Cultural and creative industries are preoccupied with values. Creativity, innovation, novelty, design – these recognizable buzzwords also capture what is important and valuable in and for the industries. Tensions between these different values, such as “arts” and “commerce”, have defined and identified creative industries since the term came into use (Garnham, 2005; Moeran and Strandgaard Pedersen, 2011; O’Connor, 2010). Child studies, which is the field I come from, also takes interest in the valuing and pricing of children and childhood, which often give rise to debates, controversies and moral panics (Lee, 2005; Sparrman, Sandin and Sjöberg, 2012; Zelizer, 1985/1994). This chapter makes a space for these two interests to meet and makes it possible to look into how children matter in and for creative industries. I explore a collection of Ikea soft toys where each of the toys is based on a child’s drawing. Now, Ikea is a furniture and design company and not strictly speaking a creative industry. But given that design, innovation and creativity are central for the company (Inter IKEA Systems B.V., 2017), I decided to use Ikea as an empirical case. The choice is also guided by a broad understanding of the notion of creative industries as those producing commodities and services associated with culture or entertainment (Caves, 2000). Seeing Ikea as a creative industry also allows the concept to be revisited.