Historians are increasingly intent upon building firmer knowledge and understanding about the ways students learn history and the strategies and curricula that lead to effective learning. In Enriching History Teaching and Learning the contributors report on studies that provide important knowledge and insights about teaching and learning history in higher education. They discuss issues such as the supervision of undergraduate dissertations, the challenges of fostering critical reading, the value of making history students co-producers in the learning process, and how historians learn to become history teachers.
The contributors are Alan Booth, Stefan Ekecrantz, KG Hammarlund, David Ludvigsson, Friederike Neumann, György Nováky, Ulf Olsson, Jenny Parliden, Andrei Sokolov and Alison Twells.
List of Tables and Figures
David Ludvigsson & Alan Booth: Introduction. Building Knowledge, Building Connections
Stefan Ekecrantz, Jenny Parliden & Ulf Olsson: Teaching-research Nexus or Mock Research? Student Factors, Supervision and the Undergraduate Thesis in History
KG Hammarlund: Continuous Assessment of Historical Knowledge and Competence: Challenges, Pitfalls, and Possibilities
Alison Twells: 'More than gaining a mark': Students as Partners and Co-producers in Public History and Community Engagement
Friederike Neumann: How Does a Historian Read a Scholarly Text and How do Students Learn to do the Same?
Andrei Sokolov: The Development of Students' Critical Thinking through Teaching the Evolution of School History Textbooks: A case study
György Nováky: The Same History for All? Tuning History
Alan Booth: How Historians Develop as Teachers