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  • Disputation: 2025-01-31 13:15 K4, Kåkenhus, NorrköpingBeställ onlineKöp publikationen >>
    Sperling, Katarina
    Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande, Avdelningen för lärande, estetik och naturvetenskap. Linköpings universitet, Utbildningsvetenskap.
    BEYOND F(AI)TH: The introduction and materialisation of artificial intelligence in schools2024Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [sv]

    Utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens (AI) inom utbildning har pågått i minst ett halvt sekel. Det är först under det senaste decenniet som kommersiella AI-baserade teknologier har introducerats i klassrum, med löften om att förbättra och förändra lärares arbete. Denna avhandling syftar till att generera en ökad förståelse om hur AI-baserade utbildningsteknologier påverkar läraryrket. Här studeras hur AI introduceras i skolmiljöer, hur AI görs ‒ materialiseras ‒ och de konsekvenser som följer. Aktör-Nätverksteori (ANT) används som en metodologisk utgångspunkt och som ett analytiskt raster för att undersöka vad som uppstår i interaktionerna mellan människor och tre olika AI-teknologier och där tekniken får en aktiv roll.

    Avhandlingen inkluderar fem artiklar. Artikel I är en litteraturöversikt om lärares professionella kunskap relaterad till AI. Artikel II-V bygger på tre fältarbeten i svenska grund- och gymnasieskolor genomförda mellan 2020 och 2023.

    AI introduceras och materialiseras som en framväxande, men implicit definierad form av kunskap som lärare förväntas förvärva och integrera i sin praktik och som olika typer av datadrivna teknologier. Dessa teknologier är i ständig förändring och genomsyras av idéer om att automatisera och förstärka lärarens arbete. Resultaten visar hur lärare anpassade sig till teknologin och kompenserade för dess tillkortakommanden på olika sätt, även i de fall då den underminerade lärares professionella kunnande. Samtidigt som studierna pekar på att teknologierna ännu inte lever upp till löftena, är AI:s roll i relation till läraryrket långt ifrån är bestämd. I det avseendet kan lärarnas etiska omdöme (phronesis) spela en viktig roll i framtida utveckling av AI i framtiden, en utveckling som går bortom AI-tron - f(ai)th.

    1. In search of artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in teacher education: A scoping review
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>In search of artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in teacher education: A scoping review
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    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION OPEN, ISSN 2666-5573, Vol. 6, artikel-id 100169Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Artificial intelligence (AI) literacy has recently emerged on the educational agenda raising expectations on teachers' and teacher educators' professional knowledge. This scoping review examines how the scientific literature conceptualises AI literacy in relation to teachers' different forms of professional knowledge relevant for Teacher Education (TE). The search strategy included papers and proceedings from 2000 to 2023 related to AI literacy and TE as well as the intersection of AI and teaching. Thirty-four papers were included in the analysis. The Aristotelian concepts episteme (theoretical-scientific knowledge), techne (practical-productive knowledge), and phronesis (professional judgement) were used as a lens to capture implicit and explicit dimensions of teachers' professional knowledge. Results indicate that AI literacy is a globally emerging research topic in education but almost absent in the context of TE. The literature covers many different topics and draws on different methodological approaches. Computer science and exploratory teaching approaches influence the type of epistemic, practical, and ethical knowledge. Currently, teachers' professional knowledge is not broadly addressed or captured in the research. Questions of ethics are predominantly addressed as a matter of understanding technical configurations of data-driven AI technologies. Teachers' practical knowledge tends to translate into the adoption of digital resources for teaching about AI or the integration of AI EdTech into teaching. By identifying several research gaps, particularly concerning teachers' practical and ethical knowledge, this paper adds to a more comprehensive understanding of AI literacy in teaching and can contribute to a more wellinformed AI literacy education in TE as well as laying the ground for future research related to teachers' professional knowledge.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    ELSEVIER, 2024
    AI education; Professional development; Teacher training; Aristoteles; AI readiness; Pre -service teachers
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Pedagogiskt arbete
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-203734 (URN)10.1016/j.caeo.2024.100169 (DOI)001224342800001 ()
    Tillgänglig från: 2024-05-27 Skapad: 2024-05-27 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-12-16
    2. Behind the Scenes of Co-designing AI and LA in K-12 Education
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Behind the Scenes of Co-designing AI and LA in K-12 Education
    2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: Postdigital Science and Education, ISSN 2524-485X, Vol. 6, s. 321-341Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    This article explores the complex challenges of co-designing an AI- and learning analytics (LA)-integrated learning management system (LMS). While co-design has been proposed as a human-centred design approach for scaling AI and LA adoption, our understanding of how these design processes play out in real-life settings remains limited. This study is based on ethnographic fieldwork in primary and secondary schools and employs a relational materialist approach to trace, visualise, and analyse the increasingly complex and transformative relations between a growing number of actors. The findings shed light on the intricate ecosystem in which AI and LA are being introduced and on the marketisation of K-12 education. Instead of following a rational and sequential approach that can be easily executed, the co-design process emerged as a series of events, shifting from solely generating ideas with teachers to integrating and commercialising the LMS into a school market with an already high prevalence of educational technology (EdTech). AI and LA in education, co-design and data-driven schooling served as negotiating ideas, boundary objects, which maintained connectivity between actors, despite limited AI and LA implementation and the development of a stand-alone app. Even though teachers and students were actively involved in the design decisions, the co-design process did not lead to extensive adoption of the LMS nor did it sufficiently address the ethical issues related to the unrestricted collection of student data.

    Actor-network theory · AI in K-12 · Boundary objects · Co-design · Human-centred design · Learning analytics · Networks · Relationism
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Pedagogiskt arbete
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-197678 (URN)10.1007/s42438-023-00417-5 (DOI)
    Linköpings universitet
    Tillgänglig från: 2023-09-06 Skapad: 2023-09-06 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-12-17
    3. Still w(AI)ting for the automation of teaching: An exploration of machine learning in Swedish primary education using Actor-Network Theory
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Still w(AI)ting for the automation of teaching: An exploration of machine learning in Swedish primary education using Actor-Network Theory
    2022 (Engelska)Ingår i: European Journal of Education, ISSN 0141-8211, E-ISSN 1465-3435, Vol. 57, nr 4, s. 584-600Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Machine learning and other artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are predicted to play a transformative role in primary education, where these technologies for automation and personalization are now being introduced to classroom instruction. This article explores the rationales and practices by which machine learning and AI are emerging in schools. We report on ethnographic fieldwork in Sweden, where a machine learning teaching aid in mathematics, the AI Engine, was tried out by 22 teachers and more than 250 primary education students. By adopting an Actor-Network Theory approach, the analysis focuses on the interactions within the network of heterogeneous actors bound by the AI Engine as an obligatory passage point. The findings show how the actions and accounts emerging within the complex ecosystem of human actors compensate for the unexpected and undesirable algorithmic decisions of the AI Engine. We discuss expectations about AI in education, contradictions in how the AI Engine worked and uncertainties about how machine learning algorithms ‘learn’ and predict. These factors contribute to our understanding of the potential of automation and personalisation—a process that requires continued re-negotiations. The findings are presented in the form of a fictional play in two acts, an ethnodrama. The ethnodrama highlights controversies in the use of AI in education, such as the lack of transparency in algorithmic decision-making—and how this can play out in real-life learning contexts. The findings of this study contribute to a better understanding of AI in primary education.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2022
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-189674 (URN)10.1111/ejed.12526 (DOI)000876166200001 ()
    Tillgänglig från: 2022-11-02 Skapad: 2022-11-02 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-12-16Bibliografiskt granskad
    4. Breaking the Magic of Automation and Augmentation in Swedish Classrooms
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Breaking the Magic of Automation and Augmentation in Swedish Classrooms
    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk, E-ISSN 2387-5739, Vol. 10, nr 1, s. 15-32Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    This paper provides a critical examination of the domain of artificial intelligence (AI) in education, with a focus on the expectations and practical implications accompanying its integration into teaching. The expectations have been propelled by two interconnected concepts: (1) the potential for AI to automate pedagogical processes, replacing teachers in certain scenarios; and (2) the notion that teachers’ insights can be augmented through AI-based analysis. Drawing on two ethnographic studies in Swedish primary and secondary schools, this paper explores the enactments of pupils, teachers and two AI-based educational technologies. The aim is to demonstrate how automation and augmentation can emerge in teachers’ practice. Utilizing inspiration from a relational epistemological problematisation of socio-technical phenomena, the paper demonstrates how rather than automation and augmentation, AI in education is an act of symmation in which automation and augmentation is co-produced by the technology and teachers’ different hidden work, in this paper conceptualised as adaptations, experimentations, compensations and confirmations. The paper suggests that the study of symmation in relation to the teaching profession can be productive in further exploring the yet limited understanding of AI in educational practice.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2024
    AI in education, ethnography, K-12 school, learning analytics, sociomateriality, symmation
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-210032 (URN)10.23865/ntpk.v10.6174 (DOI)
    Tillgänglig från: 2024-11-27 Skapad: 2024-11-27 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-12-16
    5. The fading of f(AI)th: Tracing the technological promises of a wellbeing app in K-12 education
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>The fading of f(AI)th: Tracing the technological promises of a wellbeing app in K-12 education
    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 14th International Conference MIS4TEL 2024 / [ed] Christothea Herodotou, Sofia Papavlasopoulou, Carlos Santos, Marcelo Milrad, Nuno Otero, Pierpaolo Vittorini, Rosella Gennari, Tania Di Mascio, Marco Temperini, Fernando De la Prieta, Springer, 2024, s. 103-115Konferensbidrag, Publicerat paper (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper explores the implementation of a wellbeing app in a Swedish Upper Secondary School. The aim is to understand how ideas of data driven school improvement underpinned by promises of artificial intelligence (AI) and learning analytics (LA) change the work of teachers. The study draws on video-ethnography from 17 meetings between five teachers/form tutors. The produced data is analysed using actor-network theory to focus on the various stages of the implementation process and the interactions between the learning analytics dashboard (LAD) and the teachers. To capture the complexity of the data, the empirical material is presented through cartoon-inspired illustrations grounded in a Thinking through Cartoons methodology. Findings show how teachers took on new roles and responsibilities in relation to the wellbeing app, most notably the role of collecting data from students. Teachers came to act as data analysts which imposed constant negotiations and uncertainties. To address the declining engagement of students over time, a student-facing LAD was intro-duced. The teachers shifted their focus to motivate students to engage with their own data in different ways. Despite no improvements in students’ response rates teachers remained committed to the app, trusting that new AI and LA function-alities would compensate unsatisfactory outcomes. In conclusion, instead of im-proving teachers’ capacity to identify at-risk students, the wellbeing app in-creased teachers’ workload and led to different dilemmas related to teacher-stu-dent relations and teachers’ professional judgement.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Springer, 2024
    Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ISSN 2367-3370, E-ISSN 2367-3389 ; 1171
    Artificial Intelligence, K12, data-driven schooling, actor-network theory (ANT), learning analytics, EdTech, socio-materiality, PERMA-model
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Pedagogiskt arbete
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-210088 (URN)10.1007/978-3-031-73538-7_10 (DOI)978-3-031-73538-7 (ISBN)978-3-031-73537-0 (ISBN)
    14th International Conference on Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning,Jun 26-28, 2024, Salamanca, Spain
    Tillgänglig från: 2024-11-27 Skapad: 2024-11-27 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-20
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  • Disputation: 2025-01-31 13:15 TEMCAS, LinköpingBeställ onlineKöp publikationen >>
    Tiefenbacher, Rebecka
    Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för tema, Tema Barn. Linköpings universitet, Filosofiska fakulteten.
    A Space Away From the Ableist Gaze?: Separate Leisure for Children With Neuropsychiatric Disabilities2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna avhandling syftar till att utforska vad riktad fritid, det vill säga fritid enbart för barn med funktionsnedsättningar, möjliggör och inte möjliggör för denna grupp av barn. Ett ytterligare syfte är att undersöka hur forskning kan bedrivas 'med' snarare än 'om' barn med funktionsnedsättningar. För att uppnå detta syfte genomfördes en etnografisk studie vid en riktad fritidsverksamhet för 3–11-åriga barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (t.ex. ADHD, autism). Studien utgår från tre forskningsfrågor vilka rör (i) hur man metodologiskt kan utforska barns perspektiv på riktad fritid, (ii) de idéer om barns behov, och om meningsfull fritid, som ligger till grund för och uttrycks genom designen och organiseringen av riktad fritid och (iii) barns perspektiv på riktad fritid. Avhandlingens teoretiska ramverk består av tre delar: disabled children’s childhood studies, riktad fritid i en kontext av barndom och funktionsnedsättning samt den riktade fritidens platser och rum.

    Sammanfattningsvis visar avhandlingen hur riktad fritid kan bidra till att sänka trösklar för inkludering och deltagande i fritid. Den blir på så sätt ett viktigt medel för att skapa fritidsmöjligheter utanför hemmet för en grupp av barn som annars möter påtagliga hinder vid deltagande i aktiviteter. I förlängningen kan riktad fritid bidra till att ge barn tillgång till konventionella barndomserfarenheter, så som att delta i organiserade fritidsaktiviteter. När riktad fritid fungerar som det jag kallar för en 'fritidsnod' så bidrar den till att ytterligare utöka barns fritidsmöjligheter. Det gör den genom att vara en plats där barn kan prova på nya aktiviteter, där föräldrar kan utbyta erfarenheter och tips om aktiviteter i närområdet och där det finns möjlighet att lägga grunden för nya fritidsaktiviteter och -sammanhang. Detta pekar på att riktade verksamheter har en viktig roll som samlingsplatser för kollektiva intressen och potential att sänka trösklar för deltagande i aktiviteter som anordnas av andra aktörer, inklusive ’vanliga’ aktiviteter. Sammantaget tyder detta på att det finns viktiga lärdomar att dra från den riktade fritiden för skapandet av fritidsmöjligheter för barn med funktionsnedsättningar. Dessa lärdomar är också viktiga för 'vanliga' (mainstream) och 'inkluderande' (inclusive) sammanhang.

    1. Finding methods for the inclusion of all children: Advancing participatory research with children with disabilities
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Finding methods for the inclusion of all children: Advancing participatory research with children with disabilities
    2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: Children & society, ISSN 0951-0605, E-ISSN 1099-0860, Vol. 37, nr 3, s. 771-785Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    This method-focused article continues the discussion of how methodological challenges in research with children with disabilities can be overcome. By examining the difficulties in introducing walk-and-talk conversations in an ethnographic study with young children (3-11 years) with disabilities, it asks what doing research with means and on whose terms research should take place. The article argues for a shift in the understanding of doing with, from a researcher-controlled research encounter to the focusing of childrens own activities. This ensures the participation of all children in research, by recognizing and listening to the many different ways in which children communicate.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Wiley, 2023
    childrens participation; disabled childrens childhood studies; doing research with; ethnographic methods; qualitative research methods
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-188607 (URN)10.1111/chso.12628 (DOI)000849773700001 ()

    Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare [2018-01749]

    Tillgänglig från: 2022-09-20 Skapad: 2022-09-20 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-12-18Bibliografiskt granskad
    2. The possibilities of separate leisure: organising opportunities for children with disabilities
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>The possibilities of separate leisure: organising opportunities for children with disabilities
    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: Leisure Studies, ISSN 0261-4367, E-ISSN 1466-4496Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Epub ahead of print
    Abstract [en]

    Research has established that children with disabilities face barriers to mainstream leisure. But what happens when leisure is specifically organised for children with disabilities? This article builds on an ethnographic study at a 'separate', i.e. disability-specific, leisure space for young children (3-11 years) with disabilities, such as ADHD and autism. It asks: What is made possible by separate leisure and are there potential limits? The analysis shows that separate leisure plays an important role as a site for leisure outside children's homes. Whereas children with disabilities are typically the exception in mainstream leisure contexts, separate leisure positions their needs and desires as the starting point for designing and organising leisure. Moreover, separate leisure can act as a 'leisure node' and a context for leisure without expectations about children's performances. The study highlights the need to challenge societal perceptions of leisure, particularly the belief that leisure is best enjoyed with others, to better accommodate all children's leisure. It suggests that separate leisure holds potential to advance theory and practice by illustrating how leisure can be understood and practiced in a context where ableist and adult-centred assumptions are not at the forefront.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Separate leisure; disabled children's childhood studies; leisure barriers; inclusion
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-210658 (URN)10.1080/02614367.2024.2446190 (DOI)001383639000001 ()2-s2.0-85213680430 (Scopus ID)

    Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare [2018-01749]

    Tillgänglig från: 2025-01-08 Skapad: 2025-01-08 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-09
    3. Designing and making a separate leisure space: exploring the geographies of children with disabilities
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Designing and making a separate leisure space: exploring the geographies of children with disabilities
    2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: Children's Geographies, ISSN 1473-3285, E-ISSN 1473-3277, Vol. 21, nr 6, s. 1216-1229Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Separate leisure spaces play an important part in children with disabilities everyday geographies, though little is known about how they are designed and organised or how children use them. This article contributes to the field of disabled childrens geographies (cf. Ryan, Sara. 2005. "People Dont do odd, do They? Mothers Making Sense of the Reactions of Others Towards Their Learning Disabled Children in Public Places." Childrens Geographies 3 (3): 291-305) by building on a three-year ethnographic study that explores a separate leisure space in Sweden for children (3-11 years) with disabilities such as ADHD and autism. The current article focuses on the calm room within the facility, aimed at providing space for preventing and handling children acting out. By analysing this particular room, the study illuminates the ideas and assumptions about the children that went into designing the separate leisure space. Two dimensions of the room are analysed: (i) the design of the room, and (ii) childrens uses of the room.The analysis demonstrates that children used the room for their own purposes, for example for resting, socialising or playing. When childrens uses of the room conflicted with what designers had planned for, tensions arose between the ideas about childrens needs that informed the design of the room and what the children needed or wanted during their visits. This demonstrates the importance of not having too rigid ideas about children with disabilities needs when planning and designing separate leisure spaces. It is suggested that one way of ensuring that childrens actual needs and desires are considered, rather than those assumed or imagined by adult designers, is by finding ways to include children in the design and planning processes.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Disabled childrens geographies; children with disabilities; separate leisure; childrens places; action possibilities; neurodiversities; >
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Tvärvetenskapliga studier inom samhällsvetenskap
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-197505 (URN)10.1080/14733285.2023.2245778 (DOI)001050545300001 ()

    Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forskningsradet for halsa, arbetsliv och valfard) [2018-01749]

    Tillgänglig från: 2023-09-06 Skapad: 2023-09-06 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-12-18
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  • Disputation: 2025-02-07 13:00 Berzeliussalen, Building 463, LinköpingBeställ onlineKöp publikationen >>
    Köhler, Ines
    Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för biomedicinska och kliniska vetenskaper, Avdelningen för cell- och neurobiologi. Linköpings universitet, Medicinska fakulteten. Region Östergötland, Medicincentrum, Hudkliniken i Östergötland.
    Innovative Small-molecule Therapies for Psoriasis2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [sv]

    Psoriasis är en inflammatorisk och kronisk hudsjukdom som drabbar människor i alla åldrar världen över. Vanligtvis uppstår välavgränsade röda plack med silvriga eller grå fjäll på huden. Sjukdomen ansågs tidigare vara en ren hudsjukdom, men betraktas numera som en inflammatorisk systemsjukdom, vilket innebär att inflammationen också påverkar inre delar av kroppen. I detta sammanhang är det betydelsefullt att personer med hög sjukdomsbörda löper en ökad risk för samtidigt förekommande kroniska sjukdomar, såsom obesitas (fetma) och hjärt-kärlsjukdomar. Många patienter med psoriasis upplever också påverkan på naglar och leder. Det är välkänd att psoriasis har en betydande negativ inverkan på hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Trots stora framsteg under de senaste decennierna i förståelsen av sjukdomens bakomliggande mekanismer och individens geners bidragande roll, finns det fortfarande ingen botande behandling.

    Ungefär två tredjedelar av patienterna med psoriasis har en mild till måttlig svårighetsgrad av sjukdomen. Mild psoriasis behandlas vanligtvis med mjukgörande medel och glukokortikoider (kortison), antingen ensamt eller i kombination med kolekalciferol (vitamin D3). Vid otillräcklig effekt tillämpas ljusbehandling som tillägg, följt av systemisk behandling med immunmodulerande läkemedel, där metotrexat är förstahandsvalet. Biologiska läkemedel utgör sista steget i behandlingstrappan. Dessa läkemedel är antikroppar i sprutform och anses för närvarande de mest effektiva behandlingsalternativen. Trots deras höga effektivitet finns det patienter med psoriasis som inte svarar på behandlingen eller som drabbas av allvarliga biverkningar. År 2014 betonade Världshälsoförsamlingen i resolution WHA 67.9 behovet av nya, allmänt tillgängliga behandlings-alternativ för psoriasis. I detta sammanhang är utvecklingen av nya terapier särskilt relevant för den majoritet av patienter med mild till måttlig psoriasis.

    De tre delarbetena i avhandlingen beskriver experimentella studier inom redoxmedicin för att utveckla nya behandlingar mot psoriasis som kan vara lämpliga för topikal behandling i salva- eller krämform på huden. Små-molekylära ämnen undersöktes, bestående av kemiska molekyler som har förmågan att påverka sjukdomsmekanismer i cellerna. Redoxmedicin är ett relativt nytt forskningsområde som fokuserar på kemiska processer som involverar oxidation- och reduktionsreaktioner (överföring av elektroner), ofta i samband med syre i kroppen.

    I den första studien undersöktes effekten av MTH1-hämmare i cellförsök och i en musmodell för psoriasis. MTH1-hämmarna utvecklades av en forskargrupp vid Karolinska Institutet, ledd av professor Helleday, som är verksam inom cancerforskning. MTH1-enzymet förhindrar att oxidativt skadade byggstenar (nukleotider) infogas i cellens DNA. Cancerceller utsätts för ökad oxidativ stress på grund av sin höga delningstakt. När enzymet hämmas ansamlas oxidativt skadade nukleotider, vilket leder till att cellerna drabbas av oxidativa DNA-skador och dör, en mekanism som här utnyttjas som behandlingsstrategi mot cancer. Psoriasisceller känne-tecknas också av en hög delningstakt och därmed förhöjd oxidativ stress, även om det sker i en godartad process. Detta inspirerade hypotesen att MTH1-hämmare även skulle kunna vara effektiva mot psoriasis. Eftersom positiva effekter av MTH1-hämmaren vid subkutan applikation (injektion) observerades på den psoriatriska inflammationen i musmodellen i studie I, fortsattes arbetet i studie III med att testa en krämformulering av MTH1-hämmaren. Även MTH1-krämen visade tydliga antiinflammatoriska effekter i mushud redan efter några få applikationer. En nyligen beskriven signalväg, som har betydelse för cellcykeln, undersöktes, vilket kan vara en förklaring varför den snabba delningen av hudceller bromsas och bidrar till att MTH1-hämmare verkar fungera som en innovativ behandlingsstrategi mot psoriasis.

    I studie II undersöktes en liten gasmolekyl, kväveoxid (NO), som bildas i alla däggdjur samt i vissa växter. Forskning under de senaste decennierna har visat att NO har olika funktioner beroende på dess koncentration. Den används bland annat av celler för att överföra signaler, eftersom den lätt diffunderar genom cellmembran. Vid infektioner med bakterier eller virus kan NO i höga koncentrationer användas för att eliminera dessa patogener. NO är en kraftfull vasodilatator, vilket innebär att det får blodkärlen att vidgas, vilket i sin tur leder till att blodtrycket sänks. En brist på NO i blodkärlen är en viktig mekanism bakom högt blodtryck. Genen för enzymet NOS2, som producerar NO i höga koncentrationer, har i studier visat sig vara betydelsefull i samband med psoriasis. I studie II undersöktes därför betydelsen av NOS2 för psoriasis i cell- och djurmodeller. I mus-försök analyserades effekten av ökad NO genom applicering av en NO-frisättande kräm. En förbättring av den psoriatriska inflammationen observerades, vilket indikerar att behandling med en NO-frisättande kräm kan vara en möjlig framtida behandlingsstrategi mot psoriasis. Sammanfattningsvis banar de tre studierna i avhandlingen väg för innovativa behandlingsalternativ för psoriasis inom redoxmedicin, med särskilt fokus på topikala behandlingar som kan nå en större patientgrupp, där nuvarande behandlingsalternativ är begränsade.

    1. MTH1 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Psoriasis
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>MTH1 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Psoriasis
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    2021 (Engelska)Ingår i: Journal of Investigative Dermatology, ISSN 0022-202X, E-ISSN 1523-1747, Vol. 141, nr 8, s. 2037-2048Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Inflammatory diseases, including psoriasis, are characterized by changes in redox regulation. The MTH1 prevents the incorporation of oxidized nucleotides during DNA replication. Using MTH1 small-molecule inhibitors, we found induced apoptosis through 8-oxodeoxyguanosine triphosphate accumulation and DNA double-strand breaks after oxidative stress in normal and malignant keratinocytes. In psoriasis, we detected increased MTH1 expression in lesional skin and PBMCs compared with that in the controls. Using the imiquimod psoriasis mouse model, we found that MTH1 inhibition diminished psoriatic histological characteristics and normalized the levels of neutrophils and T cells in the skin and skin-draining lymph nodes. The inhibition abolished the expression of T helper type 17-associated cytokines in the skin, which was in line with decreased levels of IL-17-producing gd T cells in lymph nodes. In human keratinocytes, MTH1 inhibition prevented the upregulation of IL-17-downstream genes, which was independent of ROS-induced apoptosis. In conclusion, our data support MTH1 inhibition using small molecules suitable for topical application as a promising therapeutic approach to psoriasis.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Cell- och molekylärbiologi
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-179842 (URN)10.1016/j.jid.2021.01.026 (DOI)000697502000003 ()33676948 (PubMedID)

    Funding Agencies|Ingrid Asp Psoriasis Foundation; Welander Foundation; Swedish Psoriasis Association; Swedish Cancer SocietySwedish Cancer Society [CAN-18-0658]; Svenska Smartafonden; Swedish Foundation for Strategic ResearchSwedish Foundation for Strategic Research [RB130224]

    Tillgänglig från: 2021-10-04 Skapad: 2021-10-04 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-12-17
    2. NOS2-derived low levels of NO drive psoriasis pathogenesis
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>NOS2-derived low levels of NO drive psoriasis pathogenesis
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    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: Cell Death and Disease, E-ISSN 2041-4889, Vol. 15, nr 6, artikel-id 449Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Psoriasis is an IL-23/Th17-mediated skin disorder with a strong genetic predisposition. The impact of its susceptibility gene nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate strong NOS2 mRNA expression in psoriatic epidermis, an effect that is IL-17 dependent. However, its complete translation to protein is prevented by the IL-17-induced miR-31 implying marginally upregulated NO levels in psoriatic skin. We demonstrate that lower levels of NO, as opposed to higher levels, increase keratinocyte proliferation and mediate IL-17 downstream effects. We hypothesized that the psoriatic phenotype may be alleviated by either eliminating or increasing cellular NO levels. In fact, using the imiquimod psoriasis mouse model, we found a profound impact on the psoriatic inflammation in both IMQ-treated NOS2 KO mice and wild-type mice treated with IMQ and the NO-releasing berdazimer gel. In conclusion, we demonstrate that IL-17 induces NOS2 and fine-tunes its translation towards a window of proinflammatory and hyperproliferative effects and identify NO donor therapy as a new treatment modality for psoriasis.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Cell- och molekylärbiologi
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-206620 (URN)10.1038/s41419-024-06842-z (DOI)001255415500003 ()38926337 (PubMedID)

    Funding Agencies|Ingrid Asp Foundation; Welander Foundation; Swedish Psoriasis Association; ALF Grants, Region Ostergotland

    Tillgänglig från: 2024-08-21 Skapad: 2024-08-21 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-12-17
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  • Disputation: 2025-02-07 13:15 K3, Kåkenhus, NorrköpingBeställ onlineKöp publikationen >>
    Solinen, Emma
    Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap, Kommunikations- och transportsystem. Linköpings universitet, Tekniska fakulteten.
    Improving railway timetable robustness: Development and application of robustness indicators2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    Railway transportation offers the potential of transporting a large number of goods and people in a fast and environment-friendly way. A tendency seen over the last decades is a growing demand for capacity, and the increased number of operating trains has led to a high capacity consumption and a delay-sensitive system. Frequent delays result in high costs for the train operating companies, the infrastructure provider as well as high costs for the travellers and society overall. Robust timetables are essential to reduce delays and keep them from propagating. In this thesis, we analyse how timetable robustness can be assessed and increased. The primary aim is to establish quantitative indicators of timetable robustness that can be used to evaluate the robustness and identify weaknesses. The second aim of the thesis is to develop an approach for how the indicators can be used to increase the robustness.

    The thesis addresses both theoretical and practical gaps regarding timetable robustness. It introduces the concept of critical points and contributes with two new robustness indicators, Robustness in Critical Points (RCP) and Robustness in Passing Points (RPP). Both RCP and RPP capture the connection between heterogeneity, runtime supplement and headway time in a unique way. The thesis also contributes with a method to measure and increase timetable robustness. The method is implemented in an optimisation tool, to illustrate how robustness can be automatically improved in the future. It is also implemented as real-world planning rules that can be used to support timetable planners in their daily work. The results show that it is possible to increase robustness with the use of RCP and RPP. Higher indicator values lead to less train delays and an increased punctuality.

    This thesis consists of two parts. First, the scope of the research is described, with background knowledge on the problem, followed by the motivation, research framework, contributions and conclusions. The second part consists of five appended papers where the research is presented in detail.

    1. Quantifying railway timetable robustness in critical points
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Quantifying railway timetable robustness in critical points
    2013 (Engelska)Ingår i: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, ISSN 2210-9706, E-ISSN 2210-9714, Vol. 3, nr 3, s. 95-110Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Several European railway traffic networks experience high capacity consumption during large parts of the day resulting in delay-sensitive traffic system with insufficient robustness. One fundamental challenge is therefore to assess the robustness and find strategies to decrease the sensitivity to disruptions. Accurate robustness measures are needed to determine if a timetable is sufficiently robust and suggest where improvements should be made.

    Existing robustness measures are useful when comparing different timetables with respect to robustness. They are, however, not as useful for suggesting precisely where and how robustness should be increased. In this paper, we propose a new robustness measure that incorporates the concept of critical points. This concept can be used in the practical timetabling process to find weaknesses in a timetable and to provide suggestions for improvements. In order to quantitatively assess how crucial a critical point may be, we have defined the measure Robustness in Critical Points (RCP). In this paper, we present results from an experimental study where a benchmark of several measures as well as RCP has been done. The results demonstrate the relevance of the concept of critical points and RCP, and how it contributes to the set of already defined robustness measures.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Elsevier, 2013
    Delay management; Railway traffic; Robustness measures; Timetabling
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Transportteknik och logistik
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-106703 (URN)10.1016/j.jrtpm.2013.12.002 (DOI)
    Tillgänglig från: 2014-05-19 Skapad: 2014-05-19 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-02Bibliografiskt granskad
    2. Reduced railway traffic delays using a MILP approach to increase Robustness in Critical Points
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Reduced railway traffic delays using a MILP approach to increase Robustness in Critical Points
    2015 (Engelska)Ingår i: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, ISSN 2210-9706, E-ISSN 2210-9714, Vol. 5, nr 3, s. 110-127Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Maintaining high on-time performance and at the same time having high capacity utilization is a challenge for several railway traffic systems and especially those with heterogeneous traffic. With high capacity utilization the system is sensitive to disturbances and delays could easily propagate in the network. One way to handle this problem is to create more robust timetables; timetables that can absorb delays and prevent them from propagating. This paper presents an optimization approach to reduce the propagation of delays by introducing a more efficient margin time allocation in the timetable. A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model is proposed, in which the existing margin time is re-allocated to increase the robustness of an existing timetable. The model re-allocates both runtime and headway margin time to increase the robustness at specific delay sensitive points in a timetable, a suitable approach for double-track lines with dense heterogeneous traffic. We illustrate the applicability of the approach in a real-world case, where an initial timetable is modified into new timetables with increased robustness. These new timetables are then evaluated and compared to the initial timetable. We evaluate how the re-allocation of margin time affects the timetable structure and the timetable's capability to handle disturbances by exposing it to some minor initial disturbances in the range of 5–10 min. The results show that it is possible to reduce the delays by re-allocating the existing margin time. For example, the total delay at end station decreases with 10% in our real-world example.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Elsevier, 2015
    Railway traffic, Timetabling, Robustness, Margin re-allocation, Punctuality, Optimization
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Transportteknik och logistik
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-210581 (URN)10.1016/j.jrtpm.2015.09.004 (DOI)

    Funding: VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration) and SJ AB.

    Tillgänglig från: 2025-01-02 Skapad: 2025-01-02 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-02Bibliografiskt granskad
    3. A microscopic evaluation of railway timetable robustness and critical points
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>A microscopic evaluation of railway timetable robustness and critical points
    2017 (Engelska)Ingår i: Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management, ISSN 2210-9706, E-ISSN 2210-9714, Vol. 7, nr 4, s. 207-223Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    One method to increase the quality of railway traffic flow is to construct a more robust timetable in which trains are able both to recover from delays and the delays are prevented from propagating. Previous research results show that the indicator Robustness in Critical Points (RCP) can be used to increase timetable robustness. In this paper we present the use of a method for RCP optimization: how it can be assessed ex-post via microscopic simulation. From the evaluation we learn more about how increased RCP values influence a timetable's performance. The aim is to understand more about RCP increase at a localised level within a timetable in terms of effects to the pairs of trains that are part of the indicator. We present a case study where an initial timetable and a timetable with increased RCP values are evaluated. The ex-post evaluation includes the quantification of measures concerning train-borne delay and robustness of operations, as well as measures capturing the subsequent quality of service experienced by passengers to assess the broader effects of improved robustness. The result shows that it is necessary to use several key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effects of an RCP increase. The robustness increases at a localised level, but the results also indicate that there is a need to analyse the relationship between ex-post measures and RCP further, to improve the method used to increase RCP and thus its overall effect on timetable robustness.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Elsevier, 2017
    Railway timetabling, Robustness, Microscopic simulation, Key performance indicators
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Transportteknik och logistik
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-144359 (URN)10.1016/j.jrtpm.2017.08.005 (DOI)000449594000001 ()2-s2.0-85028622634 (Scopus ID)
    7th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, RailLille 2017
    EU, FP7, Sjunde ramprogrammet, 605650

    This paper is based on the manuscript “A Microscopic Evaluation of Robustness in Critical Points” by E. Solinen, G. Nicholson and A. Peterson, presented at the 7th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis, RailLille 2017.

    Tillgänglig från: 2018-01-16 Skapad: 2018-01-16 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-02Bibliografiskt granskad
    4. Development of new railway timetabling rules for increased robustness
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Development of new railway timetabling rules for increased robustness
    2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: Transport Policy, ISSN 0967-070X, E-ISSN 1879-310X, Vol. 133, s. 198-208Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Due to high demand and capacity consumption, railway timetables are often sensitive to disturbances. To maintain punctual operations, it is important that timetables are robust, and methods are needed that make them robust without consuming too much capacity. In this paper, we demonstrate how a policy change in the form of new timetable planning rules can be used to achieve more robust timetables. We present the use of the rules in a real-world case from 2019, when our rules were applied for the Swedish Southern mainline. In this paper, we describe how a new policy for scheduling trains can be applied, and we discuss implications observed when going from research to practice. We also describe how the proposed rules affect train paths and runtimes. The outcome of the rules is measured in a comprehensive evaluation of the traffic performance based on empirical operational data. The results from this study show that practical knowledge is necessary when developing a policy, as well as when developing a timetabling model. Insights, given to us by experienced timetable planners, can be used to enhance optimisation models and make the models more applicable in the real world. The main contribution of this paper is to show that it is possible to increase timetable robustness with a minor policy change based on previously presented research results. Even with relatively small timetable modifications, we can learn from the operational data that the new rules had the intended effect and that overall punctuality can be increased.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Railway timetabling; Robustness; Planning rules; Implementation; Evaluation
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Transportteknik och logistik
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-194828 (URN)10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.02.003 (DOI)000994837800001 ()

    Funding Agencies|Trafikverket (The Swedish Transport Administration)

    Tillgänglig från: 2023-06-14 Skapad: 2023-06-14 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-02
    5. Increasing robustness at single-track lines using the indicator robustness in passing pointss
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Increasing robustness at single-track lines using the indicator robustness in passing pointss
    2023 (Engelska)Konferensbidrag, Muntlig presentation med publicerat abstract (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    When several trains are planned to use the same infrastructure resource, there is always a risk for spreading of delays, which can be hard to recover from. It is a challenge for the Infrastructure Manager to make timetables that accommodate as much traffic as possible, without causing bad on-time performance. Timetable planners are in need of quantitative indicators to assess timetable robustness and accurate methods for how to make the timetable more robust.

    In this paper we assess the robustness for single-track lines with non-periodic timetables. At single-track lines, trains use the line for running in both directions and the trains can only pass or overtake each other at passing loops. This makes the system more sensitive for delays. In this paper we present a robustness indicator which captures the dependencies between trains at a single-track line. The indicator can be used to illustrate weaknesses in a timetable and also to indicate where and how to insert more robustness. In a simulation study, we show that it is possible to improve the performance by making small timetable adjustments according the indicator, without increasing runtimes or capacity utilization.

    Nationell ämneskategori
    Transportteknik och logistik
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-193882 (URN)
    10th International Seminar on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis RailBelgrade 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, April 25–28, 2023.
    Tillgänglig från: 2023-05-17 Skapad: 2023-05-17 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-02Bibliografiskt granskad
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  • Disputation: 2025-02-14 09:00 K1, NorrköpingBeställ onlineKöp publikationen >>
    Lin, Cheng
    Linköpings universitet, Institutet för analytisk sociologi, IAS. Linköpings universitet, Filosofiska fakulteten.
    Navigating Stronger Evidence: Unobservable Processes and Causal Mechanisms in Social Trajectories2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    This dissertation explores the interplay between statistical causal inference and mechanism-based explanations in analytical sociology, focusing on the challenge of unobservable processes and their implications for robust causal explanations. Analytical sociology emphasizes the importance of mechanisms in understanding social phenomena but often grapples with the integration of statistical causal inference methods. By combining two prominent frameworks—the structural causal model (SCM) and the potential outcomes approach (PO)—this work bridges gaps in addressing unmeasured confounders and alternative mechanisms. It contributes to the advancement of theory-driven causal inference by emphasizing evidential pluralism and triangulation, integrating diverse forms of evidence to enhance the validity of causal claims.

    The dissertation comprises three empirical papers, each addressing a critical research question. Paper 1 investigates the mediating role of disadvantaged neighborhoods in social assistance dependency in Sweden. Using Swedish register data, it identifies pathways linking early social assistance usage, neighborhood disadvantage, and long-term dependency. Results indicate that disadvantaged neighborhoods play a central mediating role, especially for individuals at high risk of early social assistance, highlighting the interplay of contextual and individual-level mechanisms. Paper 2 examines the relationship between homeownership and unemployment, exploring temporal dynamics and effect heterogeneity across migration backgrounds, education levels, and neighborhood characteristics. Employing advanced causal inference methods, the study finds that homeownership provides protective effects against unemployment, with stronger effects observed for immigrant homeowners. These findings underscore the nuanced, context-specific mechanisms underlying the homeownership-unemployment nexus. Paper 3 addresses the role of unmeasured confounders in neighborhood selection and broader sociological research. Through a scoping review and an expanded sensitivity analysis framework, this paper demonstrates the importance of assessing potential biases and alternative explanations in causal studies. It provides methodological guidance for evaluating the impact of unobservable processes across different empirical settings.

    Together, these papers as main cases advance analytical sociology by integrating statistical causal inference and mechanistic reasoning to provide robust, theory-driven explanations of complex social phenomena. By addressing unobservable processes and emphasizing evidential pluralism, this dissertation contributes to the development of more comprehensive and context-sensitive sociological insights.

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  • Disputation: 2025-02-14 13:00 Berzeliussalen, building 463, LinköpingBeställ onlineKöp publikationen >>
    Törnquist, Per
    Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för hälsa, medicin och vård, Avdelningen för diagnostik och specialistmedicin. Linköpings universitet, Medicinska fakulteten.
    Tracing Radioactive Contamination: A Case Study of a Research Facility and its Surrounding Marine Environment2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    This research examines the dynamics of radioactive discharges in brackish water ecosystems, emphasising their distribution and accumulation in the Baltic Sea in the vicinity of the Swedish nuclear research facility, Studsvik. Since 1959, Studsvik has produced liquid radioactive waste, which includes 60Co, 90Sr, 137Cs, 152Eu and different plutonium isotopes. The contaminated liquid waste undergoes purification at Studsvik's treatment facility. However, it is difficult to eliminate all radioactive substances, thus, the final liquid waste will carry significant amounts of radionuclides. Strictly controlled, aquatic dis-charges of radionuclides have been conducted, with documentation and over-sight from the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority.

    When creating risk assessments and dispersion models, knowledge about the environmental behaviour of different pollutants is essential.

    The aim of this thesis is to determine the faith of the discharges and to evaluate the reliability of the reported discharge data. For Paper I, sediment cores from the vicinity of Studsvik were collected and dated. Analysis of sediment cores indicated that notable quantities of 60Co, 137Cs, and 152Eu have been maintained in the closest bay, although a significant amount has also dispersed into the Baltic Sea. In Paper II, the total discharges of plutonium from Studsvik were reconstructed based on the plutonium in one dated core. The isotope signatures of 238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Pu, 242Pu, and 244Pu show the origin of the plutonium in the examined area and reveal traces of the Swedish nuclear program in the 1960s and 1970s.

    In Paper III, deposition maps were constructed to visualise the radionuclides' behaviour and mobility. The results suggest that cesium has the greatest mobility of the radionuclides studied. The studies also indicate that europium is less mobile compared to cobalt. Furthermore, the Chornobyl accident, 1986, continues to be the largest 137Cs source in the examined region.

    The upward transfer of local radioactive discharges through the food chain is of particular interest. In Paper IV, measurements were conducted on the skeletons of three white-tailed eagles, (Haliaeetus albicilla). The plutonium signature suggests that Global Fallout, GF, rather than local discharges, is the main source. The activity levels of 60Co, 137Cs, and 152Eu were below Minimal Detection Activity, MDA, while the activity level of 90Sr, was highest in the bones of an eagle found dead in northern Sweden.

    The results of this study highlight the importance of incorporating site-specific variables into risk assessments and dispersion models to improve emergency preparedness and environmental monitoring initiatives.

    1. On the use of dated sediments to investigate historical nuclear discharges
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>On the use of dated sediments to investigate historical nuclear discharges
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    2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: Marine Pollution Bulletin, ISSN 0025-326X, E-ISSN 1879-3363, Vol. 188, artikel-id 114637Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Studsvik, a Swedish nuclear research facility, has been releasing aquatic radioactive discharges in the Baltic Sea, through the bay Tva center dot ren, since 1959. The permissible discharge levels are regulated by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) but only information about 60Co, 137Cs, 152Eu, total alpha and beta activities were re-ported up to 2002. Since then, the reports cover most a more comprehensive set of radionuclides. In this context, the seabed can be utilized as a chronological archive to investigate historical Studsvik releases. To this end, 23 sediment cores covering the whole area of the bay were studied and 5 of them were dated using 210Pb-dating methods. Since the discharges from Studsvik contain both plutonium and caesium, neither can be used to validate the 210Pb-dating method. Instead, stable lead with maximum deposition, known to be dated to 1970, was used. Cobalt-60, 137Cs, and 152Eu depth distributions were studied from the dated sediment cores and compared with reported levels of aquatic discharges. The expected sediment 137Cs-peak from the fallout from the Chornobyl accident was however smeared out, indicating an ongoing inflow of 137Cs with the Baltic seawater. Our findings show that reported releases of aquatic discharges of 60Co and 152Eu are consistent with measured sediment activity distribution. The sediments from the deepest parts of Tva center dot ren, with intact chronology and with a high time resolution, are ideal for investigating historical nuclear discharges and can be a tool to investigate unreported radionuclide releases. Dated sediment can in this way be a tool for nuclear safeguards to evaluate past and present activities in nuclear facilities.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Baltic Sea; Radioactive discharges; 210Pb-dating; Nuclear facility; Sediment; Eu-152
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-192308 (URN)10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114637 (DOI)000927941400001 ()36731376 (PubMedID)

    Funding Agencies|Swedish Radiation Safety Authority

    Tillgänglig från: 2023-03-13 Skapad: 2023-03-13 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-15
    2. Plutonium Signatures in a Dated Sediment Core as a Tool to Reveal Nuclear Sources in the Baltic Sea
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Plutonium Signatures in a Dated Sediment Core as a Tool to Reveal Nuclear Sources in the Baltic Sea
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    2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: Environmental Science and Technology, ISSN 0013-936X, E-ISSN 1520-5851, Vol. 57, nr 5, s. 1959-1969Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Plutonium distribution was studied in an undisturbed sediment core sampled from the Tvaren bay in the vicinity of the Studsvik nuclear facility in Sweden. The complete analysis, including minor isotopes, of the Pu isotope composition (238Pu, 239Pu, oPu, 241Pu, 242Pu, and 244Pu) allowed us to establish the Pu origin in this area of the Baltic Sea and to reconstruct the Studsvik aquatic release history. The results show highly enriched 239Pu, probably originating from the Swedish nuclear program in the 1960s and 1970s and the handling of high burn-up nuclear fuel in the later years. In addition, the 244Pu/239Pu atomic ratio for the global fallout period between 1958 and 1965 is suggested to be (7.94 +/- 0.31)center dot 10-5. In the bottom layer of the sediment, dated 1953-1957, we detected a higher average 244Pu/239Pu ratio of (1.51 +/- 0.11)center dot 10-4, indicating the possible impact of the first US thermonuclear tests (1952-1958).

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Pu isotopes; plutonium-244; Baltic Sea; sediment; global fallout; Studsvik nuclear facility; radioactive liquid discharges; accelerator mass spectrometry
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-192194 (URN)10.1021/acs.est.2c07437 (DOI)000922166200001 ()36690010 (PubMedID)

    Funding Agencies|Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) [SSM2020-643]; Spanish Goverment (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci?n y Universidades) [PGC2018-094546-B-I00]

    Tillgänglig från: 2023-03-09 Skapad: 2023-03-09 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-15
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  • Disputation: 2025-02-21 13:00 ACAS, A-building, LinköpingBeställ onlineKöp publikationen >>
    Iacobaeus, Helena
    Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling, Statsvetenskap. Linköpings universitet, Filosofiska fakulteten.
    Please Handle with Discretion: Discretionary boundaries of street-level bureaucrats working for digital inclusion2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under snabba förändringar i en digital samtid uppstår behov av att förstå förändringar på mikronivå, nära medborgaren, där politik görs, upprepas och ibland subtilt förändras. Genom att studera hur närbyråkrater stödjer personer som behöver hjälp med digitala verktyg, bidrar denna avhandling till förståelsen av två sammanlänkade begrepp. För det första analyseras närbyråkraternas handlingsutrymme i olika digitaliserade miljöer där digitaliseringen lägger till lager till redan begränsande ramar och omständigheter. För det andra belyser avhandlingen de begränsande aspekterna av detta och utforskar begreppet den digitala buren. Detta begrepp bygger på Webers så kallade järnbur och syftar på exkluderande digital infrastruktur som bland annat kan begränsa handlingsutrymmet i närbyråkratin.

    Avhandlingen är baserad på närbyråkraternas dagliga erfarenheter och hur de ser på och hanterar sitt handlingsutrymme i arbetet för medborgarnas digitala inkludering. Deras beskrivningar av vad de kan och inte kan göra för medborgarna analyseras med hjälp av mikroinstitutionell teori med särskilt fokus på närbyråkratiteori. Sammanläggningsavhandlingen består av en kappa och fyra artiklar och fokuserar på närbyråkrati i olika miljöer, såsom skolor, bibliotek, socialtjänst, vuxenutbildning och arbetsmarknadsenheter. Forsknings-processen bygger på kvalitativa metoder och datainsamlingen består av intervjuer, enkätsvar och dokument från olika alltmer digitaliserade miljöer inom den svenska lokala närbyråkratin.

    De övergripande slutsatserna visar att närbyråkraterna upplever betydande förändringar av vad de gör och hur de gör det. De formar nya roller gentemot medborgare och anpassar sig till nya gränser. De gränser som ramar in handlingsutrymmet i de studerade miljöerna kan delas in i gränser relaterade till policy och ledning, färdigheter och åtkomst, uppfattningar om vad som är lämpligt samt digitala system och verktyg. Analysen visar att nya digitala gränser har en instängande effekt. Eftersom denna digitala bur begränsar handlingsutrymmet på nya sätt finns det ett behov av att utveckla och ytterligare analysera kompetenser och praxis i mikroinstitutionella miljöer. Det bör understrykas att den inburande effekten, i kombination med ambitiösa mål för digital inkludering, skapar frustration bland närbyråkrater eftersom de känner sig pressade att arbeta för en digital inkluderingsnivå som de kan se som omöjlig att uppnå.

    1. The Digital Cage Dilemma: How Street-Level Bureaucrats at Public Libraries are a Key for Digital Inclusion
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>The Digital Cage Dilemma: How Street-Level Bureaucrats at Public Libraries are a Key for Digital Inclusion
    2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: 22nd IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2023, Budapest, Hungary, September 5–7, 2023, Proceedings / [ed] Ida Lindgren, Csaba Csáki, Evangelos Kalampokis, Marijn Janssen, Gabriela Viale Pereira, Shefali Virkar, Efthimios Tambouris, Anneke Zuiderwijk, Cham, 2023, Vol. 14130, s. 64-79Konferensbidrag, Publicerat paper (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Ten percent of the Swedish population over the age of sixteen can be counted as digitally excluded. Many of them turn to public libraries for support with e.g. public e-services. As street-level bureaucrats, library staff can support citizens’ digital inclusion within the scope of their assignment and institutional framework. However, they face dilemmas when they encounter citizens with needs that fall partly outside this framework.

    According to a classic work of Weber, bureaucrats can be seen as locked in an iron cage of rules and norms. It could be argued that digitalization is changing the conditions in bureaucracies even further. As a complement to Weber’s iron cage, Peeters and Widlak described the disciplining logic of digital information architecture as a form of digital cage that can exclude citizens and frame the discretion of street-level bureaucrats.

    This article elaborates on the concept digital cage, built on the iron cage concept, to analyse how street-level bureaucrats cope with discretionary boundaries in their work for citizens’ digital inclusion. Based on an analysis of interviews with library staff at local centres for digital inclusion, policy documents and interviews with local politicians in charge of these centres, the study shows the relevance of the digital cage concept and that the use of new technologies changes and partly limits street-level discretion. However, it also shows that politicians allow library staff a considerable degree of freedom in their work, and that the centres’ focus on face-to-face meetings and entrepreneurial solutions is an asset for digital inclusion.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Cham: , 2023
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743, E-ISSN 1611-3349 ; 14130
    digital cage, iron cage, digital inclusion, street-level bureaucrats, discretionary boundaries
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-197046 (URN)10.1007/978-3-031-41138-0_5 (DOI)001313870000005 ()9783031411373 (ISBN)9783031411380 (ISBN)
    22nd IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2023, Budapest, Hungary, September 5–7, 2023
    Tillgänglig från: 2023-08-21 Skapad: 2023-08-21 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-07Bibliografiskt granskad
    2. Context matters—different entrepreneurial approaches among street‐level bureaucrats enhancing digital inclusion
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Context matters—different entrepreneurial approaches among street‐level bureaucrats enhancing digital inclusion
    2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: European Policy Analysis, E-ISSN 2380-6567, Vol. 9, nr 4, s. 379-396Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Digital technology is frequently used in the delivery of public services. Since not everyone has the skills or digital access required to use such digital services, street-level bureaucrats must find new ways to support citizens to be able to enhance digital inclusion. In most public settings, these new practices of digital support need to be developed in parallel with the street-level bureaucrats' ordinary assignments. This article analyses the development of street-level bureaucrats' entrepreneurial and innovative practices in promoting digital inclusion in two spheres: conventional welfare service provision and in a project-based welfare service provision initiative explicitly intended to enhance digital inclusion. The article builds on qualitative case studies in municipalities in Sweden and demonstrates that there are more openings for innovative, entrepreneurial solutions among street-level bureaucrats in the more project-based setting than in the conventional welfare services. This implies that context matters for street-level entrepreneurial approaches.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2023
    entrepreneurial approaches, street-level bureaucrats, digital inclusion, municipalities, Sweden
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-198932 (URN)10.1002/epa2.1197 (DOI)001095801300001 ()2-s2.0-85175706315 (Scopus ID)
    Forskningsrådet Formas

    Funding: We are grateful to all the informants that have experiences and reflections upon their work and to the national Digidel network. We also thank the Carl Bennett foundation and the research council FORMAS for generous funding to our research.; Carl Bennett foundation; research council FORMAS

    Tillgänglig från: 2023-11-03 Skapad: 2023-11-03 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-07Bibliografiskt granskad
    3. Digital Citizenship in the Institution Swedish Public Libraries: A Discursive Approach
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Digital Citizenship in the Institution Swedish Public Libraries: A Discursive Approach
    2025 (Engelska)Ingår i: Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2025, Vol. 58, s. 2237-2247Konferensbidrag, Publicerat paper (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper maps and unpacks the discursive construction of digital citizenship within the institution of public libraries in Sweden, situating it within the broader context of the nation’s digital government. By adopting a discursive approach, the paper responds to the scholarly call for nuanced theoretical insights into the evolving digital citizenship field and reflects upon how an analysis on digital citizenship can further our understanding of digital government. Data sources are the Swedish National Digitalization Strategy, the Swedish Library Act, and library staff interviews.

    Findings show active citizenship as a central idea in the discourse, placing high demands on individuals. In contrast to previous research, this study also finds ideas of a more inclusive citizenship. Finally, the findings show conflicts and ongoing negotiation of what digital citizenship, and thus digital citizens, ought to be, and point towards a need of deepening and questioning our understanding of digital government as inclusive.  

    digital citizenship, digital government, discourse theory, active citizenship, libraries
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-210958 (URN)10125/109115 (DOI)9780998133188 (ISBN)
    Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2025
    Forskningsrådet Formas, 2021-00824
    Tillgänglig från: 2025-01-16 Skapad: 2025-01-16 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-22
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  • Disputation: 2025-02-26 13:15 ACAS, A-building, LinköpingBeställ onlineKöp publikationen >>
    Yu, Youshan
    Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling, Projekt, innovationer och entreprenörskap. Linköpings universitet, Tekniska fakulteten.
    Managing Complex Intelligent Systems: The Coexistence of Generativity and Criticality2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are creating both opportunities and challenges. As AI-based solutions become increasingly integrated into complex systems that humans have designed to serve a variety of societal functions, such as critical infrastructure, these systems are becoming more intelligent. This evolution introduces a new landscape for their engineering and management and opens up exciting opportunities for both researchers and practitioners to explore the emerging phenomenon of these complex and increasingly intelligent systems.

    This thesis explores the combined demands of criticality and generativity in complex intelligent systems (CoIS). Many of these systems are critical, meaning they must meet stringent requirements for safety, reliability, robustness, and resilience. However, as AI and autonomous systems are integrated into these systems, the generative properties imply that systems evolve in ways that are difficult to predict or control. Generativity can pose challenges to the strict management of criticality, where control is often enforced to ensure the safe, reliable, or resilient functioning of these systems. This study explores these two seemingly contradictory dimensions—criticality and generativity—and their combined engineering and management implications in the emerging CoIS.

    The findings of this thesis are based on a case study of a WASP research arena in public safety (WARA-PS), where various AI-based solutions and autonomous systems are being researched and integrated. These research activities aim not only to contribute to public safety systems and applications, but also to impact other fields. The thesis draws on interviews, observations, and archival data of WARA-PS, supplemented by a second study involving key informant interviews on the development of autonomous vehicles.

    The contributions of this thesis are as follows. It provides engineering and management characterization of emerging CoIS, including their conceptualization, and implications for complexity and the changing role of system integrators, adding to the existing literature on complex systems. Furthermore, it addresses the engineering and management implications of combining generativity with criticality. The concept of “bounded generativity” is proposed as an approach to managing both criticality demands, and the unpredictable evolution introduced by generativity. Additionally, this thesis also provides insights into the impact of AI and autonomy on resilience, and the role of data in CoIS.

    1. AI in the Context of Complex Intelligent Systems: Engineering Management Consequences
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>AI in the Context of Complex Intelligent Systems: Engineering Management Consequences
    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: IEEE transactions on engineering management, ISSN 0018-9391, E-ISSN 1558-0040, Vol. 71, s. 6512-6525Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    As artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly integrated into the context of complex products and systems (CoPS), making complex systems more intelligent, this article explores the consequences and implications for engineering management in emerging complex intelligent systems (CoIS). Based on five engineering management aspects, including design objectives, system boundaries, architecting and modeling, predictability and emergence, and learning and adaptation, a case study representing future CoIS illustrates how these five aspects, as well as their relationship to criticality and generativity, emerge as AI becomes an integrated part of the system. The findings imply that a future combined perspective on allowing generativity and maintaining or enhancing criticality is necessary, and notably, the results suggest that the understanding of system integrators and CoPS management partly fundamentally alters and partly is complemented with the emergence of CoIS. CoIS puts learning and adaptation characteristics in the foreground, i.e., CoIS are associated with increasingly generative design objectives, fluid system boundaries, new architecting and modeling approaches, and challenges predictability. The notion of bounded generativity is suggested to emphasize the combination of generativity and criticality as a direction for transforming engineering management in CoPS contexts and demands new approaches for designing future CoIS and safeguard its important societal functions.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Artificial intelligence; Complex systems; Engineering management; Accidents; Technological innovation; Stakeholders; Safety; Artificial intelligence (AI); complex intelligent systems (CoIS); criticality; engineering management; generativity
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-193960 (URN)10.1109/TEM.2023.3268340 (DOI)000982501600001 ()2-s2.0-85159803879 (Scopus ID)

    Funding Agencies|Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program-Humanities and Society - Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation

    Tillgänglig från: 2023-05-22 Skapad: 2023-05-22 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-23
    2. Fluid Boundaries in Emerging Complex Intelligent Systems – System, Operational, and Organizational Perspectives
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Fluid Boundaries in Emerging Complex Intelligent Systems – System, Operational, and Organizational Perspectives
    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: IEEE Engineering Management Review, ISSN 0360-8581, E-ISSN 1937-4178, s. 1-12Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Epub ahead of print
    Abstract [en]

    Rapid developments in artificial intelligence (AI) are driving the evolution of complex products and systems (CoPS) into complex intelligent systems (CoIS). The introduction of AI implies generativity and increasingly fluid boundaries in such systems and presents challenges for organizations to control and manage systems that are safety critical. Building on a case study representing future CoIS, this paper explores fluid boundaries in CoIS, including approaches for navigating system criticality and generativity. The findings point to the relationship between fluid boundaries and a stable organizational and system core, along with a shared core mission. Together, they serve as a platform that enables both contributions from various constituent systems and dynamic reconfigurations of the overall system-of-systems (SoS). System criticality and generativity are navigated through setting bounds to generativity by checks and balances involving both human and AI, including safety requirements for constituent systems and overall human oversight. Such an approach extends beyond traditional system integration activities and alters the role of CoIS integrators.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    IEEE, 2024
    Organizations, Artificial intelligence, Fluids, Standards organizations, Navigation, System integration, Stakeholders, Public security, Process control, Logic
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Inbäddad systemteknik
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-211108 (URN)10.1109/EMR.2024.3503757 (DOI)

    This work was partially supported by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program - Humanity and Society (WASP-HS) program, funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation, grant number DNR MMW2019.0126.

    Tillgänglig från: 2025-01-23 Skapad: 2025-01-23 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-23Bibliografiskt granskad
    3. Resilience in emerging complex intelligent systems: A case study of search and rescue
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Resilience in emerging complex intelligent systems: A case study of search and rescue
    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, ISSN 0966-0879, E-ISSN 1468-5973, Vol. 32, nr 4, artikel-id e12626Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    As artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming part of complex systems and critical infrastructures, perspectives on resilience may need to be revisited. This paper focuses on the challenges and approaches in engineering design for achieving resilience in complex and increasingly intelligent systems (CoIS). Building on a case study of a system situated in the context of search and rescue (SAR) operations at sea as well as scenarios of SAR operations supported by AI solutions, it outlines challenges for organisational and engineering design in contexts where flexibility, adaptability, and high reliability are important. The findings point at resilience as a system property, made up of the constituent systems, their interaction and coordination in a system-of-systems framework. AI and autonomy in CoIS represent potentially a double-edged sword; while AI and autonomy contribute to system capabilities and resilience, they can also introduce limitations in terms of, for instance, confined operational envelopes. Achieving resilience in CoIS thus requires a holistic approach that considers constituent systems as well as their interplay, organisational factors, and the judicious balance of AI and human-based solutions.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    WILEY, 2024
    artificial intelligence; complex intelligent systems; constituent systems; resilience; search and rescue; system-of-systems
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Tvärvetenskapliga studier inom samhällsvetenskap
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-208430 (URN)10.1111/1468-5973.12626 (DOI)001326364800001 ()

    Funding Agencies|Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation; Autonomous Systems and Software Programme - Humanity and Society (WASP-HS) programme; [DNR MMW 2019.0126]

    Tillgänglig från: 2024-10-14 Skapad: 2024-10-14 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-23
    4. Data-driven Innovation or Innovation-driven Data Generation?
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Data-driven Innovation or Innovation-driven Data Generation?
    2023 (Engelska)Ingår i: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023Konferensbidrag, Publicerat paper (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    With the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), data-driven innovation has become a new paradigm in innovation management. As these solutions are increasingly integrated into complex, safety-critical systems, data becomes crucial in these contexts. However, safety-critical applications require high-quality and verified data in areas where sometimes only sparse data is available. This paper explores the role of data in these contexts and sheds light on data and innovation in complex intelligent systems (CoIS). The findings reveal that a lack of available data may hinder the innovation process and that the necessary training data must be generated through the innovation itself. The results thus show that the emerging data-driven innovation paradigm needs to be complemented with a focus on understanding innovation-driven data generation in the context of systems with safety-critical applications.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023
    2023 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), ISSN 2334-315X, E-ISSN 2693-8855
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Annan data- och informationsvetenskap
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-199498 (URN)10.1109/ICE/ITMC58018.2023.10332261 (DOI)9798350315172 (ISBN)9798350315189 (ISBN)
    2023 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 19-22 June, 2023
    Tillgänglig från: 2023-12-06 Skapad: 2023-12-06 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-23Bibliografiskt granskad
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  • Disputation: 2025-02-28 10:15 ACAS, LinköpingBeställ onlineKöp publikationen >>
    Kabel, Daan
    Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling, Logistik- och kvalitetsutveckling. Linköpings universitet, Tekniska fakulteten.
    Innovation within healthcare service ecosystems: Strategies for overcoming institutional conflicts2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [sv]

    Inom hälso- och sjukvård har medicinsk teknik en möjlighet att ge ny och användbar kunskap för både patienter och vårdpersonal. För att denna teknik ska kunna bli användbar måste den integreras i vårdens ekosystem, vilket påverkar ett stort antal aktörer. För att lyckas med integrationen av tekniken i vårdens ekosystem krävs koordinering och samarbete mellan vårdpersonal, politiska aktörer, beslutsfattare och privata marknadsaktörer. Att förstå de utmaningar som uppstår vid etableringen av teknik är avgörande för att aktörer ska kunna driva innovation inom vårdens ekosystem.

    Inom tjänsteforskning börjar innovation ofta med att insamling och förfining av idéer från ett brett spektrum av aktörer. Även om inkluderingen av detta breda urval av aktörer är avgörande för innovation, kan det också leda till institutionella konflikter, det vill säga spänningar och friktioner mellan aktörer på grund av konkurrerande eller ibland motsatta idéer. Dessa konflikter uppstår från flera institutionella logiker—djupt rotade normer, värderingar och attityder—som formar hur aktörerna förstår och införlivar idéer. Institutionella konflikter utgör således hinder att övervinna under innovationsprocessen; men i forskningen brukar de ofta förbises. Att studera dessa konflikter är därför särskilt viktigt, eftersom de i värsta fall kan bli så allvarliga att de blockerar innovation – etablerandet av teknik i form av ny kunskap – inom vårdens ekosystem. Denna avhandling bidrar till förståelsen av innovation som beaktar mångfalden av institutionella logiker inom vårdens ekosystem. Mer specifikt diskuterar denna avhandling institutionella konflikter och undersöker hur aktörer löser eller mildrar dessa. Aktörer som föreslår idéer för teknik, inklusive dess integration inom vårdens ekosystem, kan kategoriseras utifrån tre institutionella logiker: medicinsk, marknad och offentlig välfärd.

    Avhandlingens resultat diskuterar fem återkommande konflikter: olika tolkningar av teknik, motstridiga antaganden om medicinskt ansvar, spänningar i beslutsprocesser, juridiska utmaningar relaterade till resursägande och olika förväntningar på resursdelning. För att mildra eller lösa dessa konflikter identifieras fyra återkommande strategier: kompromiss, konfrontation, mobilisering och undvikande. Denna avhandling ger konkreta rekommendationer om hur institutionella konflikter som påverkar tjänsteinnovation i en hälso- och sjukvårdskontext kan hanteras effektivt. Avhandlingen presenterar viktiga bidrag till forskningen om tjänsteinnovation. Det första teoretiska bidraget är utvecklingen av en ny typologi av strategier för hur aktörer kan hantera konflikter. Det andra bidraget undersöker de faktorer som påverkar framgång eller misslyckande i konflikthantering och innovation inom vårdens ekosystem. Det praktiska bidraget riktar sig till beslutsfattare och politiska aktörer i vårdens ekosystem och hur de kan främja innovation.

    1. Capturing the voice of the customer: focus groups versus netnography?
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Capturing the voice of the customer: focus groups versus netnography?
    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, ISSN 1478-3363, E-ISSN 1478-3371, Vol. 35, nr 11-12, s. 1359-1377Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    The rapid growth, large volume, and easy access to publicly available netnographicdata have increased the need for understanding its potential in leveraging innovation.At the heart of quality management is a focus on customers and their needs, drivingthe innovation of products and services. In this study, we systematically comparenetnography and focus groups as research methods regarding their ability to capturevarious types of customer needs. This study makes four valuable contributions toquality management theory: (1) netnography and focus groups captures similarcustomer needs, (2) netnography provides clear need statements, which are rich andoverrepresented compared to focus groups, (3) both netnography and focus groupsare vulnerable to groupthink, where customers prioritize consensus; however, thiseffect is more evident in netnography, (4) netnography captures more needstatements about current product and service usage, while focus groups focus moreon past product and service usage

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    qualitative research; research methods; methodological comparison; user-generated content; innovation; customer needs
    Nationell ämneskategori
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-205658 (URN)10.1080/14783363.2024.2369592 (DOI)001257041500001 ()

    Funding Agencies|HELIX Competence Centre

    Tillgänglig från: 2024-06-28 Skapad: 2024-06-28 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-17
    2. Paradoxical tensions during industry 4.0 integration within health care: managing tensions for quality improvement
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Paradoxical tensions during industry 4.0 integration within health care: managing tensions for quality improvement
    2024 (Engelska)Ingår i: International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, ISSN 2040-4166, E-ISSN 2040-4174Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Epub ahead of print
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose – The integration of industry 4.0 has become a priority for many organizations. However, not allorganizations are suitable and capable of implementing industry 4.0 because it requires a dynamic andflexible implementation strategy. The implementation of industry 4.0 often involves overcoming severaltensions between internal and external stakeholders. This paper aims to explore the paradoxical tensions thatarise for health-care organizations when integrating industry 4.0. Moreover, it discusses how a paradox lenscan support the conceptualization and proposes techniques for handling tensions during the integration ofindustry 4.0.

    Design/methodology/approach – This qualitative and in-depth study draws upon 32 semi-structuredinterviews. The empirical case concerns how two health-care organizations handle paradoxical tensionsduring the integration of industry 4.0.

    Findings – The exploration resulted in six recurring technology tensions: technology invention(modularized design vs. flexible design), technology collaboration (automation vs. human augmentation),technology-driven patient experience (control vs. autonomy), technology uncertainty (short-termexperimentation vs. long-term planning), technology invention and diffusion through collaborative effortsamong stakeholders (selective vs. intensive collaboration) and technological innovation (market maintenancevs. disruption).

    Originality/value – A paradox theory-informed conceptual model is proposed for how to handle tensionsduring the integration of industry 4.0. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first paper to introduceparadox theory for quality management, including lean and Six Sigma.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Industry 4.0, Digitalization, Health care, Digital technology, Quality management, Strategy
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-202591 (URN)10.1108/ijlss-12-2023-0220 (DOI)001202473000001 ()
    Tillgänglig från: 2024-04-17 Skapad: 2024-04-17 Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-17
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