In this article we compare how the native population of Latin America and their culture is represented in History schoolbooks both in Sweden and in Colombia. The aim was to find out if there are differences and similarities in the reproduction of the native community in both countries. The study shows that Colombian schoolbooks give information more thoroughly, describing and explaining the facts, however, both countries consistently show the trend to represent the natives as being different and inferior, especially when describing their way of living and their knowledge. We find explanations about what they owned and what they did not own, what they knew and did not know, all focused from a Eurocentric perspective.
In this article we compare how ‘slavery’, among Indian population during the colonization in Latin America, is represented in History schoolbooks both in Sweden and in Colombia. The aim of the subject is an intent to point out similarities and differences in the reproduction in both countries. The study shows that Colombian schoolbooks transmit more profound information and give more space to the facts. However, in the schoolbooks of both countries, the connection between the hard work burden which the slavery ment and the change for the worst of the immunsystem in the explinations of the diminishing of the Latin-American indigenous population.
Autenticitet och äkthet är ord som används i vardagliga sammanhang, inte bara som konservatorer, utan av alla. Vad menar vi när vi beskriver något som autentiskt eller äkta? Sättet vi använder orden på för att beskriva möbler lämnar mycket till en subjektiv tolkning baserad på vad personen som använder orden har valt att de ska betyda. Att hitta gemensamma betydelser för orden måste prioriteras eftersom det spelar en så central roll inom både handel och undersökning av möbler.
En filosofisk paradox blir startskottet till en bättre förståelse för termerna.
Resultaten av denna teoretiska analys används sedan som grund i en undersökning av den store möbeldesignern och arkitekten Pierre Jeanneret.
Jag anser att det finns en tydlig skillnad mellan de två orden som är viktig att belysa för hur vi för samtal inom konserveringsyrket.
This study describes experiments and findings of an investigation to evaluate the use of laser cutting as an alternative to traditional sawing techniques in marquetry completion conservation.
Experiments on veneer from 11 different species of wood, covering ring porous, semi-diffuse/-ring porous and diffuse porous woods, were carried out and examined. The optimal cutting metrics with respect to speed, power and frequency for the types of wood were determined. The most important ethical question for a conservator is to be able to preserve as much as original material as possible. The results of this project show that the use of a laser cutting machine is indeed a suitable solution to produce replacement veneer for marquetry works in furniture conservation with respect to quality and time. Especially when it comes to the precision in the shape of the replacement piece, laser cutting is superior to hand sawing. This makes laser cutting an interesting option and reduces the need for expert skills in hand sawing in order to perform very detailed completion work. It also reduces the need of invasive work on the original marquetry to accommodate the replacement piece.
The findings are general for all of the examined types of wood. On the negative side, the laser cutting machine requires a relatively big initial investment, making it difficult to say if it is really a cost-effective method of cutting replacement veneer pieces.
This is a study of alternative filling materials for smaller damages in veneer.
The aim is to document and expand the palette of filling materials for furniture conservators and to create guidelines for the conservation and restoration of smaller damages in veneer.
Parallel to this study I discuss other issues, such as the different values that can be found in an object. The importance of networking and the giving and sharing of information which is essential for the development of new techniques and materials. The difference between furniture conservation and furniture restoration is presented briefly.
My tests are based on an analysis of the answers from my questionnaire where the respondents experience and practical skills serve as a partial base for the choice of materials that I have chosen to examine. My tests were executed on both birch and walnut veneer.
I describe the pros and cons of traditional filling materials and in the conclusion, I present the filling materials that I believe can be a good complement to the traditional filling materials, such as Aquazol 500 and Arbocel.