barnets beteende och önskningar under inskolningen. 

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    Föräldraidentiteter som skapas och formas under inskolningen i förskolan
  • 35.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Hällström, Catharina: Insändare i Kamratposten. Uttryck för villkor i barns kulturella sammanhang: Stockholms universitet (Doktorsavhandlingar från Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik nr 7). Diss. Stockholm. 274. ISBN 978-91-7447-301-82012In: Barnboken, ISSN 0347-772X, E-ISSN 2000-4389, Vol. 35Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 36.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies.
    Ny forskning om genus och skönlitteratur2006In: Barnboken, ISSN 0347-772X, E-ISSN 2000-4389, Vol. 1, p. 57-60Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 37.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Pedagogers möte med bilderböcker i förskolan2006Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Alfons, Pippi och Pettson är välkända figurer i barns förskolevardag. Men hur och varför har de hamnat där? Vad är det för slags bilderböcker som förekommer i dagens förskola och hur ser pedagogerna på bilderboksläsandet?

    Denna bok handlar om förskolepedagogers uppfattningar och resonemang kring bruket av bilderböcker i förskolan.Studien baseras på två fokusgruppsintervjuer med verksamma förskolepedagoger som arbetar med barn i 1-5-årsåldern. Författaren problematiserar förskolans ”bokmiljö” och diskuterar bilderbokens betydelse för det livslånga läsandet.

    Boken riktar sig till pedagoger, blivande pedagoger och andra som använder bilderböcker i sin yrkesvardag, samt alla som är intresserade av bilderböcker.

    I det inledande kapitlet kommer jag att presentera några viktiga aspekter gällande bilderboksanvändandet i förskolan. Kapitel 2 handlar om förskolan och bilderböckerna. I nästa kapitel, Kapitel 3, står metoden i fokus och här presenteras fokusgruppsintervjuerna, studiens genomförande, samt hur bearbetningen och analysen av datamaterialet gjorts. Slutligen i Kapitel 4 presenteras studiens resultat.

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    Pedagogers möte med bilderböcker i förskolan
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  • 38.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Samverkan med hemmet2019In: Fritidshemmets möjligheter: Att arbeta fritidspedagogiskt / [ed] Helene Elvstrand, Lina Lago, Maria Simonsson, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2019, 1, p. 97-114Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Forskning har visat vikten av föräldrars involvering i elevernas skolgång som en viktig faktor för deras framtida utbildningskarriär. Kapitlet  belyser föräldrasamverkan utifrån ett forskningsprojekt, där några fritidslärare delar med sig av sina kunskaper, erfarenheter och tankar kring samverkan med hemmet.

  • 39.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies.
    Tanterna i gröngräset. Barndoms- och kvinnobilder hos Elsa Beskow2003In: Visuella spår. Bilder i kultur- och samhällsanaly / [ed] Anna Sparrman & Ulrika Torell & Eva Åhrén Snickare, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2003, 1, p. 44-55Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Hur kan man använda och studera bilder i kultur- och samhällsvetenskapliga sammanhang?I denna bok ges en bred introduktion till dem som vill söka ny kunskap i nya källmaterial. Författarna ger exempel på hur reklamfotografier eller veckopressbilder kan användas i studier av sociala roller, etnicitet och genus, av normalitet och avvikande eller idealbilder av vardagen och människan. De argumenterar för att bredda synfältet och söka kunskap i visuella material - och visar även hur det kan göras.

  • 40.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    The Parent-Teacher Conference as a Duty and Tool in the Pre-school Teachers' Professional Practice2012In: 10th Annual Conference. Hawaii International Conference on Education, 2012, p. x-xConference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Collaboration and communication between teachers and parents have during the last decades become increasingly highlighted in the Swedish preschool context. The aim of this study is to study the parent-teacher conference in the Swedish preschool and, based on interviews with preschool teachers, generate knowledge about how they view and the importance they give the parent-teacher conference as a social practice in the preschool and as a part of their profession. The analyses of the interviews show that the parent-teacher conference is an important tool for the teachers in order to create a professional relationship with the parents and to give them support in their parental role. Furthermore, the results show that the parent-teacher conference is central for creating a complete picture of the child, and that it can be seen as an evaluation practice for not only the child, the parents and the preschool as an institution but also for the preschool teachers themselves in their role as professionals.

  • 41.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    The role of artefacts during transition into the peer group: 1-to 3-year-old children’s perspective on transition between the home and the preschool in sweden2015In: International Journal of Transitions in Childhood, ISSN 1833-2390, Vol. 8, p. 14-24Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims to examine how young children construct and master, with the help of artefacts, their very first institutional relations with peers, and how they handle the preschool practice during the transition period between the home and the preschool. The discourse analysis is based on ethnographic data from the introduction period of two children in the Swedish preschool. The results highlight that these young children are competent agents in their own transition. They use artefacts as tools for their own purposes; for negotiating places, creating relationships, and learning norms in their interactions with peers. The findings add to the understanding and significance of children’s perspective regarding their own transition and the role of the artefacts in it, which has conceptual and practical implications for researchers as well as practitioners worldwide. 

  • 42.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Vetenskaplig grund i myllrande småbarnsliv2018In: Pedagogiska magasinet, no 3, p. 1-2-Article, book review (Refereed)
  • 43.
    Simonsson, Maria
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies.
    Who owns the picture book? - A study of picture book practies in the Swedish pre-school2005In: Childhood 2005,2005, Oslo: University of oslo , 2005Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 44.
    Simonsson, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Andersson, JohannaLinköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Bilder för barn och bilder av barn2023Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 45.
    Simonsson, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies.
    Eckert, Gisela
    Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Cognition, Development and Disability.
    Hur går det för glutenintoleranta barn i förskolan?2006In: Mat vitaminer och bättre hälsa vid celiaki. Den 8:e Celiaki dagen i Norrköping,2006, 2006Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Simonsson, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Elvstrand, Helene
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Hellberg, Kristina
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Samverkan mellan hem och fritidshem ska gynna skolresultaten2015In: Venue, ISSN 2001-788X, Vol. 01, p. 1-5-Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I de nyligen publicerade Skolverkets allmänna råd om fritidshem betonas ett ökat samarbete mellan fritidshem och hemmet. Det innebär ökad delaktighet men också styrning och kontroll av såväl barn som kontakten med föräldrar/vårdnadshavare. På så sätt ska fritidshemmet komplettera skolans verksamhet och ge bättre skolresultat.

  • 47.
    Simonsson, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Karlsson, Ingrid
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    A New Pedagogic Practice in Introduction to the Swedish Preschool: Changing Subject Positions2013Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In Sweden the preschool is regarded as “the child´s first school” and a part of the educational system. Most children aged 1-5 attend preschool, where daycare and education are combined. The preschool is the start of “lifelong learning” and the importance of an early start in this institution is underpinned by the government.  

    The point of departure in this study is preschool teacher´s perspectives on changes in small children´s reception period in the preschool that have emerged during the last years. The change can be described as a movement from long reception periods (14 days) inspired by attachment theory where preschool teachers became attachment persons for the smallest children to short periods (3-5 days) with parents as active partakers in this reception.

    Objectives in this study are the preschool teacher´s constructions of their and the parents new positions in this new reception practice. We explore what have made these shifts possible, how these new preschool teachers and parents’ positions are constructed as well as what they may mean during the reception period.

    The method has been focus group interviews with seven preschool teams in Swedish preschools. Data have been analyzed with the help from social constructivist perspectives as well as analyses of discourses.

  • 48.
    Simonsson, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Learning, Aesthetics, Natural science. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    Karlsson, Ingrid
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences.
    A question of gender sensitive pedagogy: – discourses in pedagogical guidelines2011In: Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, E-ISSN 1463-9491, Vol. 12, no 3, p. 274-283Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this article, some of the discourses concerning 'gender-sensitive pedagogy' that circulate in Swedish preschools are discussed. Two guideline documents that circulate in gender- and equity-sensitive projects in preschool are investigated, and the question is asked: What gender-related messages can possibly reach preschools from the guidelines? The method is discourse analysis inspired by Michel Foucault. Three different discourses were found: the discourse of the preschool institution; the discourse of gender and/or equity; and the gender-pedagogical discourse.

  • 49.
    Simonsson, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies.
    Karlsson, Ingrid
    IBV .
    Educationof Gender-an analysis of discourses of gender-related work in the pre-school2006In: European Conference on Educational Research,11-16 september 2006,2006, Geneva: ECER , 2006Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 50.
    Simonsson, Maria
    et al.
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Hälsa - utbildning - välfärdsinstitutioner (HUV) .
    Karlsson, Ingrid
    Linköping University, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Teaching and Learning in School, Teacher Education and other Educational Settings.
    Genuspedagogik i förskolan2007In: Nätverkskonferensen för barn- och barndomsforskning, Tema: Mångkontextuell barndom i tid och rum.,2007, Malmö: Malmö Högskola , 2007Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]


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