The annual meeting 2017 of the Swedish Computer Graphics Association (SIGRAD) took place at Linköping University, Campus Norrköping in Norrköping, Sweden in August 2017. SIGRAD is an event where researchers and industry professionals meet to discuss novel visions and developments in the field of computer graphics and related areas, such as visualization and human-computer interaction (HCI). Since SIGRAD was started in 1976, it has developed into the major annual appointment for the Nordic community of graphics and visual computing experts with a broad range of backgrounds. It thereby addresses the increasing need for visual computing solutions in both commercial and academic areas. SIGRAD 2017 offered a strong scientific program consisting of international keynote speakers from research and industry, presentations of recent scientific achievements in the field within Sweden, and novel technological results from international contributors. The topics covered present a nice cross-section across the diverse research efforts in the domains.
Five original papers have been accepted for presentation after being peer-reviewed by an International Program Committee consisting of 22 highly qualified scientists. Each paper was reviewed, on average, by three reviewers from the committee. The accepted papers range from general computer graphics practices to practical applications and services that may benefit from the use of visualizations and computer graphics technologies. The extended participation of students at all levels of academia in research has been encouraged this year and 2 papers were selected which are first-authored by students studying at Master's Degree level.
This year, we continued the “Swedish Research Overview Session” introduced at last year’s conference. In this session, Swedish research groups are given the opportunity to present their academically outstanding, previously published work at the annual conference. All papers in this session have been published in an academically outstanding journals or conferences not more than two years prior to the SIGRAD conference.
We especially wish to thank our invited keynote speakers: Christoph Garth, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, Ivan Viola, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Claes Lundström, CMIV, Linköping University, and Samuel Ranta Eskola, Microsoft. Finally, we want to express our thanks to Gun-Britt Löfgren for helping us in organizing this event.
The SIGRAD 2017 organizers
Martin Falk, Daniel Jönsson, Ingrid Hotz