The Cauchy problem for general elliptic equations of second order is considered. In a previous paper (Berntsson et al. in Inverse Probl Sci Eng 26(7):1062–1078, 2018), it was suggested that the alternating iterative algorithm suggested by Kozlov and Maz’ya can be convergent, even for large wavenumbers k2, in the Helmholtz equation, if the Neumann boundary conditions are replaced by Robin conditions. In this paper, we provide a proof that shows that the Dirichlet–Robin alternating algorithm is indeed convergent for general elliptic operators provided that the parameters in the Robin conditions are chosen appropriately. We also give numerical experiments intended to investigate the precise behaviour of the algorithm for different values of k2 in the Helmholtz equation. In particular, we show how the speed of the convergence depends on the choice of Robin parameters.
We consider the Helmholtz equation with a variable coefficient in a semi-infinite strip. Homogeneous Neumann conditions are prescribed on a part of the boundary of the strip. Our aim is to find the unknown function in the Dirichlet boundary condition on the remaining part of the boundary from measurements taken on a segment inside the semi-infinite strip. We assume that the radiation condition at infinity is unknown and must be found also. The main difficulty here is the variable coefficient in the Helmholtz equation which does not allow to apply the method of separation of variable as was done in [2]. Such problems appear in acoustics to determine acoustical sources and surface vibrations from acoustic field measurements in non-uniform mediums. We split the problem in two parts. One consists of finding the radiation condition and this problem is well-posed. We derive the equation for finding the parameter of the radiation condition, that holds at infinity. The second one is to find the Dirichlet data and this problem is ill-posed. We present an operator equation with compact operator for finding the Dirichlet data. (c) 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons .org /licenses /by /4 .0/).
We consider an inverse problem for the Helmholtz equation of reconstructing a solution from measurements taken on a segment inside a semi-infinite strip. Homogeneous Neumann conditions are prescribed on both side boundaries of the strip and an unknown Dirichlet condition on the remaining part of the boundary. Additional complexity is that the radiation condition at infinity is unknown. Our aim is to find the unknown function in the Dirichlet boundary condition and the radiation condition. Such problems appear in acoustics to determine acoustical sources and surface vibrations from acoustic field measurements. The problem is split into two sub-problems, a well-posed and an ill-posed problem. We analyse the theoretical properties of both problems; in particular, we show that the radiation condition is described by a stable non-linear problem. The second problem is ill-posed, and we use the Landweber iteration method together with the discrepancy principle to regularize it. Numerical tests show that the approach works well.
We consider the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation with a domain in with N cylindrical outlets to infinity with bounded inclusions in . Cauchy data are prescribed on the boundary of the bounded domains and the aim is to find solution on the unbounded part of the boundary. In 1989, Kozlov and Mazya proposed an alternating iterative method for solving Cauchy problems associated with elliptic, selfadjoint and positive-definite operators in bounded domains. Different variants of this method for solving Cauchy problems associated with Helmholtz-type operators exists. We consider the variant proposed by Berntsson, Kozlov, Mpinganzima and Turesson (2018) for bounded domains and derive the necessary conditions for the convergence of the procedure in unbounded domains. For the numerical implementation, a finite difference method is used to solve the problem in a simple rectangular domain in R-2 that represent a truncated infinite strip. The numerical results shows that by appropriate truncation of the domain and with appropriate choice of the Robin parameters mu(0) and mu(1), the Robin-Dirichlet alternating iterative procedure is convergent.
In this paper we develop a compartmental model of SIR type (the abbreviation refers to the number of Susceptible, Infected and Recovered people) that models the population dynamics of two diseases that can coinfect. We discuss how the underlying dynamics depends on the carrying capacity K: from a simple dynamics to a more complex. This can also help in understanding the appearance of more complicated dynamics, for example, chaos and periodic oscillations, for large values of K. It is also presented that pathogens can invade in population and their invasion depends on the carrying capacity K which shows that the progression of disease in population depends on carrying capacity. More specifically, we establish all possible scenarios (the so-called transition diagrams) describing an evolution of an (always unique) locally stable equilibrium state (with only non-negative compartments) for fixed fundamental parameters (density independent transmission and vital rates) as a function of the carrying capacity K. An important implication of our results is the following important observation. Note that one can regard the value of K as the natural ‘size’ (the capacity) of a habitat. From this point of view, an isolation of individuals (the strategy which showed its efficiency for COVID-19 in various countries) into smaller resp. larger groups can be modelled by smaller resp. bigger values of K. Then we conclude that the infection dynamics becomes more complex for larger groups, as it fairly maybe expected for values of the reproduction number R0≈1. We show even more, that for the values R0>1 there are several (in fact four different) distinguished scenarios where the infection complexity (the number of nonzero infected classes) arises with growing K. Our approach is based on a bifurcation analysis which allows to generalize considerably the previous Lotka-Volterra model considered previously in Ghersheen et al. (Math Meth Appl Sci 42(8), 2019).
In this paper we continue the stability analysis of the model for coinfection with density dependent susceptible population introduced in Andersson et al. (Effect of density dependence on coinfection dynamics. arXiv:2008.09987, 2020). We consider the remaining parameter values left out from Andersson et al. (Effect of density dependence on coinfection dynamics. arXiv:2008.09987, 2020). We look for coexistence equilibrium points, their stability and dependence on the carrying capacity K. Two sets of parameter value are determined, each giving rise to different scenarios for the equilibrium branch parametrized by K. In both scenarios the branch includes coexistence points implying that both coinfection and single infection of both diseases can exist together in a stable state. There are no simple explicit expression for these equilibrium points and we will require a more delicate analysis of these points with a new bifurcation technique adapted to such epidemic related problems. The first scenario is described by the branch of stable equilibrium points which includes a continuum of coexistence points starting at a bifurcation equilibrium point with zero single infection strain #1 and finishing at another bifurcation point with zero single infection strain #2. In the second scenario the branch also includes a section of coexistence equilibrium points with the same type of starting point but the branch stays inside the positive cone after this. The coexistence equilibrium points are stable at the start of the section. It stays stable as long as the product of K and the rate γ¯γ¯ of coinfection resulting from two single infections is small but, after this it can reach a Hopf bifurcation and periodic orbits will appear.
The population size has far-reaching effects on the fitness of the population, that, in its turn influences the population extinction or persistence. Understanding the density- and age-dependent factors will facilitate more accurate predictions about the population dynamics and its asymptotic behaviour. In this paper, we develop a rigourous mathematical analysis to study positive and negative effects of increased population density in the classical nonlinear age-structured population model introduced by Gurtin \& MacCamy in the late 1970s. One of our main results expresses the global stability of the system in terms of the newborn function only. We also derive the existence of a threshold population size implying the population extinction, which is well-known in population dynamics as an Allee effect.
We address a Cauchy problem for a nonlinear elliptic PDE arising in glaciology. After recasting the Cauchy problem as an ill-posed operator equation, we prove (for values of a certain parameter allowing Hilbert space techniques) differentiability properties of the associated operator. We also suggest iterative methods which can be applied to solve the operator problem.
We consider the problem of reconstruction of the basal velocity of a glacier by measurements of the velocity on glacier’s surface. The main result is a stability estimate in a near-surface region, which represents a multiplicative inequality and shows that small errors in measurements produce small errors in the velocity in this region.
The Cauchy problem for Helmholtz equation, for moderate wave number k(2), is considered. In the previous paper of Achieng et al. (2020, Analysis of Dirichlet-Robin iterations for solving the Cauchy problem for elliptic equations. Bull. Iran. Math. Soc.), a proof of convergence for the Dirichlet-Robin alternating algorithm was given for general elliptic operators of second order, provided that appropriate Robin parameters were used. Also, it has been noted that the rate of convergence for the alternating iterative algorithm is quite slow. Thus, we reformulate the Cauchy problem as an operator equation and implement iterative methods based on Krylov subspaces. The aim is to achieve faster convergence. In particular, we consider the Landweber method, the conjugate gradient method and the generalized minimal residual method. The numerical results show that all the methods work well. In this work, we discuss also how one can approach non-symmetric differential operators by similar operator equations and model problems which are used for symmetric differential operators.
We present a one-dimensional model describing the blood flow through a moderately curved and elastic blood vessel. We use an existing two dimensional model of the vessel wall along with Navier-Stokes equations to model the flow through the channel while taking factors, namely, surrounding muscle tissue and presence of external forces other than gravity into account. Our model is obtained via a dimension reduction procedure based on the assumption of thinness of the vessel relative to its length. Results of numerical simulations are presented to highlight the influence of different factors on the blood flow. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
One dimensional models for fluid flow in tubes are frequently used tomodel complex systems, such as the arterial tree where a large numberof vessels are linked together at bifurcations. At the junctions transmission conditions are needed. One popular option is the classic Kirchhoffconditions which means conservation of mass at the bifurcation andprescribes a continuous pressure at the joint.
In reality the boundary layer phenomena predicts fast local changesto both velocity and pressure inside the bifurcation. Thus it is not appropriate for a one dimensional model to assume a continuous pressure. In this work we present a modification to the classic Kirchhoff condi-tions, with a symmetric pressure drop matrix, that is more suitable forone dimensional flow models. An asymptotic analysis, that has beencarried out previously shows that the new transmission conditions hasen exponentially small error.
The modified transmission conditions take the geometry of the bifurcation into account and can treat two outlets differently. The conditions can also be written in a form that is suitable for implementationin a finite difference solver. Also, by appropriate choice of the pressuredrop matrix we show that the new transmission conditions can producehead loss coefficients similar to experimentally obtained ones.
A false aneurysm is a hematoma, i.e. collection ofblood outside of a blood vessel, that forms due to a hole in the wall of an artery . This represents a serious medical condition that needs to be monitored and, under certain conditions, treatedurgently. In this work a one-dimensional model of a false aneurysm isproposed. The new model is based on a one-dimensional model of anartery previously presented by the authors and it takes into accountthe interaction between the hematoma and the surrounding musclematerial. The model equations are derived using rigorous asymptoticanalysis for the case of a simplified geometry. Even though the model is simple it still supports a realisticbehavior for the system consisting of the vessel and the hematoma. Using numerical simulations we illustrate the behavior ofthe model. We also investigate the effect of changing the size of the hematoma. The simulations show that ourmodel can reproduce realistic solutions. For instance we show thetypical strong pulsation of an aneurysm by blood entering the hematoma during the work phase of the cardiac cycle, and the blood returning tothe vessel during the resting phase. Also we show that the aneurysmgrows if the pulse rate is increased due to, e.g., a higher work load.
In this paper we present a one-dimensional model of blood flow in a vessel segment with an elastic wall consisting of several anisotropic layers. The model involves two variables: the radial displacement of the vessels wall and the pressure, and consists of two coupled equations of parabolic and hyperbolic type. Numerical simulations on a straight segment of a blood vessel demonstrate that the model can produce realistic flow fields that may appear under normal conditions in healthy blood vessels; as well as flow that could appear during abnormal conditions. In particular we show that weakening of the elastic properties of the wall may provoke a reverse blood flow in the vessel. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation appears in applications related to acoustic or electromagnetic wave phenomena. The problem is ill–posed in the sense that the solution does not depend on the data in a stable way. In this paper we give a detailed study of the problem. Specifically we investigate how the ill–posedness depends on the shape of the computational domain and also on the wave number. Furthermore, we give an overview over standard techniques for dealing with ill–posed problems and apply them to the problem.
The Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation appears in various applications. The problem is severely ill-posed and regularization is needed to obtain accurate solutions. We start from a formulation of this problem as an operator equation on the boundary of the domain and consider the equation in (H-1/2)* spaces. By introducing an artificial boundary in the interior of the domain we obtain an inner product for this Hilbert space in terms of a quadratic form associated with the Helmholtz equation; perturbed by an integral over the artificial boundary. The perturbation guarantees positivity property of the quadratic form. This inner product allows an efficient evaluation of the adjoint operator in terms of solution of a well-posed boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation with transmission boundary conditions on the artificial boundary. In an earlier paper we showed how to take advantage of this framework to implement the conjugate gradient method for solving the Cauchy problem. In this work we instead use the Conjugate gradient method for minimizing a Tikhonov functional. The added penalty term regularizes the problem and gives us a regularization parameter that can be used to easily control the stability of the numerical solution with respect to measurement errors in the data. Numerical tests show that the proposed algorithm works well. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper we study the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation. This problem appears in various applications and is severely ill–posed. The modified alternating procedure has been proposed by the authors for solving this problem but the convergence has been rather slow. We demonstrate how to instead use conjugate gradient methods for accelerating the convergence. The main idea is to introduce an artificial boundary in the interior of the domain. This addition of the interior boundary allows us to derive an inner product that is natural for the application and that gives us a proper framework for implementing the steps of the conjugate gradient methods. The numerical results performed using the finite difference method show that the conjugate gradient based methods converge considerably faster than the modified alternating iterative procedure studied previously.
We present a modification of the alternating iterative method, which was introduced by V.A. Kozlov and V. Maz’ya in for solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation in a Lipschitz domain. The method is implemented numerically using the finite difference method.
The Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation is considered. It was demonstrated in a previous paper by the authors that the alternating algorithm suggested by V.A. Kozlov and V.G. Maz’ya does not converge for large wavenumbers in the Helmholtz equation. We prove here that if we alternate Robin and Dirichlet boundary conditions instead of Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions, then the algorithm will converge. We present also another algorithm based on the same idea, which converges for large wavenumbers. Numerical implementations obtained using the finite difference method are presented. Numerical results illustrate that the algorithms suggested in this paper, produce a convergent iterative sequences.
The Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation is considered. It was demonstrated in a previous paper by the authors that the alternating algorithm suggested by V.A. Kozlov and V.G. Mazya does not converge for large wavenumbers k in the Helmholtz equation. Here, we present some simple modifications of the algorithm which may restore the convergence. They consist of the replacement of the Neumann-Dirichlet iterations by the Robin-Dirichlet ones which repairs the convergence for less than the first Dirichlet-Laplacian eigenvalue. In order to treat large wavenumbers, we present an algorithm based on iterative solution of Robin-Dirichlet boundary value problems in a sufficiently narrow border strip. Numerical implementations obtained using the finite difference method are presented. The numerical results illustrate that the algorithms suggested in this paper, produce convergent iterative sequences.
We study a non-linear operator equation originating from a Cauchy problem for an elliptic equation. The problem appears in applications where surface measurements are used to calculate the temperature below the earth surface. The Cauchy problem is ill-posed and small perturbations to the used data can result in large changes in the solution. Since the problem is non-linear certain assumptions on the coefficients are needed. We reformulate the problem as an non-linear operator equation and show that under suitable assumptions the operator is well-defined. The proof is based on making a change of variables and removing the non-linearity from the leading term of the equation. As a part of the proof we obtain an iterative procedure that is convergent and can be used for evaluating the operator. Numerical results show that the proposed procedure converges faster than a simple fixed point iteration for the equation in the the original variables.
We consider a steady state heat conduction problem in a thin plate. In the application, it is used to connect two cylindrical containers and fix their relative positions. At the same time it serves to measure the temperature on the inner cylinder. We derive a two dimensional mathematical model, and use it to approximate the heat conduction in the thin plate. Since the plate has sharp edges on the sides the resulting problem is described by a degenerate elliptic equation. To find the temperature in the interior part from the exterior measurements, we formulate the problem as a Cauchy problem for stationary heat equation. We also reformulate the Cauchy problem as an operator equation, with a compact operator, and apply the Landweber iteration method to solve the equation. The case of the degenerate elliptic equation has not been previously studied in this context. For numerical computation, we consider the case where noisy data is present and analyse the convergence.
Multiple viruses are widely studied because of their negative effect on the health of host as well as on whole population. The dynamics of coinfection are important in this case. We formulated an susceptible infected recovered (SIR) model that describes the coinfection of the two viral strains in a single host population with an addition of limited growth of susceptible in terms of carrying capacity. The model describes five classes of a population: susceptible, infected by first virus, infected by second virus, infected by both viruses, and completely immune class. We proved that for any set of parameter values, there exists a globally stable equilibrium point. This guarantees that the disease always persists in the population with a deeper connection between the intensity of infection and carrying capacity of population. Increase in resources in terms of carrying capacity promotes the risk of infection, which may lead to destabilization of the population.
An SIR model with the coinfection of the two infectious agents in a single host population is considered. The model includes the environmental carry capacity in each class of population. A special case of this model is analyzed, and several threshold conditions are obtained, which describes the establishment of diseases in the population. We prove that, for small carrying capacity K, there exists a globally stable disease-free equilibrium point. Furthermore, we establish the continuity of the transition dynamics of the stable equilibrium point, that is, we prove that, (1) for small values of K, there exists a unique globally stable equilibrium point, and (b) it moves continuously as K is growing (while its face type may change). This indicates that the carrying capacity is the crucial parameter and an increase in resources in terms of carrying capacity promotes the risk of infection.
A Reynolds equation governing the steady flow of a fluid through a curvilinear, narrow tube, with its derivation from Navier-Stokes equations through asymptotic methods is presented. The channel considered may have a rather large curvature and torsion. Approximations of the velocity and the pressure of the fluid inside the channel are constructed by artificially imposing appropriate boundary conditions at the inlet and the outlet. A justification for the approximations is provided along with a comparison with a simpler case.
We present a two dimensional model describing the elastic behaviour of the wall of a curved pipe to model blood vessels in particular. The wall has a laminate structure consisting of several anisotropic layers of varying thickness and is assumed to be much smaller in thickness than the radius of the vessel which itself is allowed to vary. Our two-dimensional model takes the interaction of the wall with the surrounding material and the fluid flowing inside into account and is obtained via a dimension reduction procedure. The curvature and twist of the vessel axis as well as the anisotropy of the laminate wallpresent the main challenges in applying the dimension reduction procedure so plenty of examples of canonical shapes of vessels and their walls are supplied with explicit systems of dierential equations at the end.
We present a two-dimensional model describing the elastic behaviour of the wall of a curved flexible pipe. The wall has a laminate structure consisting of several anisotropic layers of varying thickness and is assumed to be much smaller in thickness than the radius of the channel which itself is allowed to vary. Our two-dimensional model takes the interaction of the wall with any surrounding or supporting material and the fluid flow into account and is obtained via a dimension reduction procedure. The curvature and twist of the pipes axis as well as the anisotropy of the laminate wall present the main challenges in applying the dimension reduction procedure so plenty of examples of canonical shapes of pipes and their walls are supplied with explicit systems of differential equations at the end.
Kozlov & Mazya (1989, Algebra Anal., 1, 144-170) proposed an alternating iterative method for solving Cauchy problems for general strongly elliptic and formally self-adjoint systems. However, in many applied problems, operators appear that do not satisfy these requirements, e.g. Helmholtz-type operators. Therefore, in this study, an alternating procedure for solving Cauchy problems for self-adjoint non-coercive elliptic operators of second order is presented. A convergence proof of this procedure is given.
This paper brings together a novel information representation model for use in signal processing and computer vision problems, with a particular algorithmic development of the Landweber iterative algorithm. The information representation model allows a representation of multiple values for a variable as well as an expression for confidence. Both properties are important for effective computation using multi-level models, where a choice between models will be implementable as part of the optimization process. It is shown that in this way the algorithm can deal with a class of high-dimensional, sparse, and constrained least-squares problems, which arise in various computer vision learning tasks, such as object recognition and object pose estimation. While the algorithm has been applied to the solution of such problems, it has so far been used heuristically. In this paper we describe the properties and some of the peculiarities of the channel representation and optimization, and put them on firm mathematical ground. We consider the optimization a convexly constrained weighted least-squares problem and propose for its solution a projected Landweber method which employs oblique projections onto the closed convex constraint set. We formulate the problem, present the algorithm and work out its convergence properties, including a rate-of-convergence result. The results are put in perspective with currently available projected Landweber methods. An application to supervised learning is described, and the method is evaluated in an experiment involving function approximation, as well as application to transient signals. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This report brings together a novel approach to some computer vision problems and a particular algorithmic development of the Landweber iterative algorithm. The algorithm solves a class of high-dimensional, sparse, and constrained least-squares problems, which arise in various computer vision learning tasks, such as object recognition and object pose estimation. The algorithm has recently been applied to these problems, but it has been used rather heuristically. In this report we describe the method and put it on firm mathematical ground. We consider a convexly constrained weighted least-squares problem and propose for its solution a projected Landweber method which employs oblique projections onto the closed convex constraint set. We formulate the problem, present the algorithm and work out its convergence properties, including a rate-of-convergence result. The results are put in perspective of currently available projected Landweber methods. The application to supervised learning is described, and the method is evaluated in a function approximation experiment.
In this work we propose an algorithm for computing a stationary flow in a bifurcation tree. Our idea is to divide the tree into smaller basic blocks, each corresponding to one bifurcation, and solve a sequence of flow problems for the individual blocks. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the algorithm works well. We give a criteria for convergence that can be verified numerically and also an analytical convergence proof for an important special case. The application we have in mind is the computation of the time dependent blood flow in the arterial tree of the human body. The work presented here is for a simplified case but we discuss the extension of our work to the realistic cases. Also potential applications are discussed. (C) 2020 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We consider the Dirichlet problem for strongly elliptic systems of order 2m in convex domains. Under a positivity assumption on the Poisson kernel it is proved that the weak solution has bounded derivatives up to order m provided the outward unit normal has no big jumps on the boundary. In the case of second order symmetric systems in plane convex domains the boundedness of the first derivatives is proved without the assumption on the normal.
We consider variational solutions to the Dirichlet problem for elliptic systems of arbitrary order. It is assumed that the coefficients of the principal part of the system have small, in an integral sense, local oscillations near a boundary point and other coefficients may have singularities at this point. We obtain an asymptotic representation for these solutions and derive sharp estimates for them which explicitly contain information on the coefficients. ©2006 Texas State University - San Marcos.
The dependence on the domain for the Dirichlet eigenvalues of elliptic operators considered in bounded domains is studied. The proximity of domains is measured by a norm of the difference of two orthogonal projectors corresponding to the reference domain and the perturbed one; this allows to compare eigenvalues corresponding to domains that have non-smooth boundaries and different topology. The main result is an asymptotic formula in which the remainder is evaluated in terms of this quantity. Applications of this result are given. The results are new for the Laplace operator.
We consider eigenvalues of elliptic boundary value problems, written in variational form, when the leading coefficients are perturbed by terms which are small in some integral sense. We obtain asymptotic formulae. The main specific of these formulae is that the leading term is different from that in the corresponding formulae when the perturbation is small in L8 -norm. Copyright © 2006 Vladimir Kozlov.
Bounded solutions of the Emden-Fowler equation in a semi-cylinder are considered. For small solutions the asymptotic representations at infinity are derived. It is shown that there are large solutions whose behavior at infinity is different. These solutions are constructed when some inequalities between the dimension of the cylinder and the homogeneity of the nonlinear term are fulfilled. If these inequalities are not satisfied then it is proved, for the Dirichlet problem, that all bounded solutions tend to zero and have the same asymptotics as small solutions. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
We give a quite simple approach how to prove the absence of loops in bifurcation branches of water waves in rotational case with arbitrary vorticity distribution. The supporting flow may contain stagnation points and critical layers and water surface is allowed to be overhanging. Monotonicity properties of the free surface are presented. Especially simple criterium of absence of loops is given for bifurcation branches when the bifurcation parameter is the water wave period. We show that there are no loops if you start from a water wave with a positive/negative vertical component of velocity on the positive half period.
Steady surface waves in a two-dimensional channel are considered. We study bifurcations, which occur on a branch of Stokes water waves starting from a uniform stream solution. Two types of bifurcations are considered: bifurcations in the class of Stokes waves (Stokes bifurcation) and bifurcations in a class of periodic waves with the period M times the period of the Stokes wave (M-subharmonic bifurcation). If we consider the first Stokes bifurcation point then there are no M-subharmonic bifurcations before this point and there exists M-subharmonic bifurcation points after the first Stokes bifurcation for sufficiently large M, which approach the Stokes bifurcation point when M→∞. Moreover the set of M-subharmonic bifurcating solutions is a closed connected continuum. We give also a more detailed description of this connected set in terms of the set of its limit points, which must contain extreme waves, or overhanging waves, or solitary waves or waves with stagnation on the bottom, or Stokes bifurcation points different from the initial one.
We consider the first eigenvalue of the Dirichlet-Laplacian in three cases: C1, 1-domains, Lipschitz domains, and bounded domains without any smoothness assumptions. Asymptotic formula for this eigenvalue is derived when domain subject arbitrary perturbations. For Lipschitz and arbitrary nonsmooth domains, the leading term in the asymptotic representation distinguishes from that in the Hardamard formula valid for smooth perturbations of smooth domains. For asymptotic analysis we propose and prove an abstract theorem demonstrating how eigenvalues vary under perturbations of both operator in Hilbert space and Hilbert space itself. This abstract theorem is of independent interest and has substantially broader field of applications. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Untill 1980 one of the main subjects of study in the theory of nonlinear water waves were the Stokes and solitary waves (regular waves). To that time small amplitude regular waves were constructed and the existence of large amplitude water waves of the same type was proved by using branches of water waves starting from a trivial (horizontal) wave and ending at extreme waves. Then in papers Chen & Saffman [7] and Saffman [32] numerical evidence was presented for existence of other type of waves as a result of bifurcations from a branch of ir-rotational Stokes waves on flow of infinite depth. It was demonstrated that the Stokes branch has infinitely many bifurcation points when it approaches the extreme wave and periodic waves with several crests of different height on the period bifurcate from the main branch. The only theoretical works dealing with this phenomenon are Buffoni, Dancer & Toland [4,5] where it was proved the existence of sub-harmonic bifurcations bifurcating from the Stokes branch for the ir-rotational flow of infinite depth approaching the extreme wave.The aim of this paper is to develop new tools and give rigorous proof of existence of subharmonic bifurcations in the case of rotational flows of finite depth. The whole paper is devoted to the proof of this result formulated in Theorem 5.4.
The traction boundary value problem for anisotropic elasticity is considered. For polyhedral domains in R-3, it is proved that the displacements are Holder continuous. In the n-dimensional case, n > 3, the Holder continuity is proved for domains with conic points on the boundary. The proof is based on the study of spectrum of operator pencils associated with singularities of the boundary, which is of independent interest.
Using the dimension reduction procedure, a one-dimensional model of a periodic blood flow in the artery through a small hole in a thin elastic wall to a spindle-shaped hematoma, is constructed. This model is described by a system of two parabolic and one hyperbolic equations provided with mixed boundary and periodicity conditions. The blood exchange between the artery and the hematoma is expressed by the Kirchhoff transmission conditions. Despite the simplicity, the constructed model allows us to describe the damping of a pulsating blood flow by the hematoma and to determine the condition of its growth. In medicine, the biological object considered is called a false aneurysm.
Asymptotic analysis is applied for obtaining one-dimensional models of the blood flow in narrow, thin-walled, elastic vessels. The models for arteries and veins essentially distinguish from each other, and the reason for this is the structure of their walls, as well as the operationing conditions. Although the obtained asymptotic models are simple, they explain various effects known in medical practice, in particular, describe the mechanism of vein-muscle pumping of blood.
An alternating procedure for solving a Cauchy problem for the stationary Stokes system is presented. A convergence proof of this procedure and numerical results are included. © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
We investigate a mixed problem with variable lateral conditions for the heat equation that arises in modelling exocytosis, i.e. the opening of a cell boundary in specific biological species for the release of certain molecules to the exterior of the cell. The Dirichlet condition is imposed on a surface patch of the boundary and this patch is occupying a larger part of the boundary as time increases modelling where the cell is opening (the fusion pore), and on the remaining part, a zero Neumann condition is imposed (no molecules can cross this boundary). Uniform concentration is assumed at the initial time. We introduce a weak formulation of this problem and show that there is a unique weak solution. Moreover, we give an asymptotic expansion for the behaviour of the solution near the opening point and for small values in time. We also give an integral equation for the numerical construction of the leading term in this expansion.