We present a technique for automatically verifying safety properties of concurrent programs, in particular programs that rely on subtle dependencies of local states of different threads, such as lock-free implementations of stacks and queues in an environment without garbage collection. Our technique addresses the joint challenges of infinite-state specifications, an unbounded number of threads, and an unbounded heap managed by explicit memory allocation. Our technique builds on the automata-theoretic approach to model checking, in which a specification is given by an automaton that observes the execution of a program and accepts executions that violate the intended specification. We extend this approach by allowing specifications to be given by a class of infinite-state automata. We show how such automata can be used to specify queues, stacks, and other data structures, by extending a data-independence argument. For verification, we develop a shape analysis, which tracks correlations between pairs of threads, and a novel abstraction to make the analysis practical. We have implemented our method and used it to verify programs, some of which have not been verified by any other automatic method before.
In recent years, we have designed a lightweight approach to regular model checking specifically designed for parameterized systems with global conditions. Our approach combines the strength of regular languages, used for representing infinite sets of configurations, with symbolic model checking and approximations. In this paper, we give a uniform presentation of several variations of a symbolic backward reachability scheme in which different classes of regular expressions are used in place of BDDs. The classification of the proposed methods is based on the precision of the resulting approximated analysis.
We address the problem of automatically establishing correctness for programs generating an arbitrary number of concurrent processes and manipulating variables ranging over an infinite domain. The programs we consider can make use of the shared variables to count and synchronize the spawned processes. This allows them to implement intricate synchronization mechanisms, such as barriers. Automatically verifying correctness, and deadlock freedom, of such programs is beyond the capabilities of current techniques. For this purpose, we make use of counting predicates that mix counters referring to the number of processes satisfying certain properties and variables directly manipulated by the concurrent processes. We then combine existing works on counter, predicate, and constrained monotonic abstraction and build a nested counter example based refinement scheme for establishing correctness (expressed as non-reachability of configurations satisfying counting predicates formulas). We have implemented a tool (Pacman, for predicated constrained monotonic abstraction) and used it to perform parameterized verification on several programs whose correctness crucially depends on precisely capturing the number of processes synchronizing using shared variables.
Demands for higher flexibility in aerospace applications has led to increasing deployment of reconfiguarble modules. In several cases the industry is looking into Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) as a means of efficient adaption of existing components. This paper addresses the safety analysis issues for reconfigurable modules with an emphasis on FPGAs. FPGAs act as digital hardware but in the context of safety analysis they should be treated as software, i.e. with added demands on formal analysis. The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, we illustrate a development process using a language with formal semantics (Esterel) for design, formal verification of high-level design, and automatic code generation down to synthesizable VHDL. We argue that this process reduces the likelihood of systematic (permanent) faults in the design, and still produces VHDL code that may be of acceptable quality (size of FPGA, delay). Secondly, in a general approach that is equally applicable to other formal design languages, we illustrate how the effect of transient fault modes and faults in external modules can be formally studied. We modularly extended the component design model with fault models that represent specific or random faults (e.g. radiation leading to bit flips in the component under design), and transient or permanent faults in the rest of the environment. Some faults corrupt inputs to the component and others jeopardise the effect of output signals that control the environment. This process supports a formal version of Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). The set-up is then used to formally determine which (single or multiple) fault modes cause violation of the top-level safety-related property, much in the spirit of fault-tree analyses (FTA). All of this is done with out building the fault tree and using a common model for design and for safety analyses. An aerospace hydraulic monitoring system is used to illustrate the analysis of fault tolerance. © Springer-Verlag 2004.